Views from The BIG E, September 19, 2023

Crowds continue to stop by and be introduced to Amateur Radio at The BIG E ham radio display in West Springfield, Massachusetts.

Today, KB1ASM, Hollis, ME; Tony, AA3HD, Wells, ME; W2BOS, Poughkeepsee, NY; Rhode Island Section Manager Nancy Austin, KC1NEK, Middletown, RI, and others staffed the booth in the Better Living Center.

According to Nancy, the code kits have been a huge thrill for the younger crowd. 

Shown in last photo: Aubrey White and her 6th grade son, Lincoln, from Prospect, Connecticut. Photos courtesy Nancy Austin KC1NEK

Recommended for Minecraft Fans: “Radio Craft” on the Live Free and Ham Podcast, September 14, 2023

Live Free and Ham podcast logo

The “Live Free and Ham” channel has posted an interview with Lucas about RadioCraft; you can see it at
George K1IG

Eric Pfeifer, N1JUR, writes:

For those that went to the HamXposition you may have seen a presentation on MineCraft, we have some great news to share. 

Don’t miss out on this show if you or your family are fans of Minecraft! Lucas, W1BTR, the designer and developer of Minecraft Mod “Radio Craft” will be featured. He will explain how this mod brings the world of ham radio into the virtual world of Minecraft allowing players to experience it. This is a great idea to get more people involved in radio communications as Lucas has designed the mod to behave and work as closely as possible to real world experience. 

Come support a young man build bridges to close the gap of STEM and RF ham radio through game play. 

The Live stream is on Thursday [September 14, 2023] at 8 pm on our YouTube channel (Live Free and Ham)

Please feel free to spread the word!

Online Technician License Class – September 30th and October 1st

The Nashua Area Radio Society will be holding a Technician License Class on September 30th and October 1st. 

The class will be held online via Zoom web conferencing.

Our classes start at 8 am on Saturday and Sunday, and end by 6:00 pm each day.  We will hold an online exam at the end of the class so successful students will earn their Technician License by the end of the weekend class.

There is pre-study required for the class so make sure you register soon.  

For more information on the class, visit our class information page.

To register, visit our registration form page.

We will also be giving a General License Class on November 4th and 5th,  and an Extra License Class on December 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.  See our class information page for more information.

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Maine Emergency Communications Net Activation for Hurricane/Tropical Storm Lee, September 15, 2023

Maine SEC Keith Anoe, KE4UCW, writes on the MaineSection-ARES-RACES list:

Good evening, all, I hope this messages finds you well and ready.

With the approach of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Lee the Maine Emergency Communication Net (MECN) will be activated and have its first net at 08:00hrs and then on the hour as needed.

Please remember that the primary purpose of any MECN is to facilitate “Emergency Communications” for supported agencies, i.e., between the Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and a County Emergency Management Agency (EMA), EMA to EMA, or any other first responder agency Fire or Police Departments etc.

The secondary purpose is to facilitate information ARES/RACES Groups and supported agencies, ARES/RACES members and the public.

All Nets will be opened with request for ARES/RACES group repressive or supported agency, then other stations. Message traffic and status or information will be requested from the ARES/RACES group repressive or supported agency. After they have provided their status and/or information, the NCS will provide them with the opportunity to secure from the net. The intent is to give them the opportunity to return to their duty supporting their group. They do not need to secure, just be given the opportunity. Then the remainder of the net roster will be provided with the opportunity to provide information to the net.

We encourage participation that is short and to the point during emergency activation. We also encourage that you send any appropriate reports to your local town or county for action for processing and action.
Everyone stay safe

Maine Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC)
Androscoggin County Emergency Coordinator (EC)

2023 Project BIG E Booth Setup

Larry Krainson, W1AST, writes on the Project BIG E list:

They came from far away to the Big E to set up for Friday. They came from Natick and New Hampshire, from Wallingford and Lunenberg, from Portland and Bridgeport (NY via NH). No one was local.

We ran into a few issues and adapted and adjusted and the booth looks great. We have a new layout, a new floor, some new banners, new lights. The booth looks fabulous.


You will see more when your turn comes up in the booth!

Many thanks to the following for their dedication in assembling the booth this year: K5TEC, KC1OYN, K1SEI, K1YO, KC2FEV, AA1SE, W1AST. Without your dedication, this never would have been possible!

Larry Krainson – W1AST
Project Big E Organizer
HCRA President –
13 Colonies MA State Manager (K2H) – Ask to be an op!
Proud Member of: ARRL, FCARC, BARS & YCCC 

Nutmeg Hamfest / ARRL Connecticut State Convention, North Haven CT, October 8, 2023

Nutmeg Hamfest 2023Mark your calendars for the Nutmeg Hamfest / ARRL Connecticut State Convention, October 8, 2023, at the BestWestern Plus Hotel, 201 Washington Avenue, North Haven, CT 06473.

Gates open 6:00 AM for Tailgating and Inside Vendor Setup

New!  Earlier opening — Building open 8AM to 2PM for the general public

Talk-in  147.36 R, +600, PL 162.2

General Admission $10.00, Under 12 free

Tailgating $15.00 per space

Inside Tables $25.00 each — $20 if paid by 9/10/23

For complete information, visit

Hurricane Lee – ARRL News coverage

Hello, Section Managers, Section Emergency Coordinators, and Public Information Coordinators in the ARRL Connecticut, Eastern Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, and Vermont Sections. 

ARRL Headquarters is coordinating closely with our partners in hurricane response for any anticipated activation of amateur radio operators surrounding Hurricane Lee. 

It is important for ARRL to be able to share with the larger amateur radio community and the general public what hams are doing to serve in the face of this storm. 

Please include in your internal and external communications about the event. It will help us keep track of what is going on out in the individual sections and to help tell that story, as appropriate.

Share with us news of preparation and activities that support readiness for activation, and especially word of actual activations.

We strongly encourage you to send any photos or video clips that you’re able to share from your preparation or activation. 

Please only share visual assets that you have permission for ARRL to publish. 

Thank you for the work you do to advance ARRL and amateur radio. Please stay safe if the storm does impact your area. ARRL HQ staff is here to assist, should you have any needs. 

PICs, I can generate media contact lists for your areas, if you need. 

Sierra Harrop, W5DX

Public Relations and Outreach Manager

ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio®
225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111-1400 USA
O: (860) 594-0289

Join ARRL and be a part of the global ham radio community!

“CQAF” AND New England Chowdercon, September 16, 2023

Carl Achin, WA1ZCQ, writes on the New England QRP mailing list:

“CQAF” (QRP-Afield) is always on the third Saturday in September [September 16]. The NEQRP Sprint/Contest Committee is now headed-up by Shirley Márquez Dúlcey, KE1L <>.

I’m sure there will be an update before this coming Saturday, September 16th, 2023.

Also “Chowdercon” will be held on the same date (this coming SATURDAY) on Four Tree Island New Hampshire, so listen for ” W 1 C ” (Whiskey One “C”howdercon) on all the QRP frequencies during the standard time of CQAF.

Thanks for your interest in QRP-Afield. See you down-the-log.

7 3 es 7 2 ,

“Carl Achin – WA1ZCQ” <>

Granite State ARA Sports New Website Design

Granite State ARA logo

Bill Arcand, W1WRA, writes on the Granite State ARA mailing list:

Earlier today our new website has finally gone online.

There will be updates and changes as time goes on.

I really don’t want to forget any names/calls, so I wish to thank the
original web committee, as well as the folks who worked on the website.
There will be a followup email on where to send
suggestions/comments/error reports, etc being sent out soon.

Thanks and 73,



K1W White Island (NH) State Park POTA and Lighthouse On the Air Event, September 16-25, 2023

K1W White Island, Rye NHFrom K1W website:

Special Expedition by the Port City Amateur Radio Club (W1WQM) for 2023

White Island, Isle of Shoals, Rye, NH

Operational (weather permitting) September 16 to September 25, 2023

NH QSO Party (Sept. 16 or 17)  Rockingham County (ROC) 1600Z to 2200Z  40 & 20 M SSB/CW


POTA K-8006 (White Island NH State Park & Historical Site)

Lighthouse ARLS USA 406


QSL via K1RX