ARRL New England Division Director Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, has approved the application from organizers of the St. Albans Amateur Radio Club to host a sanctioned ARRL hamfest in St. Albans, Vermont on August 7, 2021.
VJ Day Parade, Moosup, CT, August 8, 2021
Tim Rodgers, KC1TWR, writes on the RASON and TriCityARC mailing lists:
For those available Sunday August 8th late morning and early afternoon who would like to help ECARA out with the VJ Parade on Moosup.
From: John Szamocki <>
Date: Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 12:43 PM
Subject: [ecara] VJ Day Parade
To: ECARA Reflector <>
Hello All. I know it’s short notice but we need radio ops to cover the VJ Day Parade route in Moosup, Ct on Sunday August 8, 2021. We are looking for a total of 8 volunteers to assist with the parade. Please email me ASAP if you. Can help with this.
John Szamocki K1CSP
ECARA President
HamXposition Update
Only 5 1/2 weeks to HamXposition 2021: September 10, 11 & 12 at the Best Western in Marlborough!
Hotel rooms are still available at the discounted rate of $99. Contact the hotel on their local phone number (508) 460-0700 and tell them you want the HamXposition rate.
We are still in need of volunteers to assist with parking, ticketing, and the logistics involved with keeping our forums on schedule. Volunteers working at least one 2-hour shift will receive free admission. You can volunteer at
General Admission Tickets are now available retail at Ham Radio Outlet in Salem, NH and at Electronics Plus in Littleton, MA
Online ticketing is almost ready – stay tuned for an announcement when it goes live.
Nashua Area Radio Society is proud to once again offer Ham Bootcamp. It includes a series of demonstrations and tutorials designed to help newly licensed Technician, General, and Extra class license holders get on the air and use their amateur radio license. Bootcamp is also a great opportunity for prospective Hams who are interested in seeing what the hobby has to offer.
Ham Bootcamp activities are geared towards Technicians and prospective Hams and General class licenses and higher Hams. Bootcamp participants will find all of this material interesting and fun no matter what their focus or license level.
The Bootcamp program is available to all licensed and prospective Hams. You can register for the Friday, September 10 Ham Bootcamp session at HamXposition by visiting <
Bill Poulin, WZ1L, and members of the Cape Ann ARA will once again offer “Tech in a Day” at HamXposition on Saturday, September 11, 2021.
This program has served the local community in getting newly excited people to become licensed amateurs. The program will run approximately 0800-1700. It concludes with a dedicated Volunteer Exam session.
Prospective candidates should purchase the ARRL Technician Class License Manual and read the manual before attending the class. The book can be purchased at Ham Radio Outlet or the ARRL.
If you have any questions, contact Bill at (978) 504-9112 (Cell) or email <>.
Complementing our Saturday programming, we’re pleased to host the ever-popular New England ARES Academy featuring workshops and talks aimed at getting you prepared and ready to face any EmComm situation. The program includes:
- Intro to ARES
- HF Propagation for EmComm
- Getting Started with WinLink Express
- SKYWARN Refresher
- Tactical Message Handling
- Lessons Learned from the “Big Ones”
- Intro to NEBMS
- Go-kit Strategies
ARES / Mesh Networking Training, August 4 & August 15, 2021
Steve Goldsmith, W1HS, writes on the Twin State Radio Club mailing list:
Good opportunity to learn about Mesh networking if anyone is interested.
Hello All,
Greater Manchester ARES invites other ARES groups to participate in mesh network training.
The first session is a zoom meeting on Wednesday, August 4th from 6:30 to 8:00pm. The second session is hands-on training in Goffstown on Sunday, August 15th, 9am to noon.
The Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN – provides customized mesh software that can be flashed to commercial wifi routers, primarily in the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands that are shared according to FCC Part 15 and Part 97 rules.
The AREDN software functions as a digital network with and without internet availability. Greater Manchester has had 5GHz nodes at Elliot Hospital and Catholic Medical Center operating continuously for 2 years. A node at the Manchester EOC was added recently. The Greater Manchester network supports email, chat, file transfer, and VOIP telephone services.
Training in August will focus on understanding how to access an AREDN network over dedicated wifi, exchanging email with Winlink Express over the network, and using the chat and simple file transfer capability built into the 5GHz routers.
Participants will use their own laptop computers with wifi capability, and with an installed browser and Winlink Express. The zoom meeting on August 4th will focus on introducing mesh networking, and configuring participant laptops for the hands-on exercise.
Those who plan to participate in the hands-on exercise should attend the zoom meting. Others interested in an introduction to AREDN mesh networks are also welcome to join the zoom meeting.
Please let me know who should be on a mailing list for additional information. I am sending this to a couple of email lists, so apologies in advance to those who receive multiple copies. Feel free to share with others. The more the merrier!
k1ehz -at- arrl -dot- net
Fox Hunt today, Norwich, CT, July 24, 2021
Mark Noe, KE1IU, writes on the ctfoxhunter list:
We will have a live foxhunt beginning at 1 PM today. Start from anywhere in Norwich, CT. You can download a map that could be useful (for those wishing to use a paper map) at this link: Page 2 has a complete map of Norwich, which I think you will find helpful.
There will be three transmitters running – on the following frequencies:
146.330 MHz – 1 mW (KE1IU Fox H listed on our website)
145.910 MHz – 10 mW (KE1IU Fox I listed on our website)
146.550 MHz – 0.5 W (KE1IU Fox J listed on our website)
Our website is
These transmitters will be hidden – possibly by some junior hams at the site (KC1IVR and KC1LXO) – so you can hunt for them when you arrive.
In addition, I will have a mobile rig tuned to the N1NW repeater (146.730 MHz, PL 156.7), so you can track me from the input. Listen for me on 146.130. I will transmit on request, and we will also use this frequency for hints.
All hunters should check in so that I can end the hunt when the last person has found me.
Let me know if you have any questions.
ARRL Board of Directors Creates Emergency Communications and Field Services Committee
From the ARES Letter:
At its just-concluded July 2021 meeting, the ARRL Board of Directors approved By-Law changes creating a third Standing Committee that joins the existing Administration and Finance Committee and Programs and Services Committee.
The charter of the new Emergency Communications and Field Services Committee (EC-FSC) is to develop and recommend new or modified Board policy and programs for emergency communications through the Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) and National Traffic System™ (NTS™) entities.
The committee also will offer enhanced support for its Field Organization leadership volunteers, including Section Managers, and an increased focus on ARRL-Affiliated Clubs.
The EC-FSC will further provide guidance to the CEO in translating Board policy into prioritized tasking, funding, and staffing of programs, services, and training in support of amateur radio emergency communications, field organization volunteers, and recruitment and retention of new and existing members through assistance to Affiliated and Special Service Clubs.
The EC-FSC will have additional responsibility for monitoring and assessing trends in emergency communications technology and participant skills worldwide, and for identifying “best practices” for voluntary emergency communications provided by ARES and NTS, coordinating and cooperating with other amateur radio national societies as appropriate. — Thanks to The ARES Letter
2021 Boston Marathon Amateur Radio Volunteer Registration Extended
Volunteer registration has been open for the Marathon since Wednesday June 16, 2021 at 10:00 AM and the Amateur Radio volunteer registration deadline has been extended to Friday July 30th, 2021 at 500 PM EDT. The race itself is taking place on Monday, October 11, 2021.
For Returning Volunteers:
The BAA sends out an email which provides you with a direct link once registration is open. This email will also include your loyalty number, which is required for sign up. New for this year is that returning volunteers will need to setup an account via the BAA Athlete’s Village.
For New Volunteers:
If you haven’t previously volunteered, or have a friend who would like to volunteer, please go directly to the Volunteer Registration page and follow the instructions for new volunteers which will include setup of an account via the BAA Athlete’s Village.
Don’t delay! Volunteer registration has been extended and closes on Friday July 30th, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. Help us get the word out by forwarding this message to your club and other amateur radio operators who wish to volunteer. Most volunteers first learn about the event through word of mouth. If you know new licensees who might like to join us, please make sure to let them know about it. Even just a quick mention at your club meeting can be a big help.
We look forward to seeing everyone again soon.
Thank you, and 73,
Boston Marathon Communications Committee
KD1CY: “Boston Marathon Organization Make Up” on RATPAC Online, July 22, 2021

Starts 9:00 PM AST / 9:00 PM EDT / 8:00 PM CDT / 7:00 PM MDT / 6:00 PM PDT / 5:00 PM AKDT / 3:00 PM HST
TOPIC: Boston Marathon Organization Make up
Be sure to see future RATPAC scheduled presentations below
- This meeting will be recorded. By participating you consent to being recorded.
- Please change your display name to Your First Name, Call Sign and Location, e.g. Dan K7REX Idaho.
- Please stay muted until ready to speak. Your space bar works like a PTT for unmuting
- You may ask questions in chat; please stay on topic while using chat.
Join Thursday Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: THURSDAY
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Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: 47672675
ARRL 2020 Annual Report Now Available to Download
From ARRL News:
The ARRL 2020 Annual Report has been posted and is available to download. The report summarizes ARRL program and fiscal activity for the year.
In his introductory remarks, ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, said that 2020 was a difficult and challenging year for ARRL. “The coronavirus pandemic changed everything, from the way we socialized, to the way we worked, to the way students learned,” Roderick wrote. “Events we look forward to every year were canceled and the future seemed uncertain. Hamfests, club meetings, and other gatherings looked different, as videoconferencing became the new way to conduct business and get together.” [Full story]
90 speakers, Buildathons, Prizes at August 2021 QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo
The next QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo is a month away, Live from August 14-15, 2021 and then on-demand for 30 days. It’s a great experience for those that want to improve their amateur radio knowledge and get exposed to new ideas, cutting edge ham radio technology, and practical techniques. And no need to travel – anyone can participate from their home or office! Information can be found at https://www.qsotodayhamexpo.
At the Expo, you can listen and engage with almost 100 internationally recognized ham radio luminaries on approximately 18 different topic areas – there is something for everyone.
Topics include: Antennas and Transmission Lines, Build-A-Thons, Contesting/DX, Controllers, Digital Voice Mode, Emergency Communications, Filters and Tuned Circuits, Future of Amateur Radio, Ham History, HF Digital Modes, New License – Now What?, Power Amplifiers, Propagation, Radio Astronomy, Software and Services, Space and Satellites, Test and Measurement, and Youth in Amateur Radio.
Here are a few examples of speakers you’ll want to listen to: (a complete list of speakers can be found at https://www.qsotodayhamexpo.
“Antennas and Transmission Lines” Track:
- Small Transmitting Loop Design Project: Learn about STLcalc, an open-source program providing a flexible design aide for STL and Magnetic Loop antennas that can respond to user’s changing needs and design goals. (August Hansen, KB0YH)
- Compromise Beverage Antennas Hear Better Than You Think! Don’t give up easily on trying a Beverage receiving antenna. Discover how to overcome non-ideal terrain and space limitations. (Geoffrey Mendenhall, W8GNM)
- Fun with HF QRP Pedestrian Mobile: A look at two antennas for HF pedestrian mobile and the results possible. (Peter Parker, VK3YE)
- N4KC’s Top 5 Get-On-The-Air-Quick Antennas: Recommendations for the top five simplest, most effective antennas to consider for your station. (Don Keith, N4KC)
“New License – Now What” track:
- HF Noise Mitigation: Learn about the various sources of noise, and how to mitigate noise using a variety of techniques. (Mike Ritz, W7VO)
- How to Hammer your Next Ham Exam: Discover the steps to take to master the material and excel in your next ham exam. (Michael Burnette, AF7KB)
- Six Winning Ways to Get Contacts on HF: Get tips on six winning ways to make HF contacts. (Peter Parker, AK3YE)
- Technician Licensees, Life Beyond Local Repeaters: Explore the world of activities, modes and bands available beyond local repeaters. (Anthony Luscre, K8ZT)
Watch as many presentations as you want! A big limitation of in-person events is that you can’t watch many of the presentations (you can only be in one room at a time). At the Expo, return anytime within 30 days to view any of the presentations that you missed as well as explore exhibitor offerings. At our last Expo, our 7,500 attendees downloaded 100,000 presentations during the 30 day on-demand period.
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio® in the United States, is a QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Partner. FlexRadio is the Expo’s Platinum Sponsor. Gold Sponsor’s are Elecraft and RFinder.
Early Bird Tickets are just $10 and then $12.50 “at the door”. Access to only the Exhibitor area is free. And save thousands of dollars since you won’t spend on travel, food, and lodging. For more information, go to https://www.