Hampden County (MA) Radio Association to Offer Technician Licensing Class

Hampden Co RA logoThe Hampden County Radio Association will hold a five-week Technician licensing class where “you can learn everything you need to earn your (entry-level) FCC Amateur Radio license.” 

The class will run from February 3 to March 3, 2021 from 7-9 PM via Zoom.

Pre-registration is required at <http://www.hcra.org/licensing-classes>.

For more information, contact Mike DeChristopher, N1TA, at <mfdechristopher@gmail.com>.

K9HI Guest Speaker at Billerica (MA) Amateur Radio Society Online Meeting, December 2, 2020

Billerica ARS logoBARS President Doug Bruce, KC1MJK, writes:

Our next [Billerica Amateur Radio Society] meeting will be via Zoom on December 2, 2020 at 7:00 PM. Our guest speaker will be ARRL New England Vice Director Phil Temples, K9HI, who will present an ARRL Update.

[Contact Bruce Anderson, W1LUS, at w1lus -at- hotmail -dot- com for a Zoom invitation.]

Fox Hunting is Alive and Well in Connecticut

Meriden fox hunt location, ariel viewDave Tipping, NZ1J, writes on the Meriden ARC Facebook Group:

Fox Hunt #35 at Downtown Parking Lot #7 [in Wallingford]. Lots of hunters circled the block before locating this obscure spot.
A year ago, there wasn’t much fox hunting going on in Connecticut. This year, in addition to our hunts and Fox In a Box (FIABs), the BEARS of Manchester have placed a FIAB about forty times and [the Radio Amateur Society of Norwich]  has placed FIABs and had live hunts. Today, we had a live hunt in Wallingford and RASON had one in Norwich. One of the challenges for 2021 will be trying to find new places to hide.

Twin State Radio Club (NH) VHF/UHF Activity Nights

Twin State RC logoDave Colter, WA1ZCN, writes on the Twin State RC mailing list:


6:30 PM and on. Most operators start on the standard calling frequencies, and then move another to rag chew. Six and 2-meters are the most popular.

Sunday: 6 meters: 50.525 FM, 50.120 SSB; 50.110 CW

Monday: 2 meters 146.520 FM, 144.200 SSB, 144.100 CW

Tuesday: 1.25 meters 223.500 FM, 222.100 SSB/CW

Wednesday: 70cm 446.000 FM, 432.100 SSB/CW

Thursday: 902 MHz 902.100 or 903.100 SSB/CW

                1296.100 MHz SSB/CW

                5760.100 MHz SSB/CW

                10,368.1 MHz SSB/CW

Newport County (RI) Radio Club POTA Activation, Black Farm K-6989, November 27, 2020

Parks On The Air logoNancy Austin, KC1NEK, writes:
For my second [Parks On The Air] at Black Farm this morning, I was able to easily set up my 20m ham stick per Bob’s [Newport County Radio Club] presentation and make contacts with hams from Devon, England to Calgary and all in between. GREAT FUN!!! Definitely still learning how to hear the call sign as second nature plus jot down all the contact info for the logs. (Logs?? Next learning curve.) But it’s clearly easy to get going and learn, especially with such an enthusiastic and supportive NCRC community. Really a fun way to learn HF skills and get out & about this Covid winter. 
Thanks so much to John [K1JSM], Wily [W1LY] and Bob [WB4SON] for making this happen and welcoming new hams. You guys are the best.

Tom Walsh, K1TW, Declared Elected to a Two-Year Term As Eastern MA Section Manager Beginning January 1, 2021

ARLB037 New York City-Long Island Section Manager Re-Elected in Fall

QST de W1AW 
ARRL Bulletin 37  ARLB037
From ARRL Headquarters 
Newington CT  November 25, 2020
To all radio amateurs

ARLB037 New York City-Long Island Section Manager Re-Elected in Fall Balloting

New York City-Long Island Section Manager Jim Mezey, W2KFV, has been re-elected in the Fall election cycle. Mezey, of Carle Place, received 527 votes to 136 for challenger Donnie Katzovicz, W2BRU. The race for NYC-LI SM was the only contested election. Mezey begins a new 2-year term of office on January 1, 2021. He has served as New York City-Long Island Section Manager since 2013.

In the West Central Florida (WCF) Section, Michael Douglas, W4MDD, of Wauchula, Florida, will become Section Manager starting on January 1, 2021. He was the only nominee for the post. Douglas is currently Affiliated Club Coordinator, a Technical Specialist, and an Official Emergency Station. Incumbent WCF Section Manager Darrell Davis, KT4WX, did not run for a new term after serving for the past 6 years.

These incumbent Section Managers were the only candidates for re-election and will begin new terms of office on January 1: Tom Walsh, K1TW (Eastern Massachusetts); Cecil Higgins, AC0HA (Missouri); Matt Anderson, KA0BOJ (Nebraska); Thomas Dick, KF2GC (Northern New York); Marc Tarplee, N4UFP (South Carolina); Tom Preiser, N2XW (Southern New Jersey), and Joe Shupienis, W3BC (Western Pennsylvania).

Rhode Island Winter Field Day

RI Section Emergency Coordinator Paul J Silverzweig, W1PJS, writes:

The last weekend in January is Winter Field Day… this is more for emergency communications practice than Summer Field Day, or at least is supposed to be… RI ARES will be sponsoring some activity for this event… mark your calendars for the Last Weekend in January… due to CoViD guidelines, it won’t be a mass group activity, so may be more like our NVIS exercise in nature… more to come…

Paul Silverzweig, W1PJS
RI Section Emergency Coordinator
All Hazards, FEMA/RIEMA ComL
RI Association of Emergency Managers
     Chair, Amateur Radio Committee
Portsmouth RI EMA
Trustee NB1RI Repeater Network