ARES Connect Announcement, January 11, 2021

Please see the notice below concerning ARES Connect.
In Service,
Paul Gilbert, KE5ZW
ARRL Director of Emergency Management
Concerned by the low adoption rate of ARES Connect reporting software two years after its introduction by the League, ARRL’s Director of Emergency Management Paul Gilbert (KE5ZW) instituted a review of the application that included, among other analyses, a survey of Section Managers and Section Emergency Coordinators around the country.  At the same time, recent discussions between ARRL and the ARES Connect software vendor have made it clear that the League’s evolving needs for an EmComm / Public Service reporting package are not aligned with the vendor’s future plans for the product from which ARES Connect is derived.  Following a review of all available information, members of the Emergency Management Committee, CEO Minster (NA2AA), and President Roderick (K5UR) concurred with DEM Gilbert’s decision to discontinue the use of ARES Connect and seek development of a software reporting package more tailored to the needs of ARES.

All ARRL Sections that have been using ARES Connect should plan to transition to the ARES Form 4 reporting form until a replacement system is identified.  ARRL HQ will continue to support ARES Connect through June 30, 2021.
Questions related to the decommissioning and transition can be directed to the Director of Emergency Management Paul Gilbert at 860-594-0333 or

Hamvention 2021 Canceled


Unfortunately, several setbacks in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic make necessary the difficult decision to cancel Hamvention 2021. Hundreds of volunteers have been working to do everything necessary to bring this Hamvention to the many amateur radio enthusiasts and vendors who support the Dayton Hamvention®.

Vaccine distribution both in the United States and around the world is lagging behind what was planned. In addition, the emergence of a more communicable form of the COVID-19 virus increases the potential for further public health problems in the next few months. We make this difficult decision for the safety of our guests and vendors.

Those who had their tickets, inside booths or flea market spaces deferred last year will be deferred again. Those who purchased 2021 tickets, inside booths or flea market spaces will also be deferred. If you desire a refund instead please email and we will contact you.

Stay tuned for information about a QSO party for the 2021 Hamvention weekend. We are looking forward to the 2022 Hamvention!!!

Executive Committee, Dayton Hamvention 2021

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Woronoco Heights Outdoor Adventure/ Scouts On The Air Event, January 16, 2021

On January 16, 2021, the Woronoco Heights Outdoor Adventure/Scouts On The Air Event will occur from  1300-1900 UTC using the call sign W1M, Russell, MA. Sponsored by the Western Mass. Council BSA.

W1M will be QRV on 14.290, 14.060 10.115, and 7.190. QSL to Tom Barker, 329 Faraway Road, Whitefield, NH 03598.

All logging is done on paper and then uploaded to LoTW and eQSL. A QSL card can be had for a 4×6 SASE.

Amateur Radio Booth Proposed for “The Big E” in 2022

Big E logo/scrHampden County Radio Association president Larry Krainson, W1AST, is coordinating an effort to organize an amateur radio booth at “The Big E” in West Springfield, Massachusetts for 2022. The exhibition runs for 17 days from September 17 through October 3, 2022. 

According to Wikipedia, “The Big E,” formally known as The Eastern States Exposition, is billed as ‘New England’s Great State fair.’ It is the largest agricultural event on the eastern seaboard and the sixth-largest fair in the nation.”

W1AST says the 2016 event had 1.4 million visitors, and over 1.6 million visitors in 2019. “If just one-tenth of one percent of attendees sign up for ham classes, that would be 1,600 names to distribute to all New England clubs. We would all benefit and grow ham radio.” 

There hasn’t been a ham radio exhibit/booth at The Big E in over ten years.

Larry envisions a ham radio booth that would demonstrate the many aspects of ham radio, as well as an avenue for people to sign up for information and courses in their local area.

Some of his ideas include:

  • an EMCOMM display
  • DMR and/or other digital mobile mode demo
  • Digital HF modes on a big screen
  • A special event station (W1E or N1E or similar) with unique QSL cards
  • SSB, CW and digital modes
  • Demonstrate portable stations for field operation (i.e., Parks On The Air, Summits On The Air)
  • Highlight youth in ham radio

W1AST says he’d like to see clubs from different states staff the booth during “State” days and theme days. 

“If there is enough interest, we have lots of time to plan.”

Such an undertaking can succeed only if there is a sufficient number of volunteers and radio clubs who agree to participate in the event.  A special mailing list group has been established to promote exchange of dialogue and ideas for the event. To join, send an email to

K8ZT: “Technician HF Privileges” RATPAC Presentation, January 6, 2021

RATPAC logoPlease plan to attend Wednesday’s January 6 Zoom presentation. 

10:00 PM AST / 9:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM CST / 7:00 PM MST / 6:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM AKST / 4:00 PM HST

 Topic: Technician HF Privileges

 Speaker/Presenter: Anthony Luscre, K8ZT  Click on Anthony’s name/call sign to see his page.  

This meeting will be OPEN for all to attend. Please feel free to invite others.

  • This meeting will be recorded. By participating you consent to being recorded. 
  • Please change your display name to Your First Name, Call Sign and Location, e.g. Dan K7REX Idaho. 
  • Please stay muted until ready to speak. Your space bar works like a PTT for unmuting
  • You may ask questions in chat; please stay on topic while using chat.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: HFTECH
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,2128884758#,,,,*536623# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,2128884758#,,,,*536623# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: 536623

Vermont HAM-CON Goes Online for 2021

Ham-Con logoBilled as “The Best Little Hamfest in the World,” the 2021 Vermont Ham Radio Convention (HAM-CON) will be held online on Saturday, February 27, 2021. 

It features areas for the flea market, vendors, and “Meet Your Pals.”  Also featured will be forums, meetings and demonstrations.  There is no admission fee.

According to the Convention’s website, there will be two accessible portals:

  • FLEA MARKET and MEET & GREET PORTAL has several rooms with vendors showing off their wares via camera. Pick a room, look at the stuff, ask questions and make deals. If you reach a deal, negotiate payment and shipping with the vendor. And run into pals while you shop, move to a rag chew room and tell stories!
  • FORUMS and DEMONSTRATIONS PORTAL has several rooms with a variety of forums on different topics. Some of the forums are pre-recorded, and some are live. In many cases, we will have the speakers available after the forum to answer your questions

For more information, visit or the HAM-CON site at 

ARRL New England Division Cabinet Meeting, January 9, 2021

ARRL logoIn advance of the ARRL Board of Directors meeting on January 15-16, 2021, Director Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, will convene a division cabinet meeting online via Zoom. Fred will solicit comments and discuss upcoming ARRL board issues.

“If there is something you’d like the Cabinet to explore, please send it along, as Phil Temples, K9HI, and I will be creating an agenda for the Cabinet meeting.”

Some of the items to be covered will include:

  • Motions to be presented at the board meeting
  • FCC action on the proposal to charge for amateur licenses
  • FCC action to require email addresses on all applications
  • Homeowner Association legislation in New Hampshire and Maine
  • An amateur radio exhibit at the 2022 “Big E” show in Springfield, MA

The meeting will occur in two parts: a morning session and an afternoon session on Saturday, January 9, 2021 from 10:30 AM -12 Noon, and 1:30 – 3:00 PM.

Fred requests, if possible, that clubs send no more than one representative to the meeting. He hopes to have all of the New England Section Managers, and as many club presidents or representatives as possible attend.

If your club representative has not received an invite, please contact Phil Temples,