Hampden County (MA) RA Technician License Class Begins January 13, 2024

HCRA classFrom the Hampden County (MA) Radio Association ZERO BEAT, January 2024:

Most likely, if you’re reading this, you already have your license and know all the fun and excitement that your very first amateur radio technician class license has brought you.

If you know of anyone who is interested in achieving this goal in life, have them register using the link be- low and fill out the form to get their name on the list for this FREE technician license class next January.

The list of applicants is filling up quickly, so don’t wait too long to get your name or the name of the person who wants to get their license on the form by following the link below and filling out the required information. Choose between in person classes or online Zoom classes!

This class is free; you are only required to buy the license manual. Register using the form found by clicking on the link below.

Register today by visiting: <https://hcra.org/licensing-classes/>.

[The class starts the second Saturday in January and will continue for four weeks and one week of review. The sessions will be from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM.]