Ham Radio Featured on the “Today Show”

Sierra Harrop, W5DX:

“We expect that a segment featuring the Harbor Creek High School [Erie, PA] ARISS contact will air on 1/5/24. I was in touch with the producer yesterday to provide some additional footage. A teaser for the segment led the 8 AM rejoin of this morning’s broadcast.”


Bill Morine, N2COP, Vice Director, Roanoke Division:

“An outstanding story.  [NBC Today Show host ]Harry Smith captured the palpable thrill in the room. A brilliant piece of PR for Amateur Radio. Congratulations and appreciation for all who contributed to make this story happen.”


Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R:

“The ARISS team does a whole lot to ready these schools and support their contacts. What was particularly exciting about this school was that their teacher was a graduate of the ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology.

As you may know, Steve Goodgame (K5ATA) attended the contact last month, and even dressed the students in ARRL sweatshirts for their NBC Today show interviews.

Sierra Harrop (W5DX) reported that likely 2.576 million people saw it air live on TV this morning (that’s the typical Today show audience size). She also shared these additional notes:

  • The students were all licensed radio amateurs and ran their own equipment.
  • They used ARRL materials to study for their tests.
  • They took their tests through an ARRL VE session.
  • They were wearing ARRL-branded shirts.
  • They had moral support on site from Steve Goodgame, K5ATA.
  • ARRL social media and public relations supported the ARISS contact.
  • The whole reason the school even got involved in ham radio is because their faculty advisor came through the ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology.

Here’s the link to the clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2s_C4o7dfk


ARISS contact featured on the Today Show