“Great Hill Gang” Meets in Weymouth (MA) on April 17, 2021

Great Hill Gang signThe “Great Hill Gang” will meet atop Great Hill in Weymouth, MA on Saturday, April 17, 2021. The group normally meets on the second Saturday of each month (weather allowing) at 9 AM.
[Note: April’s meeting will be held on the third Saturday, instead of the second.]
A recent gathering included 27 amateurs and two non-ham visitors.
They request that attendees observe social distancing and mask wearing. 
Possible frequencies for talk-in include:
  • 146.52 FM Simplex
  • 146.67- PL 146.2
  • 145.39- PL 67.0 (9 AM, K1USN Net)
  • 144.200 USB
  • 144.244 USB (specifically 11 AM – 11:30 AM)
Call out to “The Great Hill Gang” and someone will get back to you. N1KMX and K1UVH are possible callsigns to call when looking for directions.

Greater Bridgeport ARC Foxhunt, Trumbull/ Easton/Monroe, CT, April 10, 2021

Greater Bridgeport ARC loogoFrom GBARC Wiki:

On Saturday April 10th at 9 am we will have our monthly Foxhunt.  All members and non-members are invited to attend.  The purpose of the foxhunt is to track down a hidden transmitter and find some information, then relay that information according to the instructions on a sign where the fox is located.  DO NOT CONGREGATE or socialize with others.  Whenever possible remain safely in your car and stay a safe distance away from others.   You will be able to find the sign by the fox with the information from inside your car.  For more tips, see below the map.

The first person to locate the fox will receive a free pizza delivered to their home and 5 points.  All other participants will receive 3 points for locating the fox and 1 point for participating . Points will be tallied for the year, and at the end of the year prizes will be awarded to the top 3 hunters. [Full story]

YCCC Online Meeting, April 7, 2021

YCCC logoThe Yankee Clipper Contest Club will hold an online meeting on Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 7 PM.

Social Time 6:30PM – 7PM
Meeting begins promptly at 7PM
-New SDR by N1DID
-WRTC Swag info by K5KG – N.A. Representative for WRTC-2022
-Station Tour by W1GD

[For meeting information, contact Charlie Morrison, N1RR, at n1rr -at- n1rr -dot- com.]

K9HI: “ARRL Update” at Blackstone Valley ARC (RI) & K1USN Radio Club (E.MA)

ARRL logoARRL New England Division Vice Director Phil Temples, K9HI, will be the featured speaker at two ARRL affiliated clubs this week.

Phil will present to the Blackstone Valley (RI) Amateur Radio Club on March 29, 2021. On March 30, K9HI will co-present with Eastern MA Section Manager Tom Walsh, K1TW, at the K1USN Radio Club about ARRL.

Zoom details for the Blackstone Valley meeting can be obtained by emailing Judson Mitstock, W1JMZ at judson@w1jmz.net. For K1USN Radio Club meeting details, contact “Pi” Pugh, K1RV, at k1rv@arrl.net 



Maine Ham Radio Society YouTube Channel Features Quality Ham Radio Podcasts

Maine Ham Radio Society logoA Maine amateur has created some excellent video podcasts for the Maine Ham Radio Society’s YouTube channel.

Phil Duggan, N1EP, of Milbridge, Maine, has produced four episodes so far: “Soldering & Kit Building is Fun!”, “Morse Code, Straight Keys, Portable Ops & More!”, “The Maine Seagull Net,” and “MHRS RadioActive.”

N1EP is the District 3 Assistant Section Manager in Maine. He serves as president and secretary of the Maine Ham Radio Society.

New England ACC Group Meeting Recap, March 27, 2021

ARRL Affiliated Club logoThe New England Affiliated Club Coordinator group met on March 27, 2021 via Zoom to discuss issues of mutual interest to the field organization in the various New England sections.

About a dozen field organization volunteers—Section Managers, Assistant Section Managers, and Affiliated Club Coordinators—representing Maine, Vermont, Eastern & Western Massachusetts, and Connecticut were present for the 90 minute call. The meeting was chaired by Connecticut ACC Ed Snyder, W1YSM.

Agenda items included: the impact of COVID-19 on clubs and hamfests; a review of recent virtual state conventions in Vermont and Maine; possible joint club activities, including the upcoming 2022 “Big E” ham project by Larry Krainson, president of the Hampden County (MA) Radio Association; review of an outline by Tom Walsh, K1TW, for an upcoming QST article highlighting the importance of affiliated clubs; and a report on the newly formed ARRL Field Organization Working Group by Vice Director Phil Temples, K9HI. 

The group meets monthly and conducts business between meetings via a groups.io mailing list.

K9EID: “Optimizing Your Station” at Meriden (CT) ARC, March 25, 2021

Meriden ARC logoThe Meriden (CT) Amateur Radio Club welcomes legendary audio expert Bob Heil, K9EID, as our Activities Meeting guest speaker next Thursday, 3/25/21 at 7:30PM Eastern Time.

All Connecticut Hams are cordially invited to attend the Zoom Meeting.  Bob’s name is synonymous with high-quality ham radio audio, and he will speak on “Optimizing Your Station.”

Whether you’re newly (or even not yet) licensed or a long time veteran, you’re sure to learn something.

Here is the Zoom link:


Please advertise this to interested parties and club members.

Hampden County (MA) RA Begins “New Ham Net”

Hampden Co RA logoKen Dion, KD1KU, writes on the HCRA mailing list:

The Hampden County Radio Association hosts a New Ham Net every Thursday evening at 7 pm on the W1BR repeater in Holyoke, MA, 146.715 (negative offset) with a PL tone of 100.0.

This Net is geared towards helping new hams get over mic shyness, proper operating procedure or with any questions they may have regarding any aspect of the hobby in a relaxed and friendly environment.

The new ham net is only open to NEW hams who have received their licenses within the last 5 years, hams that have returned to the hobby recently and all HCRA members. Net control is Gary, KC1JZR who is a newer ham himself.

As HCRA members please support this net by stopping by to say hello! Netlogger is used during this net and can be downloaded free at https://www.netlogger.org (not required),

If you are a new ham or know someone licensed during the last 5 years and can access the 146.715 repeater please join us on Thursdays at 7 pm!

73, Ken – KD1KU

New England ACC Group Meets Online, February 14, 2021

ARRL Affiliated Club logoAffiliated Club Coordinators, Section Managers, and other section staff from New England met on Sunday, February 14, 2021 to discuss the status of ARRL affiliated radio clubs and to share ideas on improving them. Dubbed “New England ACC” or NEACC, the group plans to hold quarterly meetings. They’ve established a groups.io listserv for discussion in between meetings. 

Attending yesterday’s session were:

  • Ed, W1YSM-ACC, Connecticut
  • Phil, K9HI-Vice Director, New England
  • Tom, K1TW-SM, Eastern MA
  • Ray, KB1LRL, SM, Western MA
  • Bruce, K1BG-ACC, Eastern MA
  • Cory, KU1U-ASM, Maine
  • Gil, WK1H-ACC, Western MA
  • Charles, N1CAI-ACC, Vermont

Minutes will soon be distributed on the listserv. To join the group, contact NEACC Chair Ed Snyder, W1YSM, at <w1ysm@arrl.net>.

SKYWARN Certification Class at Newport County (RI) Radio Club, February 8, 2021

SKYWARN logoThe Newport County (RI) Radio Club, along with RI ARES, are pleased to offer a full SKYWARN Certification class, presented by Rob Macedo, KD1CY, who is the ARES SKYWARN Coordinator for NWS Boston/Norton, Massachusetts.  This class will take two hours to complete.  Please note, even if you have been certified in the past, it is recommended that you repeat the class every 2-3 years.

The class will begin at 7:30 PM on February 8th.  There is no charge for the class, but you must register beforehand.  Please register using this link as quickly as possible as space is limited:  https://forms.gle/uUHducXbJDjswCFeA.

“I have sent invitations to all our club members, as well as RI ARES, and 31 people have signed up for the class so far,” writes Newport County RC President Bob Beatty, WB4SON. “We are now happy to open up the class to others, but are limited to only 100 participants for our Zoom meeting.  […] I believe we can allow another 50 people to join the meeting.”