The July, 2021 Rhode Island Activity Report is now available at <>.
Amateur Radio Digital Communications Community Meeting, Saturday, July 24, 2021
The Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) will be holding their next community meeting on Saturday 24th July 2021, at 1700 Z. The meeting will be held via Zoom and is open to all. [Announcement]
NU1U: POTA Activation, Salmon River State Forest, K-7541, Near Bloomfield, CT, July 18, 2021

RASON Approved to Host ARRL Hamfest, Oct. 30, 2021
ARRL New England Division Director Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, has approved the application from organizers of the Radio Amateur Society of Norwich to host an ARRL sanctioned hamfest in Gales Ferry on October 30, 2021.
Niantic Bay Trialthlon, Assistance Requested, August 8, 2021
Tim Rodgers KC1TWR, writes on the Radio Amateur Society of Norwich (CT) mailing list:
Communicators are needed. Several checkpoints need to be covered.
If you never participated before please know that this event starts early and ends before noon. You will be sent a Comm Plan that includes a map of where the checkpoints are, and a table with the street intersection information. Before the event we ask that you visit the location of your checkpoint to get familiar with the setting, and where you will park your vehicle. We do not direct traffic, we are emergency communications for those that want a ride back, need bike repair, are hurt, or any other incident. More information will be sent before the event date.
Please include your cell and home phone numbers for the COMM Plan even if you have sent them for previous events. Include your T-Shirt size as well.
If you are available please send an email to:
Tim, KC1TWRTim Rodgers KC1TWR
CT ARES Region 4 DEC
Cell and Text: 860-460-7360
ARRL Re-Opening Ceremony Featured Dignitaries, Full Board and Newington Staff, July 15, 2021
Members of the ARRL Board of Directors, staff, and politicians were in attendance for a ribbon-cutting ceremony at ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut on July 15, 2021. The re-opening coincided with the bi-annual Board of Directors meeting in Windsor, Connecticut.
Attendees included: U.S. Representative John B. Larson of Connecticut’s 1st congressional district; State Sen. Matt Lesser; State Rep. Gary Turco; Beth DelBuono, Mayor of Newington; and Town managers; Glenn Field, KB1GHX, Warning Coordination Meteorologist at NOAA / National Weather Service in Taunton, Massachusetts; a local American Red Cross representative. New England Director Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, and Vice Director Phil Temples, K9HI, were among the attending board members.

Greater Bridgeport (CT) ARC Fox Hunt, July 18, 2021
[The Greater Bridgeport ARC] will hold its monthly fox hunt this month on Sunday July 18 starting at 11 AM. This fox hunt will be a special treat for everyone because it will be slightly easier. This month will be hosted by GBARC President N1DID and will cover a slightly larger area. See our Fox hunts Wiki page for additional information, a map, and radio frequencies in use.
WB4APR: “Appalachian Trail Golden Packet Event & Energy Choices for the Radio Amateur,” Maine July Virtual Talk, July 14, 2021
Franklin County (MA) ARC Seeks Volunteers for Triathlon Event, August 1, 2021
Dick Merriott, N1RCM, writes:
Franklin County (FCARC) is looking for some volunteers. Are you able to help?: The FCARC is seeking volunteers to provide course communications for the upcoming 2021 Triathlon being held Sunday August 1 at the Greenfield Swimming Pool. If you have some spare time and a mobile radio to reach the KB1BSS repeater, your assistance would be greatly appreciated by the Greenfield Parks and Recreation Department, Triathlon participants and FCARC.
Please respond back to me ASAP and let me know either YES or NO regarding your decision so we can plan appropriately. Volunteers will be receiving more detailed information from me shortly.
Thank you,
Dick Merriott N1RCM