ARRL CT Section NCS Operator Training Workshop, Newington CT, February 1, 2025

Douglas Sharafanowich, WA1SFH, writes on the CT-ARES mailing list:CT ARES logo

What:   Net Control Station Operator Training Workshop

Date:   Saturday, February 1, 2025

Time:   0830 – 1200  

Place: Newington Volunteer Fire Dept. – Company #1, 1485 Main Street, (Cross Street: Centerwood Road), Newington,  CT

The ARRL CT Section is excited to announce its upcoming, in-person, Net Control Station (NCS) Operator Training Workshop.

Target Audience:
Members of ARES*, Skywarn, the National Traffic System (NTS), and other Hams wanting to build more skills.

–  This comprehensive, fast paced, hands-on workshop is designed to not only to give attendees the foundational training they need to start conducting a Radio Net successfully, but also to provide “a refresher” for experienced Net Control Station Operators.

Be Part of our NCS Operator Team!

Don’t Miss it!


Pre-Workshop Reading Assignment

Please read “The First 15 Minutes” presentation, and write down your observations.

We will begin the Workshop with a discussion of what happened, focusing on:
The Good, The Bad, and THE UGLY.




* ARES members

This workshop prepare you for the ARES Emergency Communicator Individual Task Book – Level 2 Participation requirement: “Serve as Net Control”


Western MA ARES Simulated Emergency Test, November 10, 2024

WMA Section logoFrom

The Western Massachusetts Section will be holding a Simulated Emergency Test next month.  The tentative date is Sunday, 10 November though that is subject to change.  The test will involve stations reporting damage after a severe storm and flooding.

Further information will follow on the WMA ARES email list and on normally scheduled WMA ARES nets.

Thanks and 73,
Chuck Chandler WS1L
WMA ARES Section Emergency Coordinator

Connecticut Section Simulated Emergency Test, October 26, 2024

CT ARES logoPhil Crombie, K1XFC, writes:
As I’ve been announcing on the Sunday night analog and DMR ARES nets, the Connecticut SET will take place on Saturday October 26 from 0900 to 1200 hours.  The purpose of the SET is to engage as many ARES members as possible in testing their emergency communications capabilities.  We do this following a probable scenario that could impact Connecticut.  Last year was a hurricane with information that built up during the week before the test.  On SET Saturday we tested VHF, UHF, HF and digital communications modes.  We also activated a number of local EOCs.  Details on this years scenario will be provided as we get closer to October 26; thirty days from today.
The purpose of this email is to get the event on your calendars and to encourage everyone to set aside the time to participate.
More information to follow.

Phil Crombie, Jr., K1XFC
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC)
Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)
Connecticut Section
Cell: 860-338-6332

CNHARC Receives Repeater System Donation

CNH ARC bannerCNHARC President Rick Zach, KK1RZ, writes:
[The Central New Hampshire Amateur Radio Club] has received a donation of a replacement UHF repeater system at the summit of Gunstock. Thank you K1IW!
In fact, all three CNHARC Gunstock repeater systems are being completely replaced in a phased in approach,  6m, 2m & UHF.
Part of that system replacement  includes a simplex, frequency-agile 2m “remote base”.  These are very popular in California but are somewhat new to the New England mindset.  I am aware that ARES has been looking for a central high site for simplex use to connect to other state regions during past drills.
That remote-base capability will exist within the next month or so with more technical details to follow. But in a nutshell, once activated on demand, the state net control station only accesses the 2m remote base via UHF as required by FCC rules. This will be a hub and spoke system with all area representatives of the state communicating to net control on 2m simplex using your pre-arranged ARES simplex freq as you always have in the past. The end user experience  is not changed.  The only operational difference is that the “high site” is now VERY high. So this in no way changes your statewide simplex model.
You can use the Gunstock 2m repeater (recently replaced) to roughly gauge the coverage of the 2m remote base.  
146.985 -600  PL-123.0
Please send me your ARES 2m simplex frequencies of choice so that we may program the 2m remote base accordingly.  
CNHARC has 100% new leadership with a very different, open culture. In fact we call it “CNHARC 2.0” and the remote base is part of that new culture.

ARES, POTA “Go Box” Show and Tell at Nutmeg Hamfest, Meriden CT, October 13, 2024

Douglas Sharafanowich, WA1SFH, writes on the ct-ares mailing list:

WHAT: ARES and POTA “GO BOX” Show and Tell

DATE: Sunday, October 13, 2024

HOURS: 8:30 am – 10:30 am


Maloney High School
121 Gravel Street Meriden, CT 06450

Open to ALL Hams

A Perfect excuse to “Get Organized” to “Go Portable”!
– Make Portable operations less of a hastle and chore.
– Eliminate the last minute hunting for gear before leaving.
– Banish the frustration of not having what you need at the operating site… because it is still back at the home QTH.
Note: For many hams on a budget, their “Go Box” does “double duty” as their Home Station.

The “Go Box” is probably the best way to organize your radio equipment for those times when you want to (or need to) “Grab-‘n-Go” for Portable Operations such as:
– Public Service Events
– ARES Drills/Exercises
– Real World Disasters
– Parks On The Air activations
– Day Trips to: the Park, Beach, Woods, or… the In-Laws.
– Weekend Get-Aways
– Vacations

Don’t Have a “Go Box”? BUILD ONE!
You can build/assemble your own “Go Box” in less than one day, and it will probably better than my Proof of Concept example.

Your creative design and build may be exactly the thing that get someone else to build his own “Go Box”… or modify their existing “Go Box”.

Come with your “Go Box” to the Nutmeg Hamfest for Display, Judging, and Awards or Show & Tell

– Best ARES VHF/UHF “Go Box”
This will include Voice and Digital/Data capability (Winlink, “Classic” Packet Radio)

– Best ARES HF “Go Box”
This will include Voice and Digital/Data Capability (Winlink/HFVARA)

– Best ARES VHF/UHF/HF “Go Box”
This will include Voice and Digital/Data capability for each radio as appropriate.
(VHF/UHF Winlink, VHF/UHF “Classic” Packet Radio, Winlink/HF VARA)

– Best POTA 100w (max)  radio “Go Box” *

– Best POTA QRP “Go Box” *

* Where POTA “Go Box” includes: Cases, Backpacks, Camera Bags, etc.


SKYWARN Training Session, Wallingford CT, June 6, 2024

Meriden ARC logoSKYWARN logoThe Meriden Amateur Radio Club (W1NRG) is pleased to announce W1NRG & the National Weather Service, Upton, NY (OKX) is holding a FREE in-person three-hour SKYWARN Training Session.


Thursday Wallingford Public Library (Community Room)
200 N Main Street
Wallingford, CT 06492

7:00 -10:00 pm
June 6th, 2024

Go to SKYWARN icon in lower left corner. Click on SKYWARN Training Schedule. Chose in-person event and fill out on-line form.

This program is free and open to the public – you do NOT need to be a licensed amateur radio operator. Registration will be limited to 125 attendees.

President, W1NRG
Wallingford Amateur Radio Group/Meriden Amateur Radio Club
ARRL CT Affiliated Club Coordinator
EC SKYWARN NH/Middlesex Counties

Vermont ARRL Field Organization Signs MOU With American Red Cross

Photo of Paul Gayet, AA1SU shaking hands with American Red Cross representative following MOU signingVermont Section Manager Paul Gayet, AA1SU, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the American Red Cross.

According to Paul, “We are just the second state in the union to do so.”

The document is endorsed with the signatures of Vermont’s Section Manager and the American Red Cross Regional Disaster Officer for Vermont.


Winter Field Day: “A Great Opportunity to Practice ARES Groups’ Emergency Preparedness”

Winter Field Day Association logoJack Ciaccia, WMØG, Assistant Director, EmComm and Public Service writes on the NE-ECAPS mailing list:

This month, we have a great opportunity to practice our ARES groups’ Emergency Preparedness. The Winter Field Day Association promotes emergency operating preparedness, particularly in the challenging winter months characterized by freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and other hazards that pose unique operational obstacles. The primary objective of Winter Field Day, along with its fundamental principles, is addressing the unpredictability of natural disasters, which can occur unexpectedly. Your training and operational skills must extend beyond fair-weather scenarios, as preparedness is crucial for a professional and timely response to any event.

This event occurs from 19:00 UTC on Saturday, January 27 until Sunday, January 28th, at 18:59.

It’s important to note that Winter Field Day is an emergency communications (EmComm) exercise, so while the rules are significant, the total points accrued are not the primary focus. The knowledge gained during Winter Field Day and the ability to adapt and overcome unexpected obstacles will prove invaluable during emergencies. Participants should prioritize testing their abilities and equipment over chasing contacts or points. When you engage in signal report exchanges, provide accurate signal report information to help the other station assess the effectiveness of their setup. For those who share the commitment to emergency communications, Winter Field Day offers a challenging yet exciting and rewarding experience that aligns with your dedication to this critical aspect of amateur radio.

This year, you’ll observe a shift from “Bonus Points” to “Objectives;” your goal should be to achieve as many objectives as possible during the event.

The New England Division’s ARES group’s goals should include participating from your State EOC and making at least one contact with each New England State EOC via some mode and frequency. I will leave the frequency and modes to each section’s ARES SEC to coordinate.

    •   Any mode is usable during this exercise except FT8 and FT4 modes.
    •   All frequencies, except for the WARC bands, can be used.
    •   One hundred watts is the maximum power level for this event.
    •   Six hours of continuous operation from each participating station.
    •   Running your station at home or in the field from an emergency power source during the exercise.
    •   Operating from an outdoor location and perhaps doubling as a POTA/SOTA activation.

The rules are available at:

Above all, enjoy the Winter Field Day experience. Discuss the temperature, forge new connections, and create lasting memories as you refine your skills as an amateur radio operator.

You must register your Winter FD operation at:

Jack Ciaccia WM0G
Asst Dir., NE EMCOMM and Public Services

FEMA Region 1 Winlink Testing

FEMA Region 1 will begin conducting monthly Winlink tests starting January 2024. The purpose of this test is to exercise the Regional PACE plan, Winlink is part of the “Emergency” category of the plan. We would like to include Amateur Radio and SHARES stations in New England in this test. Here are the details:

Testing Procedure: Each month FEMA Region 1 Disaster Emergency Communications Branch will generate a Winlink message to participating stations. The message will be sent via Winlink through an Amateur Radio or SHARES gateway. The message will contain simple instructions on how to reply – which form to use, information requested, response time, etc. The receiving stations will reply to FEMA Region 1 via Winlink with the requested information within a set timeframe. The date and time of the monthly test will vary.

Participating Stations – Open to Amateur Radio or SHARES stations in New England. Stations must have Winlink capability and a valid Winlink email address. Participating operators should be aware that this test is conducted without announcement, so it is important that Winlink messages are checked regularly.

How to Sign Up – Stations wishing to participate can sign up online at

Please feel free to share the above information with those who may be interested in participating. Any questions, let me know.



Mike Corey
Emergency Management Specialist | Disaster Emergency Communications
Response Division | FEMA Region I
Cell: 202.704.9853
Federal Emergency Management Agency

CT ARES Training Class Offerings

ARES logoConnecticut DEC Douglas Sharafanowich, WA1SFH, writes on the ct-ares mailing list:

HAPPY Thanksgiving Day. As you relax today, here is serious question to ask yourself…


GET ARES TRAINED (Registration info Below)

ARES has advanced into the 21st Century, and new skills and capabilities are required to meet the needs of the day.
As a result, ALL ARES members are now being requested to complete the national ARES Individual Operator Task Book: LEVEL 1 & LEVEL 2.
And, for those interested in Leadership positions, to complete LEVEL 3.

PRACTICAL Encouragement
In order to assist ARES members in meeting some of the KEY requirements and help be better prepared for a BLACK SKY event (i.e.; “The Next BIG ONE”), a series of FREE monthly Training Classes (on Saturdays) are being held in Region 2.

Training Classes being Offered (details below)
• Introduction to VHF Winlink (Part 1)……………. Dec. 2, 2023
• Introduction to VHF Winlink (Part 2)…………… Jan. 13, 2024
• Introduction to FEMA Message Forms…………. Feb. 3, 2024
• Introduction Net Control Station Operations…… March 2, 2024
• Introduction to HF Winlink……………………….. April 6, 2024

When: Saturday Mornings (8 am to 11.30 am)
Where: Various locations in Region 2

Training Classes (Details)
These classes include basic concepts, but more importantly also focus on helping you become functional in each area… IF YOU DO YOUR PART.

Introduction to VHF Winlink (Part 1)
Date: Dec. 2
Where: Guilford Fire Department
390 Church St., Guilford

In this Class you will learn about Winlink, How to Set-Up Winlink on your computer, and How to send messages via TELNET. You will also learn what you will need to bring with you to “PART 2” in order to send messages via RF using your VHF/UHF radio.

Your laptop/notebook computer (Windows preferred) with Winlink loaded onto it, a paper Notepad, pencils/pens

Introduction to VHF Winlink (Part 2)
Date: Jan. 13
Where: North Haven Fire Dept. Company #4
366 Washington Ave., North Haven

During this Class, you will connect your computer and radio to an antenna to send Packet Winlink messages over the air through a local WINLINK GATEWAY, and do Winlink P-2-P (Peer to Peer) messaging.

Your laptop/notebook computer, your VHF/UHF mobile radio (5-50 watts), 12v Power supply (Battery, or AC/DC with short ext. cord), connecting cables, Computer to Radio Interface: Terminal Node Controller (TNC), or a Sound Card Interface (SCI) with a TNC Emulator loaded on your computer, and a mag mounted VHF/UHF antenna with a metal pizza plate/baking plate, paper for notes, pencils/pens.

With Christmas rapidly approaching, best to tell Santa to bring you the gear you need for this class.

Introduction to FEMA Message Forms

Introduction to FEMA Forms
Date: Feb 3
Where: Quinnipiac Valley Health District
1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven

You need to know what Forms our “served agencies” are using, where to find them in Winlink and how to send them. During this class you will be introduced to the common forms that are in use, and send a few via TELNET.

Your laptop/notebook computer with Winlink loaded (and set-up), paper for notes, pencils/pens.

Introduction Net Control Station Operations
– Basic skills in running an efficient Net, plus tips for Staying Organized when the SHTF.
Date: March 2
Where: Quinnipiac Valley Health District
1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven

I have heard it said that in the USMC: ‘Every Marine a Rifleman’.

In ARES: Every ARES operator is a Net Control Station Operator

Imagine this:
One day, the situation will arise when you will be thrust into taking over a Communications Net as a Primary or Reliever Net Control Station operator.
– It will be at this exact moment that you will wish you had been at this class and taken advantage of periodically practicing the skills during CT ARES weekly Nets.
THIS IS IMPORTANT – Don’t miss it!

Your laptop/notebook Computer, a paper Notepad, pencils/pens

Introduction to HF Winlink
– You need to send Winlink messages, but no working VHF Winlink Gateway is nearby.
Date: April 6
Where: North Haven Fire Dept. Company #4
366 Washington Ave., North Haven

GOT General, Advanced, Extra license? Then, this class is for YOU!

In this class you will learn how to send HF Winlink messages successfully and practice sending a few over the air.

Your computer, connecting cables, a 100 watt HF radio, 12v Power Supply (Battery or AC/DC with ext. cord), a Sound Card Interface (SCI) if not built-in to the HF Radio, paper for Notes, pencils/pens.

HINT #2 (Repeat)
With Christmas rapidly approaching, best tell Santa bring you the gear you need for this class.

Bottom Line
If you are serious about getting the training you need to be effective in ARES, then you need to make the decision to do it.



* Reservations ARE Required
– If you just show up without a reservation, don’t expect that there will be space for you.

Please register using the Google Sheets document (link below).
Enter your information and put a “1” in each class you will attend.
(The program automatically SAVES your input. So, just close the page to exit.)
I will confirm you Reservations with a reply email.

73, Douglas Sharafanowich – WA1SFH
ARES District Emergency Coordinator (DEC)
Region 2 – Connecticut Section
email: wa1sfh “at” arrl “dit” net