Phil Duggan, N1EP, writes in the April, 2022 issue of Signals Downeast:
The antenna farm pictured here is right adjacent to RT-1 in Jonesboro. This upset many locals who wanted to ban or severely restrict amateur radio antennas and support structures via a proposed ordinance. A public hearing was held on March 25 and Maine Section Manager Phil Duggan, N1EP, and Peter Stackpole, N1MLE, informed town officials and residents at the hearing of the value of ham radio as a public service and emergency communications asset for the community and regions.
The selectmen, town clerk, and most of the residents seemed amendable to meet with members of the amateur radio community and emergency services to discuss drafting a more reasonable ordinance that comply with federal and state laws, but would still prevent any further large installations as pictured above.
Other towns will probably be watching what Jonesboro does in regard to amateur radio restrictions, as similar stations have been erected in other parts of the county. The Maine Ham Radio Society will continue to monitor the situation, and will be following up with Jonesboro officials to make sure we do get input in any new proposed ordinance.