Meriden (CT) ARC Fox Hunt Postponed

Meriden ARC logoRob Cichon, K1RCT, writes on the ctfoxhunter list:

[Today’s] Meriden ARC Fox Hunting schedule is postponed for a week.

Unless inclement weather is upon us again, I will hide the Fox Boxes next Sunday, 2/6/2022.

Enjoy the snow!


de Rob, K1RCT

Upcoming ARRL-Sanctioned Hamfests and Conventions

Photo of ham radio flea marketARRL New England Director Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, has approved several ARRL-sanctioned hamfests and conventions for 2022:

The Androscoggin Amateur Radio Club will host the ARRL Maine State Convention in Lewiston on April 1- 2, 2022.   Details can be found at

The Port City Amateur Radio Club has received approval for its Seacoast Amateur Radio Flea Market to be an ARRL-sanctioned hamfest in Hampton, New Hampshire, on April 9. More info is available at

The Radio Amateur Society of Norwich, Connecticut, will host an ARRL hamfest in Gales Ferry on April 23, 2022.   For more information, visit

The Southern Berkshire Amateur Radio Club will hold an ARRL-sanctioned hamfest in Goshen, Connecticut on May 21, 2022. More information can be found at

The Federation of Eastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Associations will once again sponsor the Northeast Hamxposition and host the ARRL New England Division Convention in Marlboro, Massachusetts on August 26-28, 2022.  Details will be published at

The Meriden Amateur Radio Club’s Nutfest will host the ARRL Connecticut State Convention  in North Haven on October 9, 2022.  Details to follow at  

See for the official rules on becoming an ARRL-sanctioned event.  The application form can be found at

Mt. Tom ARA 33rd Amateur Radio / Electronics Hamfest, March 5, 2022

The Mt. Tom Amateur Repeater Association will hold its 33rd Amateur Radio / Electronics Hamfest at the Castle of Knights, 1599 Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA 01020. Doors open at  6:30 AM for vendors only; help will be available for loading and unloading Doors open for general admission at 8:30 AM  (8:00 AM if the vendors are ready).
Admission: Adults: $5.00; Children: under age 12 are free. There will be no tailgating; handicapped parking will be available.
Raffle Prizes – six (6) tickets for $5.00
VE Exam -10:30 AM FREE Exams*
Provided by PVVET
Candidates must pre-register for the exam prior to the Hamfest. Visit for registration and more information.
*FCC application fees may apply
Additional Information:
Talk–In on 146.94 (127.3 PL)
Table Registrations contact:
Brian Mullarney – N1FI
20 Spring Street
Easthampton, MA 01027
Tel. (860) 478-6790

Maine Scouts on 40 Meters

From ARRL Club News, January 25, 2022:

Thanks to Al Sirois, N1MHC, some scouts in Lincoln County, Maine, were introduced to amateur radio while they worked on their Radio merit badges on December 18. N1MHC and friends set up a schedule on 40-meter phone. and four scouts and Scoutmaster Mike Lomas were able to chat with Phil Duggan, N1EP, in Maine, Ralph Churchill, W3FME, in Pennsylvania, and Skip Newell, K1WMN, In Massachusetts on 7.262 MHz.

Scout Elijah Smith shared with N1EP that he was 11 years old and was working on his Radio merit badge. Elijah also volunteered that he liked anything related to nature.

Scouts Dylan Lomas, Phil Smith, and Eddie Seiders chatted with W3FME and K1WMN about radio and scouting. Skip, K1WMN is an eagle scout. Ralph, W3FME, earned his Radio merit badge and ham radio license in the 1950s.

W1CEK Featured in QST

Michael Carter, K8CN, writes on the PortCity ARC (Portsmouth, NH) mailing list:
I received my new [February 2022] issue of QST this morning (still get the paper form), and upon opening it I find our own Gary, W1CEK, photographed on the Lion’s Head Trail atop Mt. Washington!
Gary is an inspiration to all of us – still climbing the White Mountains at an…..ahem, advanced age and keeping youthful!
Mike, K8CN

Boston Marathon Amateur Radio Volunteers Needed on Marathon Monday, April 18, 2022

Eastern MA Section Emergency Coordinator Rob Macedo, KD1CY, writes on NEDivisionSEC:

We are currently recruiting for the 2022 Boston Marathon on Monday 4/18/22. We have about half of the volunteers required for race day right now and volunteer registration closes on Friday February 18th, 2022 is a hard volunteer registration closure deadline and the volunteer sign-ups for the last couple of weeks have slowed significantly. We could use help from around the region. Below is a short release suitable for email and web site postings:
Hello to all…

Planning is well underway for the 2022 Boston Marathon!  The BAA opened volunteer registration today and it will close on Friday, February 18, 2022.  Returning volunteers should have received an email from the BAA with details about how to register.

New volunteers can sign up via

We have also provided a step by step guide on how to select Amateur Radio volunteer positions during the registration process:

If you have any questions about the upcoming volunteer registration period, or the 2022 Marathon generally, please get in touch anytime via the email address
Thank you, and 73,

Boston Marathon Communications Committee

KM1CC Special Event Operation: Marconi’s First Transatlantic Wireless Message Anniversary, Results

KM1CC Marconi operation 2022From K1USN Happenings, 1-21-2022:

Thanks to Barbara [N1NS] for organizing another event at the Coast Guard Station in Eastham [MA] on January 18, 2022. Special thanks to Russ, K1RTA, for bringing his portable trailer tower and to the other volunteers helping with setup. We had restrictions on the number of operators and visitors due to COVID. This was a CW only operation. There were two stations operated by N1DC and K1RV. We used Elecraft KX3/KXPA100 equipment at 100W with an OCF Dipole and a MyAntenna 80-10 end fed wire. The end fed antenna had the feed point at the Cupola railing with the wire sloping down toward the ocean tied to a fence post pole. The dipole was center supported by Russ K1RTA’s portable trailer tower on the south side of the building.

We had some interstation interference that the coax stubs did not suppress. This may be related to antenna orientation and will have to be investigated further. Overall we were able to manage the situation.


509 QSO’s in 50 Countries. We also worked approximately 36 states and a few Canadian provinces.

Conditions were good especially on 15 and 20M. Europeans were loud. We completed a successful SKED on 20M with GB2GM in Poldhu England. <> We worked Thaire, W2APF, on vacation in Montserrat as VP2MDX on several bands.  Check out the pictures and videos on Facebook : <>.

We hope to operate again in April for International Marconi Day.


Rick N1DC

RASON Mentoring Program

RASON website screenshotThe Radio Amateur Society of Norwich (RASON) in Norwich, Connecticut, has established a mentoring program designed to match people with experience in one or more aspects of the hobby with individuals who would like mentoring. 

A web page on the club’s website lists  members who are willing to share their expertise.  Those who wish to benefit from a mentor’s expertise are encouraged to contact a mentor using the contact information on  Alternatively, mentees can submit a form and be matched to a mentor by RASON club officers.  They’ll be connected through an introductory email after which they can continue the conversation. 

This program is available to RASON members only.


Hearty New Englanders Preparing for Winter Field Day, January 29-30, 2022

Winter Field Day Association logoAmateurs from across New England are preparing to brave winter temperatures on the weekend of January 29-30 to participate in the annual Winter Field Day (WFD) event. 

The New England Sci-Tech ARS (STARS) in Natick, Massachusetts is busy making plans to set up a station for the event. 

Members of the Twin State Radio Club in Canaan, New Hampshire are discussing a WFD club operation, per the club’s December, 2021 meeting minutes.

Maine Section Manager Phil Duggan, N1EP, writes: “My local club [the Maine Ham Radio Society] will be participating in the Winter Field Day event. This should be a lot of fun, and good practice for this summer’s ARRL Field Day!”

“The Barnstable ARC and Falmouth ARA [Cape Cod, Massachusetts] plan to partner up for Winter Field Day,” writes Assistant Director Rob Leiden, K1UI. “Falmouth has a beautifully equipped mobile system that may be the headquarters.  The effort is still in the planning stages.”

The WFD operation at the Newport County RC in Rhode Island is being headed up by John Vecoli, KC1KOO. According to NCRC President Nancy Austin, KC1NEK,  “John is again taking a huge leadership role with planning and logging.”

Drop me an email or radiogram if your club is planning to operate in the 2022 Winter Field Day event.  


Phil Temples, K9HI