Project Big E Receives Grant

Project Big E logoLarry Krainson, W1AST, writes:

The Big E Project for 2023 has received a grant!

You can now volunteer to help staff the booth and be reimbursed for both admission and parking!

There are two 6-hour shifts per day.
10 am to 4 pm
4 pm to 10 pm

We ask all volunteers to be on their shift for 30 minutes prior to what you’re volunteered for.

Please sign up here:

We are trying this again and hoping to inform the public about ham radio and get more people interested enough to sign up for classes.

New hams can benefit ALL our clubs and ham radio in New England! Will you be a part of making this happen?

Please sign up at the above link!

Thank you for your support!

73 and enjoy the holiday weekend.

Larry, W1AST
ARRL WMA Affiliated Club Coordinator
HCRA President
Visit my Ham Radio club website at:
Team K2H – 13 Colonies Massachusetts State Manager
Project Big E 2022 & 2023 Organizer
Proud Member of ARRL, FCARC & YCCC

Mark Your Calendars for the HamXposition and New England Division Convention, August 25-27, 2023

HamXposition logo


HamXposition 2023 is coming August 25-26-27.

In addition to our popular outdoor flea market, we will have a range of inside exhibitors, as well as a first notch set of speakers offering forum and presentations about many aspects of ham radio.

Come meet some old or new friends and maybe learn something new about our hobby!

We are very pleased to announce that the Nashua Area Radio Society (NARS), will be returning to present Amateur Radio Exposition at HamXposition. This exposition will include many hands-on activities, videos, and displays about amateur radio and wireless communications. NEScitech will also be providing hands-on experiences geared toward children and young adults.

On Friday night, Don Greenbaum, N1DG, will be headlining the DXCC and Contesting dinner. On Saturday morning, ARRL president Rick Roderick, K5UR, will deliver his keynote address. On Saturday night, at the Grand Banquet inventor and scientist Chip [Cohen], W1YW, will talk about his amusing background, ‘ham-genuity’ and some the pitfalls and pleasures along that tortuous path of invention.

Tech-in-a-day study course and VE exams are available.

Online ticketing is available now. If you wish to stay overnight, discounted hotel rates are available through July 25th.

Visit are website for all details and to purchase tickets in advance:


Bob – K1IW
HamXposition 2023

Amateur Radio Week Proclaimed In Vermont

Vermont State House photoPaul N Gayet, AA1SU, writes on the Vermont ARRL Members list:

Executive Department
A Proclamation

WHEREAS, amateur radio operators are celebrating over a century of  broadcasting the human voice over the airwaves; and

WHEREAS, amateur radio has continued to build bridges between people, societies, and countries through the sharing of ideas and creation of friendship; and

WHEREAS, amateur radio operators have provided countless hours of community service to other local organizations; and

WHEREAS, the state also recognizes the services amateur radio operators provide to our many emergency response organizations, including local and state government; and

WHEREAS, these amateur radio services are provided as a voluntary
service to the public; and

WHEREAS, these same individuals have further demonstrated their value in public assistance by providing free radio communications for local parades, bike-a-thons, walk-a-thons, fairs, and other charitable public events.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Philip B. Scott, Governor, hereby proclaim June 18-24, 2023 as AMATEUR RADIO WEEK in Vermont.

Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Vermont on this 19th day of June, A.D. 2023.

Philip B. Scott

Brittney L. Wilson
Secretary of Civil and Military Affairs

ARRL Vermont Section
Section Manager: Paul N Gayet, AA1SU