New Winlink HF Node at W1AW

Mike Walters, W8ZY, writes:

We finally have a CT based Winlink HF node to test. This is a duplex node so there are two frequencies available. It will only connect to one at a time so if it is connected you will not connect on the other frequency. If you have Winlink HF capability I would like to get a test and let me know how it works. It is capable up to Pactor 3. We have not turned on VARA yet but will soon. We want to get some preliminary tests first. Look for:

            3584.0 kHz

           7058.5 kHz

Use it and let me know if you can connect and if it seems to work ok. I appreciate the help.

Mike, W8ZY

Port City ARC To Provide Communications for Exeter Holiday Parade, Exeter NH, December 4, 2021

Port City ARC logoKriss Kliegle, KA1GJU, writes on the Port City ARC mailing list:

Once again [Port City ARC] members (and non members alike), it’s that time of year where we provide comms and extra eyes for the Exeter Holiday Parade. Warm clothes, shoes, 2M HT (or mobile rig if remaining in your vehicle), and set of ear buds or headset due to LOTS of QRM.

The parade heads out of the OSRAM entrance, making a left onto Portsmouth Avenue. The parade continues to the end of Portsmouth Avenue and then makes a right onto High Street. The parade continues straight onto Water Street passing the bandstand and ending at the entrance to Swasey Parkway.

We will use a simplex frequency on 2M, and will be X-banding up to 440MHz for NCS due to being in an RF hole in downtown Exeter. Frequencies will be given out on date of parade.  Reminder, the parade route will be close from approximately 5:00pm – 7:00pm to vehicle traffic, so choose a spot on the route that allows you access both before and after the parade.

The route, very simple, 1.1 miles, and it hasn’t changed in years, if ever.


Thank you very much.

Fox On the Loose, Manchester, CT Vicinity, November 10, 2021

Paul Gipson, N1TUP, writes on ctfoxhunter list:

Greetings Fox Hunters,

Fox 91.5 has been deployed, as 4 pm yesterday, November 10, 2021. In keeping with Chuck’s naming convention I have changed the name of Fox Box #4 to 91.5. It makes sense to name the box with the PL tone frequency, thereby saving the need to lookup the PL tone. Nothing else has changed, just the name.
Fox 91.5
At its new location, the fox is running the usual 2 watts into a 18 inch antenna. Since their is no starting place for finding the hidden transmitter, all you can do is while going about your travels, periodically try to activate the hidden transmitter. Your first try may be from home. You do this by going on the 2 meter simplex frequency of 146.550 MHz (PL 91.5 MHz), key your transmitter, ID and then send a DTMF “1”. If the FoxBox can hear you and you can hear it, you will hear its very distinctive sound. It will transmit for 30 seconds, ID and then go back to sleep. You can make it transmit as often as necessary to find it.

Once someone has been able to bring it up and hear it, please report that information to the other fox hunters. Feel free to reply to the group. Do not reveal its location, just a location (and direction if possible) from which you are able to hear it. This then becomes a starting point for the other fox hunters to use.

You do not actually have to touch the box to claim finding it. Eye ball contact is sufficient. It is located less than 500 feet from a safe parking location.

Good luck,

Paul, N1TUP

Hint: try North Manchester


Technician Parks On The Air Event, Blue Hills Reservation (MA), November 20, 2021

Parks On The Air logoThe Boston Amateur Radio Club is hosting a Technician Class POTA day on November 20th at Chickatawbut Hill. Included is a press release for you to include in your club newsletter should you see fit.  All hams are welcome to attend. 
After the event Join us at the 110 Grill in Braintree afterwards for some food and drinks! Please include in your email if you will be joining us at 110 Grill so we can make a proper reservation.
Brendan Baldonado
Boston Amateur Radio Club

Boston Amateur Radio Club Announces a Technician POTA Day, November 20th 10:30 am.

The Boston Amateur Radio Club will host a Parks On The Air (POTA) event with a special invitation to Technician license holders and new hams on November 20th, 2021. The event will take place in the Blue Hills Reservation in Milton at the Mount Chickatawbut summit. We will attempt to “activate” the park according to POTA rules using VHF, UHF, and the Technician
segments of the HF bands.

Bring your handheld and any other radio you want to try out on the summit. The club will provide some power sources and a few different antennas for you to experiment with.

You will also have an opportunity to operate on six and ten meters. Brendan, NW1S, and Joe, NV1W, will be on hand to answer questions and help introduce you to amateur radio in the great outdoors. There will even be prizes for accomplishments things like most contacts made, farthest contact, and most Technician bands used. Afterwards there will be a social event of food and drinks. You may park at a lower parking lot and hike the short path to the summit. The Boston Amateur Radio club is attempting to organize a car to bring those who cannot or wish to not walk the distance to the summit. Further information on the Blue Hills can be found at

Please email Brendan, NW1S at if you’re planning to attend.

Join us at the 110 Grill in Braintree afterwards for some food and drinks! Please include in your email if you will be joining us at 110 Grill so we can make a proper reservation.

We look forward to seeing you at the summit! Updates on the Tech POTA Day can be found at, and @W1BOS on Facebook and Twitter.

Do you want to participate without making the trek up Mount Chickatawbut? You can hunt our operators on Saturday. Look for us on the spot page, the @W1BOS Twitter or on the National Calling Frequencies. We invite your club to get on the Air with our Technicians and test out your VHF and UHF Equipment.

# # #

Greater Bridgeport (CT) ARC Fox Hunt, November 7, 2021

cartoon turkey operating ham radio stationPeter Cimino, K1PCN, writes on the Greater Bridgeport ARC wiki:

It is the season for pumpkin pie, apple cider and of course our monthly Turkey hunt. I, K1PCN-Peter, will be with the turkey at his roost somewhere in the greater Fairfield-Easton Region. The hunt will begin at 10AM. All GBARC and non-GBARC members are welcome to participate. The hunt will start at the park and ride at Exit 44 off the Merritt Highway (intersection of rt 58 and Merritt). The turkey will allow me to give hints every 15 minute or so. They will be radio and science based clues. One will be given in morse code-so be prepared.

The hints will be vague in the beginning and more specific to the end. Hot cider and donuts will await you at the roost. The purpose of the turkey hunt is to find a hidden radio transmitter. The turkey will not be harmed.

Recommended Starting Location:  Park & Ride Exit 44 off Merritt Parkway

Starting Time: 10:00 AM Local 

Fox Frequency:  147.485 MHz Simplex

Fox Power:  5W into a 1/4 wave antenna dropping to 1W at 11:30

Sponsor:  Peter K1PCN

Check in on:  441.700 or 146.445 Repeaters or Echolink (recommended)

En-Route Communications:  Contact K1PCN on the above repeaters or call 203-767-5888

GBARC fox hunt map

NH 2021 Simulated Emergency Test After Action Report

ARES logoWayne Santos, N1CKM, writes on NEDivisionSEC list:

Thanks to all stations and leadership for a well run and successful SET.

I know that there were issues with HF signals and some operators had problems with digital but you found a way to work around them.
Here is a brief report:
All local groups active except COOS.
Over 25 stations checked into HF Net and more importantly all local groups provided a liaison except COOS.
7 ARESMAT requests submitted to ARRL for sourcing.  Thanks to W8ZY for staffing this.
A full report will be forthcoming after receiving AAR comments from you.
Operators please submit your AAR comments to your ECs for consolidation.
ECs consolidate your AAR and submit to me.
State staff can submit comments directly.
All AAR comments need to be to me by the end of the day on Tuesday.
73 and thanks for your energy and effort.
Wayne W. Santos

KC5HWB: “Getting Started with Allstar,” November 11, 2021

Allstar Link logoPresented by Jason Johnston, KC5HWB, of Ham Radio 2.0 – November 11, 2021 at 3:30 PM ET

Allstar is an internet-based connection network for linking repeaters and nodes. It can be used by home operators or with large-area repeaters. Today you will learn the basics of Allstar, how to get started with it, and how you can start using it yourself.

Register for this webinar at <>

RASON Fox Hunt, Norwich CT, November 6, 2021

Mark Noe, KE1IU, writes on the ctfoxhunter list:
A fox hunt will be held at Mohegan Park in Norwich, CT (  The hunt will run on Saturday, Nov. 6 from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM.  Find as many foxes as you can in 2 hours.  We will have multiple fox boxes hidden around the park.  The frequencies of the boxes are listed below:

Fox H: 146.335 MHz; 1 mW output; Tx ON 100%, 300ft. range + CW ID.

Fox I:145.910 MHz; 25 mW; Tx ON 100%, 1 mile range.

Fox J:146.585 MHz; 0.5 W; Tx ON one min, 5 sec. OFF, Range 2 miles, CW ID.

Fox C – K1DCT: 147.455 MHz; 81 mW; 3 seconds on, 3 seconds off continuous

Fox B – NA1CN: 146.550 MHz; 1 Watt; PL 114.8; DTMF 1 to activate; 50 seconds of tones + CW ID

More foxes may be added, and if so I will send the frequencies out before the weekend.  Beginners are welcome, and if you meet me in the Upper Parking Lot, I will be happy to show you how to hunt.  Talk in on 146.730 MHz  (PL of 156.7).  If you are unlicensed and would like to get in contact with me, send me an e-mail at and I will give you my cell number.

Many thanks,


Mark Noe

ARRL 2021 Election Ballots

ARRL logovia ARRL Members list:

By now you should have received your ballot to vote for your Division Director election.

Ballots are due in Newington by 11/19, so mailing them now is important given the issues being reported about the USPS.

Of the thousands of ballots mailed, we did receive reports of some ballots taking until the end of last week to arrive. This, again, is a reflection of the USPS and their treatment of bulk mail this year.

If you have NOT received your ballot, contact us TODAY or TOMORROW! We will get a replacement ballot out to you immediately via First Class mail.

You can send your request for a replacement to

Western MA November 2021 Section Manager Report

WMA Section logoHello everyone. On the website you will find my November report as well as September and October New Licensees. I would encourage all clubs to take a moment to reach out to the ones in your area and welcome them and offer any assistance to get them on the air. Less than 25% of all newly licensed hams get on the air. Outreach and mentoring can also increase club members. Please give it a try.

Thanks and also Happy Thanksgiving!