Ham Assistance Requested: YuKanRun Around Cape Ann Half Marathon, Gloucester MA – October 16, 2022

Fred Beaulieu, WA1ESU writes:

We are looking for operators to staff the YuKanRun Around cape Ann Half Marathon. on October 16, 2022 Gloucester MA

Please be on Location at your Check Point by 8:30 am. Start Time: 9:00am The O’Maley Middle School 32 Cherry St.

Gloucester, MA 01930 School is closed – no entry
Please let us know if you can staff a communications check-point for the event so I can plan staffing positions for the event.

While CAARA’s repeater performance has greatly improved the northern regions of this course may still experience some difficulty with communications especially with low-powered HTs, so we’ll be looking for higher powered equipment to staff those areas

Please let us know what type of equipment you plan to use (ie: Mobile; HT; ¼-Wave Mag-Mount; OEM Rubber-Duck; etc.) so we have a better idea of where to locate you along the event course per the potential of your equipment.

The course will be open and supported By CAARA. for Four hours .Runner safety is everyone’s top priority.
Local EMT crews and ambulances will be available for three hours to help.

Thank you in advance for your participation!


YuKanRun Around Cape Ann Communications Team.
Gloucester, Mass
Last Updated: 10/9/2022 11:37 PM
Event date: Sunday, October,16, 2022
On Location: 8:30 AM
Starts: Half Marathon Run = 9:00 AM
Freq: W1GLO 2-meter Repeater 145.130 – PL:107.2 Back up Simplex 146.505 

YuKanRun Around Cape Ann Communications Team.
Gloucester, Mass
Last Updated: 10/9/2022 11:37 PM
Event date: Sunday, October,16, 2022
On Location: 8:30 AM
Starts: Half Marathon Run = 9:00 AM
Freq: W1GLO 2-meter Repeater 145.130 – PL:107.2 Back up Simplex 146.505


If you are interested in helping, please contact Fred WA1ESU by email  wa1esu@comcast.net    or calling 978-423-9710

“Ham radio operators use their skills to support bike race”

From The Berlin (NH) Sun Online:

GORHAM — At the end of August, when cyclists gathered at the Mt. Washington Auto Road to race to the summit of the Northeast’s highest peak, a group of amateur radio enthusiasts also brought their skills to the mountain to assist with communications during the race and sharpen their emergency radio skills.

Radio operators from New Hampshire and New England Amateur Radio Clubs took park at the 49th annual Mount Washington Auto Road Bicycle Hillclimb on Aug. 20, sponsored by the Tin Mountain Conservation Center of Jackson.

They were joined by members from Central New Hampshire, Mount Washington Valley, Vermont and Massachusetts Amateur Radio Emergency Service units. [Full story]

2022 Great Maine Getaway for Multiple Sclerosis

Kathy Savage, KB1LPW, writes on Facebook:

Start of Day 2 Great Maine Getaway for MS with Rick Savage, [KB1LYJ], Ross Chapman, [KB1MGD], and others.

From the MS Society’s website:  “Enjoy the stunning beaches and charming coastal towns along Maine’s iconic coastline on this two-day ride from Biddeford Pool to Kennebunkport with a community of riders dedicated to changing the world for people with MS.”

Still looking for Volunteers for the New England Forest Rally July 15 & 16

Todd Rodgers, KC1SQ, writes:

The New England Forest Rally (NEFR) is a road rally conducted on logging trails in northern Maine. This year, it’s July 15 & 16 with Rally headquarters at the Sunday River Ski Resort in Bethel, Maine. The rally hosts 12-15 “stages” that run through some rough terrain, all mostly north of Bethel, some more than 50 miles north. Some 50-60 competitors are released on a stage (that might run for 10-15 miles) through totally unpopulated areas, hence the need for amateur radio communications to coordinate the release and provide communications in case something goes wrong. Two stages that are run ever year have a minor mountain in the middle of the stage that renders 2M communications unusable, so in recent years, this stage gets amateur operators that have 75 meter mobile phone capabilities and can communicate over the stage with NVIS antennae.

We’re short on 2M/HF mobile operators to support safe operations.

To read more information about the event and sign up, please read https://nediv.arrl.org/2022/05/18/ham-assistance-requested-new-england-forest-rally-maine-new-hampshire-7-15-16/

Ham Assistance Requested: Bike MS – Cape Cod, MA – 6/25-26 (with a note for Ride the Rhode 6/11-12)

Emily Rivera writes (courtesy of Rick Savage KB1LYJ):

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is in need of SAG and HAM support this year for their annual Bike MS: Cape Cod Getaway on June 25th & 26th. If you all are available to help that weekend or even one day please let me know! I will make sure that you get signed up ASAP and I get housing for you squared away. Also, if you are available for our Bike MS: Ride the Rhode on June 11th & 12th we could definitely use support there as well. If working both days for ether event housing can be provided. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Use this link to sign up




Emily Rivera (Christian)

Director, Event Production

National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Greater New England
Direct line 781-693-5154

Ham Assistance Requested: BAA 10K – Boston, MA – 6/26

Ethan Hansen KC1OIP writes:

Hi all,
Some of you may have already gotten an email from the BAA but volunteer registration is open for the 2022 BAA 10K taking place on 06/26/22! There is a need for amateur radio volunteers so if you are free that day and interested please sign up. If you have volunteered at a BAA event in the past the process is very similar and you should see a banner once you log in. If you have not volunteered at a BAA event in the past follow these steps:

Go to https://www.baa.org/races/baa-10k/volunteer and follow the link to sign up for an Athletes’ Village account.
After creating your account and logging in you should see a 2022 B.A.A Volunteer Program banner with a button that says “To Volunteer Click Here”. Click the button
Fill out all the information in Steps 1 and 2
For Step 3 choose “General”
For Step 4 choose “Yes, I am an Amateur Radio Operator” and fill in your callsign and equipment
For Step 5 choose “Apply as an individual”
For Step 6 choose “Amateur Radios, Boston Common — Sunday, 06/26/2022”

You should get a confirmation number and an email shortly after. Registration closes June 10th so don’t delay.

Ethan KC1OIP
BARC Public Service Chair

Ham Assistance Requested: New England Forest Rally – Maine & New Hampshire 7/15-16

Tim Carter W3ATB writes:

The New England Forest Rally (NEFR) is actively recruiting experienced public service radio operators who love the woods of northwestern Maine, northern New Hampshire, and world-class rally racing cars. The NEFR is scheduled for Friday-Saturday July 15-16, 2022.

It’s a two-day event although you don’t need to volunteer for both days. You help provide the safety net communications for 75 high-performance racing teams who rocket cars along gravel roads at speeds in excess of 120 mph.

Many operators have said the NEFR is the closest thing you can do to simulate real disaster radio operations and more importantly mobilization in the field. Last year the NEFR utilized NVIS HF comms for two of its thirteen races. All other races use normal 2-meter VHF communications.

You do not have to be an HF operator to participate.

If possible, it would be great to have three more operators who are HF capable to do NVIS on my South Arm and Icicle Brook stage.

You can sign up here:


To discover more about all that’s involved, the type of gear you need, and why operators come back year after year to work this world-class event, go here:


If you have more questions, reach out to Tim Carter – NEFR Chief of Communications at:


Ham Assistance Requested: Cisco Brewers Portsmouth 5K – Portsmouth, NH

Sherry Brooks N1NSB writes:

The Cisco Brewers Portsmouth 5K fundraiser for The Krempels Center will be held on Sunday, May 29th. This is the first in person road race they have had since 2019 due to COVID.

The point person for this is Derek, KB1LXX.

Derek will be able to provide more information.

The race starts at 11:00 a.m. so volunteers will need to be there at 7:30.

Typically, the volunteers have been in charge of directing traffic for parking cars.

Sign up here: Sign Up Sheet


WX4NHC Will Be On The Air for Annual Communications Test, May 28, 2022

WX4NHC logoWX4NHC will be On-The-Air for the Annual Communications Test

Saturday, May 28th , 2022 from 9AM- 5 PM EDT ( 1300z- 2100z)

This is our 42nd year of public service at the National Hurricane Center (NHC).

The purpose of this event is to test WX4NHC Amateur Radio Equipment and Antennas at NHC as well as operator’s home equipment, antennas and computers prior to this year’s hurricane season, which starts June 1st and runs through November 30th. This event is good practice for ham radio operators worldwide to practice Amateur Radio communications available during times of severe weather.

We will be making brief contacts on many frequencies and modes, exchanging signal reports and basic weather data exchange (sunny, rain, temperature, etc.) with any station in any location. WX4NHC will be on the air on HF, VHF, UHF, 2 & 30 meter APRS and WinLink wx4nhc@winlink.org subject must contain //WL2K.

We will try to stay on the Hurricane Watch Net frequency 14.325 MHz most of the time. Also 7.268 MHz depending on propagation. However, we will be operating different frequencies depending on QRM. You may be able to find us on HF by using one of the DX spotting networks, such as the DX Summit Web Site: http://www.dxsummit.fi/Search.aspx 

We will also be on VoIP Hurricane Net 4pm-5pm EDT (2000-2100z)

(IRLP node 9219 / EchoLink WX-TALK Conference node 7203). http://www.voipwx.net/

WX4NHC will also make a few contacts on local VHF and UHF repeaters as well as Florida Statewide SARNET system to test our station equipment.

QSL Cards are available via WD4R. Please send your card with a S.A.S.E. Please do NOT send QSLs directly to the Hurricane Center address, as it will get delayed.

Due to security measures and COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic:  NO VISITORS will be allowed entry to NHC.

For more information about WX4NHC, please visit our website www.wx4nhc.org

Thank you for your participation in the WX4NHC Annual Station Test event.

73, Julio – WX4NHC/WD4R

 Julio Ripoll Architect WD4R
 WX4NHC Amateur Radio Asst. Coordinator
 Celebrating 42 years at the
 National Hurricane Center

Mystic Half Marathon and 10K, Mystic CT, May 15, 2022

Communicators are still needed for next Sunday’s event!

We are still short of several positions.  

Nine communicators are still needed.  To date we still need nine more checkpoints covered, Net Control and a bicycle sweep. Operators will check in between 0830 – 0845 and the event ends about 11 AM for most emergency communications volunteers. Attached is a map of the route. 

The Mystic 1/2 Marathon and 10k is on May 15th and the race starts at 0700. Report time will be 0615 OR earlier. There is a three-hour race window so most checkpoints should be released by 11 am. 

This is a WONDERFUL opportunity to introduce newly licensed amateurs or people interested in getting licensed to public service.  Please ask someone to join you! If you are new, I will assign you to a position with one of our more experienced volunteers

If you are available, please send an email to: TimKC1TWR@gmail.com

Please include your cell and home phone numbers for the COMM Plan even if you have sent them for previous events.  Include your T-Shirt size as well.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
