VE Team Members Use ExamTools at Windsor, Maine Hamfest, September 7, 2024

Cory Golob, KU1U, writes:

VE Kit used at Windsor ME hamfest
(L-R): ARRL VE team liaison Joe Devonshire, AB1YO and Maine Assistant Section Manager Cory Golob, KU1U, showing off their VE “Go Kit” at the recent Windsor, Maine Hamfest.

Maine is adopting change and getting prepared for when the ARRL VEC moves to exam tools by 2026. A group of Volunteer Examiners moved toward this goal at the Windsor Maine hamfest on September 7th.

We held a test session for walk-ins where four applicants took their test using tablets and the examtools interface. Ahead of the session, the examiners signed up for an examtools account and learned the process the day of the hamfest.

All applicants who arrived for their exam had already signed up for an FRN, which helped expedite the process since it is required for testing. Next, the applicants registered to take an exam, which was created in the system for the Windsor Hamfest. Once they filled out the form online, they were placed in the session queue. The applicant was then given a Kindle Fire tablet with examtools on it to use for the exam.  After verifying their ID, they were asked to verify their information listed from when they registered (most importantly their email address). The next step was to enter the session identifier and pin number.  After clicking on join test session, examiners were briefed on “action items” and how to complete them.  Examiners must complete an action item to admit an applicant into the exam, provide them with an exam, and grade an exam. Each action requires the examiner to enter their password, validating it is them performing the action.

The applicant navigates a continuous webpage on the tablet with 35 (or 50) questions. They select their multiple choice answer and continue on to the next question. If they skip a question, an orange dot with the question number populates in the upper left hand corner of the screen. The applicant can click on the dot to be brought to the missed question instead of scrolling back to it. Once they are ready for grading, they click on the “grade exam” button. The VE will perform the action item and it scores immediately.  The applicant then has a chance to take the next element if they would like or they can finish by signing their documentation on the tablet.

Once all of the examiners are in agreement, they electronically sign the CSCE which is then emailed to the applicant. They are marked complete by the coordinator and when all people have finished testing, the session is finalized, the two files for the VEC are downloaded and submitted. It is quite the streamlined process.

Additionally, examiners can watch the progress of the applicant as they are taking their test; A blue line progresses as an applicant answers questions. This new process was well received by the examiners and they went from being timid at first to being very excited to operate this way during the next exam session.  

A big thank you to all of examiners and observers who showed up at the Windsor Hamfest: Joe Devonshire, AB1YO; Peter Bither, AI1O; Karl Richards, K1KSR; Gabriel Zacchai, KC1OJR; Dustin Hinds, N1HN; Michael Courtenay, W1MLC; John Oakes, WC1G; Paul Leonard, KE6PIJ; and Martin Brown, KC1PKQ. A special thank you to Stephen Hutchings, WM7X, for mentoring and helping us all, especially with the behind-the-scenes work and Robert Latlippe, NC1RL, for the use of the testing kit which contained the tablets, laptop, and calculators. We appreciate Maine Section Manager Phil Duggan, N1EP, as well as New England Division Director Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, and Assistant New England Director Anita Kemmerer, AB1QB, stopping by to witness this event.

Do You Have Your Ham Radio Estate in Order?

Estate Planning workbook imageThe ARRL Estate Planning Workbook is a resource to guide you through developing a plan to handle your amateur radio estate:

  • How to handle your station and its many assets
  • Exploring your desire to leave behind a legacy by which fellow hams can remember you
  • Using part or all of your station assets to support amateur radio causes

Planning in advance will help your family or friends. Creating YOUR plan can be a simple, fulfilling way to share your commitment to amateur radio with future generations.

ARRL’s Teachers Institute 2024 Now Accepting Applications

ARRL Teachers Institute logoThe ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology is a donor-funded professional development program designed to help classroom teachers elevate their STEM programs through the use of wireless technology. As a part of the ARRL Education & Technology Program, several sessions are conducted each year, and the program continues to grow.Teachers Institute is filled with lectures, hands-on activities, and demonstrations to inspire teachers so they can inspire their students through the use of tools and strategies to introduce basic electronics, radio science, satellite communications, Amateur Radio, radio direction finding (fox hunting), weather science, microcontrollers, and electronic sensors to their students. Teachers are provided with the equipment needed to take wireless technology to their classrooms. If you, or someone you know, would like to support ARRL’s mission to elevate STEM programs in schools, click here: DONATE TODAY or contact the ARRL Development Office at (860)594-0291

Nashua Area Radio Society Spring 2024 License Classes

The Nashua Area Radio Society will be giving license classes for all levels this winter and spring.  The classes will be online via Zoom web conferencing and will include an online exam session at the end of the class.  Here is the schedule:

  • Technician Class:  Saturday and Sunday, February 17th and 18th
  • General Class: Saturday and Sunday, March 16th and 17th
  • Extra Class: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, April 19th, 20th, and 21st.

You can find more information at


PART CW Training and Kit Purchase

PART of Westford logoPART of Westford (MA) President George Allison, K1IG, writes:

The Police Amateur Radio Team (PART) of Westford, MA, is getting ready for Field Day (only five months away!), and one of the things we’re doing is CW training. We’ll be running a course for CW newbies (probably using the CWOps curriculum), and our members show a lot of interest in learning.

We’ve also made a bulk purchase of Morserino kits for our members. If you haven’t seen a Morserino, it’s quite a gadget, incorporating a keyer, display, code reader, touch paddles, speaker, CW trainer, and LoRa transceiver. It’s about the easiest kit you’ll ever build; one hour is all it took me, and it worked the first time!

If bought individually through the Morserino website, these keyers are about $100 with free shipping (very slow, through the post office with no tracking), or about $130 with DHL shipping (about 5 days from Austria, with tracking). Since we ordered 20 kits, Morserino gave us a bulk discount, so the kits, with DHL shipping, cost $94 each. Shipping in bulk accounted for much of the savings: shipping one kit via DHL is $30, shipping 20 kits was $72. PART has a kit-building fund that subsidized some of the cost, so we offered the kits to members for $50 each, and they quickly sold. 

Other clubs may want to make a bulk purchase. It takes at least 14 to get a discount, and I found that corresponding directly with the head of Morserino ( about a bulk purchase is more effective than ordering through the website. If one club can’t get enough orders, perhaps several clubs can get together.

I was surprised by the interest in CW, especially among the newer hams and the “no-code Extras,” and I’m looking forward to fights in the Field Day CW tent for operating time!

ARRL is New Publisher of Gordon West, WB6NOA

Gordon West, WB6NOAARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® has become the new publisher of the Amateur Radio License Preparation books and related resources authored by Gordon West, WB6NOA. Gordon West’s popular books, classes, and audio courses have been a mainstay of amateur radio licensing for over 40 years. Generations of hams have learned from ‘Gordo’, and now the impact of his knowledge and experience will continue with the reach and resources of ARRL. [full story]

Amateur Extra Course Offered by Massabesic (ME) Adult and Community Education Beginning February 8, 2024

Massabesic Adult Ed logoThe Massabesic Adult and Community Education Center is offering an Amateur Extra course at its facilities in Waterboro, Maine, beginning February 8, 2024. A “Beginner and Intermediate Electronic Soldering and Kit building course will also be offered later in April.

For more information, see the Wireless Society of Southern Maine (WS1SM) blog page at: <>. 

Hampden County (MA) RA Technician License Class Begins January 13, 2024

HCRA classFrom the Hampden County (MA) Radio Association ZERO BEAT, January 2024:

Most likely, if you’re reading this, you already have your license and know all the fun and excitement that your very first amateur radio technician class license has brought you.

If you know of anyone who is interested in achieving this goal in life, have them register using the link be- low and fill out the form to get their name on the list for this FREE technician license class next January.

The list of applicants is filling up quickly, so don’t wait too long to get your name or the name of the person who wants to get their license on the form by following the link below and filling out the required information. Choose between in person classes or online Zoom classes!

This class is free; you are only required to buy the license manual. Register using the form found by clicking on the link below.

Register today by visiting: <>.

[The class starts the second Saturday in January and will continue for four weeks and one week of review. The sessions will be from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM.]