The February, 2021 Eastern Massachusetts Section Newsletter is now available at
Maine Virtual Hamfest is One Week Away!
KU1U and W1SK write on the Maine ARRL Members List on February 27, 2021:
The Maine Virtual Hamfest is 1 week away! SATURDAY MARCH 6, 2021, 9 AM to 4 PM Eastern.
If you have not yet registered, please register now so we will know how many people will be attending. You can go here to register:
Talks will be via Zoom and are limited to 500 people.
There will be other rooms available using which allow up to 1000 people per room. FCC will have video conference rooms for “Eyeball” QSOs and a Swap/Buy/Sell room for people to showcase items they want to sell.
There will also be an IRC webchat in the room #mainehams for people who might be mic/camera shy.
We understand this hamfest is taking place during a major contest weekend. We wish that we could have had it on another date, but the fester was moved once already and to ask our keynote speakers to move a third time did not seem fair. To all of the contesters, we wish you luck in representing the State of Maine well in the contest.
We will be recording the talk sessions for those to view at a later date in case you are not able to attend the hamfest.
There will also be a phone call-in option for those who may not have the ability to get online. Phones numbers will be shared this week on various nets. We kindly ask that you use only one option per conference room since tuning in via the web AND calling by phone will take up 2 seats in the limited seating available.
We look forward to “seeing” you next Saturday between 9AM and 4PM. Please visit for more information, click on the hamfest button at the top which will take you to the Maine Virtual Hamfest website. If you have already registered, please do not submit duplicate registrations.
73 DE KU1U and W1SK
Cory and Joe
Maine Virtual Hamfest Co-Chairs
New England Convention, Hamfests Receive Approval for ARRL Affiliation
New England Division Director Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, has approved the applications for sanctioning for two New England hamfests and one convention:
- 29th Annual Southern Berkshire Amateur Radio Club Hamfest in Goshen, Connecticut, on May 22, 2021
- Windsor Hamfest (Maine) on Saturday, September 11, 2021
- Northeast HamXposition a.k.a. New England Division Convention in Marlborough, Massachusetts on September 10, 11, 12, 2021
The events will be publicized on the ARRL website’s Hamfest and Convention Calendar as well as the appropriate upcoming issues of QST.
Technician Class, Greater Norwalk (CT) ARC, March 2, 2021

New England Director, Vice Director Presentations
ARRL New England Division Director Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, and Vice Director Phil Temples, K9HI, will be busy on the speaking circuit over the next few weeks.
Fred and Phil will participate in an ARRL Forum at the Vermont Ham Radio Convention (“HAM-CON”) on February 27, 2021. According to the official program description, “This live meeting with our New England Division Director and Vice Director will focus on ARRL direction, hashed out at the recent ARRL Board meeting in January. Discussion will include the new FCC fees and requirements, loss of the 3.4 GHz band and any other topics brought up in the meeting.”
Phil Temples, K9HI, will be the featured speaker at the Barnstable (MA) Amateur Radio Club on March 1.
On March 6, 2021, the Maine Virtual Hamfest will feature Phil, K9HI, and Maine Section Manager Bob Gould, N1WJO at the ARRL Forum. They will discuss what’s going on at the division and state level. Later that same day, Phil will present to Nantucket (MA) Amateur Radio Association members at their quarterly meeting online.
Hampden County (MA) RA Begins “New Ham Net”
Ken Dion, KD1KU, writes on the HCRA mailing list:
The Hampden County Radio Association hosts a New Ham Net every Thursday evening at 7 pm on the W1BR repeater in Holyoke, MA, 146.715 (negative offset) with a PL tone of 100.0.
This Net is geared towards helping new hams get over mic shyness, proper operating procedure or with any questions they may have regarding any aspect of the hobby in a relaxed and friendly environment.
The new ham net is only open to NEW hams who have received their licenses within the last 5 years, hams that have returned to the hobby recently and all HCRA members. Net control is Gary, KC1JZR who is a newer ham himself.
As HCRA members please support this net by stopping by to say hello! Netlogger is used during this net and can be downloaded free at (not required),
If you are a new ham or know someone licensed during the last 5 years and can access the 146.715 repeater please join us on Thursdays at 7 pm!
73, Ken – KD1KU
KE8HLD: “Talking to Astronauts: An Elementary School’s Exciting ARISS Contact,” ARRL Learning Network, March 2, 2021
“Talking to Astronauts: An Elementary School’s Exciting ARISS Contact”
Presented by Diane Warner, KE8HLD
This is a story about Tallmadge Elementary School’s participation in a once-in-a-lifetime ARISS (Amateur Radio on the International Space Station) school contact. You’ll learn about their amazing journey leading up to the amateur radio contact with an astronaut on the International Space Station. The excitement of the entire experience was shared not just by the students, but included faculty, parents, community, and local amateur radio operators. You will also learn how to begin the process of submitting your own ARISS contact proposal.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021 @ 1 pm EST (1800 UTC)
ARRL members may register for an upcoming presentation and view previously recorded webinars by clicking here to access our registration page.
KA2UPW: “Intro to Amateur Satellites” at RATPAC, February 24, 2021
RATPAC’s scheduled Wednesday’s February 24 Zoom presentation will be at:
10:00 PM AST / 9:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM CST / 7:00 PM MST / 6:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM AKST / 4:00 PM HST
Topic: Intro to Amateur Radio Satellites / AMSAT
Speaker/Presenter: Douglas Quagliana KA2UPW
Hey folks: These Zoom sessions are left open after the presentation.
After the Zoom presentation has been closed, sign back into Zoom to visit.
- This meeting will be recorded. By participating you consent to being recorded.
- Please change your display name to Your First Name, Call Sign and Location, e.g. Dan K7REX Idaho.
- Please stay muted until ready to speak. Your space bar works like a PTT for unmuting
- You may ask questions in chat; please stay on topic while using chat.
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Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: Satellites
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Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: 0485931077
February, 2021 Rhode Island Section Manager Report Now Available
The February, 2021 Rhode Island Section Manager Report is now available at <>.
HAM-CON ON-LINE is Saturday February 27, 2021
Paul N Gayet, AA1SU, writes on the ARRL Vermont Members list:
Same great forums, flea market and attendees as the live show, with the exception that you don’t have to drive in winter! And it costs ….. nothing!
If you are planning to attend, please go to the HAM-CON site and register to attend and to be in the running for door prizes. While there, you can check out the lineup of forums running all day.
You will need a free Zoom account on your computer to fully take part in all the activities. But if you are not set up for this, you can still see many of the forums on YouTube.
HAM-CON is different than other On-Line events in that we have selling rooms and chat rooms where you can do some shopping or else meet up with pals you haven’t see in a while. Oh, and if you have stuff to sell, please consider being a vendor. All you need is a table full of stuff and a camera.
So far, we have a couple hundred folks from all over the country registered. We’d like to see more of those rare Vermont hams too!
So go to and register. Also, if you check this site Tuesday night after 6PM you can join our HAM-CON discussion where you can test out your Zoom settings and ask questions. If you are already registered, that’s GREAT!
Please pass this information to other hams and potential hams you know.
Hope to see many of you at HAM-CON!
ARRL Vermont Section
Section Manager: Paul N Gayet, AA1SU