Maine Section Update, September 2023

Maine ARRL Section Manager Phil Duggan, N1EP, writes:

Legislation. LD-697, an anti-5G bill to study non-ionizing RF radiation of ALL sources, including amateur radio, was defeated in the Maine Senate. However, I spoke to my representative, who is for the bill, and she said it needs to be studied and will likely be reintroduced in the Legislature in the coming session this winter.

Tropical Storm Lee. Some counties activated their ARES/RACES teams last weekend, including here in Washington County where the storm left most coastal communities with widespread outages. Washington County ARES staffed the Emergency Operations Center in Machias in shifts, while other members operated from home. Statewide teams and individuals supported their counties, Maine Emergency Management Agency, and the Maine Emergency Communications Net on 40 and 75 meters. SEC Keith Anoe, KE4UCW, had been conducting exercises and drills the past 18 months, and his and other EC’s efforts paid off. The storm response by ARES/RACES was excellent.

The Maine State Convention has a new venue and date. It will be June 15 at the Civic Center in Augusta.

NTS nets and operators continue to perform outstandingly on a daily basis primarily on 75/80m and some VHF.

Maine VOTA Coordinator John Huffman, K1ESE, submitted Maine’s first week as W1AW/1. It was a great effort by Maine’s VOTA ops. We totaled 6,661 contacts, and of the 68 W1AW portable activations so far this year, Maine’s rating is the 12th highest!

Port City Amateur Extra Study Group Meets

The Port City (NH) Amateur Radio Club is conducting a series of Amateur Extra study group meetings at the Piscataque Fish & Game Club in Greenland, NH. This past week, they met for approximately 1 1/2 hours. Students were asked to read several chapters from the ARRL Extra Class License Manual and come to class with one to two prepared questions for the group, “preferably a concept or idea with which you struggled during your reading.”

“The group is fortunate to have Dr. Mike Carter, K8CN, with us this week as their instructor,” writes Kirby Francis, KC1RWR. “Mike holds advanced degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Information systems, and is an Emeritus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UNH.  

“For those who already hold the Extra License, if you have ever wanted to really understand the principles covered in this chapter, you’ll never get a better chance.  Along the way, your attendance will encourage the students in the class to keep their resolve in face of some daunting concepts.

“We will then progress to students’ questions, and end each evening with a group trivia challenge taken directly from the exam questions on that week’s subelements!  Bring your cell phone to participate in the Trivia game.” 

According to KC1RWR, one of the goals of the study group is to “remove the apprehension and fear that may be preventing you from moving forward with your ham radio licensing, replacing it with a sense of community, fun, and self-confidence.”

New England QRP “Chowdercon 2023,” Portsmouth NH, September 23, 2023

Carl Achin, WA1ZCQ, writes on the NEQRP mailing list:

Tomorrow, Saturday, September 23rd is the rain-date for this year’s Chowdercon 2023. It’s happening rain or shine due to last week’s cancellations because of Hurricane Lee. The announcement bulletin already went out, yesterday, this is just a reminder with additional information.

The diehards arrive at 8AM and park in the Four Tree Island Parking Lot on Pierce Island just past the Fish Co-op.

Here’s last year’s write-up for you to go over to catch-up on the “history of Chowdercon”:

Brown-bag whatever you’d like for snacks. Lunch at Geno’s at 12-noon and our farewell banquet at Warren’s startling at 4:55PM for the usual fantastic seafood dinner.

I’ll be there, … will YOU?

All the picnic tables on Four Tree Island are rooftop-covered so if there is light precipitation you and your rig will stay dry.

SEE YOU THERE WHEN YOU ARRIVE. COMMS ON ” 5 2 ” DIRECT (The National Simplex Frequency).

This may be our last chance to eat at Warren’s!!!
(It’s being sold and most likely it’ll be ‘no-more’ next year.

Project BIG E—Urgent Request for Additional Volunteers, September 23, 2023

Project Big E GrantLarry Krainson, W1AST, writes:

We need at least one extra person for the first session from 9:30 to 4:00 pm and the second session from 3:30 pm to 10:00 pm.

Can you please help? Saturdays are very busy days and at least three people are needed in the booth.

You will be reimbursed for admission and parking after the Big E has ended.

Contact Larry Krainson, W1AST, at <>.

[See for details]

Views from The BIG E, September 19, 2023

Crowds continue to stop by and be introduced to Amateur Radio at The BIG E ham radio display in West Springfield, Massachusetts.

Today, KB1ASM, Hollis, ME; Tony, AA3HD, Wells, ME; W2BOS, Poughkeepsee, NY; Rhode Island Section Manager Nancy Austin, KC1NEK, Middletown, RI, and others staffed the booth in the Better Living Center.

According to Nancy, the code kits have been a huge thrill for the younger crowd. 

Shown in last photo: Aubrey White and her 6th grade son, Lincoln, from Prospect, Connecticut. Photos courtesy Nancy Austin KC1NEK

Recommended for Minecraft Fans: “Radio Craft” on the Live Free and Ham Podcast, September 14, 2023

Live Free and Ham podcast logo

The “Live Free and Ham” channel has posted an interview with Lucas about RadioCraft; you can see it at
George K1IG

Eric Pfeifer, N1JUR, writes:

For those that went to the HamXposition you may have seen a presentation on MineCraft, we have some great news to share. 

Don’t miss out on this show if you or your family are fans of Minecraft! Lucas, W1BTR, the designer and developer of Minecraft Mod “Radio Craft” will be featured. He will explain how this mod brings the world of ham radio into the virtual world of Minecraft allowing players to experience it. This is a great idea to get more people involved in radio communications as Lucas has designed the mod to behave and work as closely as possible to real world experience. 

Come support a young man build bridges to close the gap of STEM and RF ham radio through game play. 

The Live stream is on Thursday [September 14, 2023] at 8 pm on our YouTube channel (Live Free and Ham)

Please feel free to spread the word!

Maine Emergency Communications Net Activation for Hurricane/Tropical Storm Lee, September 15, 2023

Maine SEC Keith Anoe, KE4UCW, writes on the MaineSection-ARES-RACES list:

Good evening, all, I hope this messages finds you well and ready.

With the approach of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Lee the Maine Emergency Communication Net (MECN) will be activated and have its first net at 08:00hrs and then on the hour as needed.

Please remember that the primary purpose of any MECN is to facilitate “Emergency Communications” for supported agencies, i.e., between the Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and a County Emergency Management Agency (EMA), EMA to EMA, or any other first responder agency Fire or Police Departments etc.

The secondary purpose is to facilitate information ARES/RACES Groups and supported agencies, ARES/RACES members and the public.

All Nets will be opened with request for ARES/RACES group repressive or supported agency, then other stations. Message traffic and status or information will be requested from the ARES/RACES group repressive or supported agency. After they have provided their status and/or information, the NCS will provide them with the opportunity to secure from the net. The intent is to give them the opportunity to return to their duty supporting their group. They do not need to secure, just be given the opportunity. Then the remainder of the net roster will be provided with the opportunity to provide information to the net.

We encourage participation that is short and to the point during emergency activation. We also encourage that you send any appropriate reports to your local town or county for action for processing and action.
Everyone stay safe

Maine Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC)
Androscoggin County Emergency Coordinator (EC)

2023 Project BIG E Booth Setup

Larry Krainson, W1AST, writes on the Project BIG E list:

They came from far away to the Big E to set up for Friday. They came from Natick and New Hampshire, from Wallingford and Lunenberg, from Portland and Bridgeport (NY via NH). No one was local.

We ran into a few issues and adapted and adjusted and the booth looks great. We have a new layout, a new floor, some new banners, new lights. The booth looks fabulous.


You will see more when your turn comes up in the booth!

Many thanks to the following for their dedication in assembling the booth this year: K5TEC, KC1OYN, K1SEI, K1YO, KC2FEV, AA1SE, W1AST. Without your dedication, this never would have been possible!

Larry Krainson – W1AST
Project Big E Organizer
HCRA President –
13 Colonies MA State Manager (K2H) – Ask to be an op!
Proud Member of: ARRL, FCARC, BARS & YCCC 

Nutmeg Hamfest / ARRL Connecticut State Convention, North Haven CT, October 8, 2023

Nutmeg Hamfest 2023Mark your calendars for the Nutmeg Hamfest / ARRL Connecticut State Convention, October 8, 2023, at the BestWestern Plus Hotel, 201 Washington Avenue, North Haven, CT 06473.

Gates open 6:00 AM for Tailgating and Inside Vendor Setup

New!  Earlier opening — Building open 8AM to 2PM for the general public

Talk-in  147.36 R, +600, PL 162.2

General Admission $10.00, Under 12 free

Tailgating $15.00 per space

Inside Tables $25.00 each — $20 if paid by 9/10/23

For complete information, visit