Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, Weekly

WorldWide Sideband Activity ContestA 14-year-old General class amateur in Farmington, New Hampshire is among a group of six youths across the United States who sponsor the Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest (WWSAC), an hour-long contest that runs from 0100-0200 UTC each Tuesday (Monday evening in North America). 

“We have decent activity,” writes Brayden Ebare, KC1KUG. “Last week the winner did 130 QSOs.” 

160 through 6 Meters on SSB are used in the General sub-bands. The exchange includes signal report and age group (OM, YL, Youth YL, or Youth). 

When not organizing WWSAC, Brayden spends a lot of his time on the air operating from the K1TTT superstation. He has competed in major DX contests, such as ARRL DX SSB/CW, CQ WW DX SSB/CW, and CQ WPX SSB/CW.

For more information about WWSAC, visit


Career and Talent Opportunities at ARRL Headquarters

ARRL Headquarters buildingvia website:

04/22/2021 – The digital transformation at ARRL is under way! A significant commitment of talent and investment is being made to develop a dynamic and responsive digital enterprise in areas of amateur radio innovation and member engagement. This initiative is opening opportunities for experienced amateur radio enthusiasts to make ARRL the next stop in their careers. “ARRL is where vocation and avocation collide,” said ARRL CEO David Minster, NA2AA. “We are looking for people with passion, energy, drive, and talent to take ARRL to the next level.”

Opportunities are on the ARRL website at Both technical and non-technical positions are available now, with more on the horizon. “Not only are there full-time positions available, but we will also occasionally be posting consulting or contract opportunities, as we are now for an IT project,” Minster said.

If you have amateur radio experience and a desire to work at ARRL, apply for one of the positions listed online, or submit your resume with a bio and cover letter to

Tape Measure Antenna Build at Bristol County (MA) RA, May 1, 2021

Fall River ARC bannerThe Bristol County Repeater Association  / Fall River ARC will conduct a tape measure antenna build party on May 1, 2021 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM at the South Swansea Baptist Church in Swansea, MA.  The club asks for $20.00 to cover materials. They will supply the tape measures, 1/2″ PVC pipe and fittings, clamps, and a connection for your radio.

For more information visit the club web site at <>.


NWS Gray SKYWARN Official Supporter Program

Grey SKYWARN logoTim Watson, KB1HNZ, writes:

Introducing the NWS Gray SKYWARN Official Supporter Program

During our presentation for the Maine Virtual Hamfest last month, we mentioned the creation of a new program to encourage greater participation in SKYWARN. I’d like to personally invite your organization to consider becoming an Official Supporter of the NWS Gray SKYWARN Amateur Radio Team.

Due to the enormous size of the Weather Forecast Area that NWS Gray is responsible for, which includes most of western and southern Maine and the entire state of New Hampshire, the task of covering it for SKYWARN is challenging. The only way we can effectively cover all of it is to lean on the support of local nets spread out across the entire area. That’s where the Official Supporter program comes in.

Many hams are naturally weather enthusiasts and you may already know a few who are, but an interest in weather isn’t necessary to take part. When hams put their radio skills to use by volunteering as a SKYWARN radio operator, they practice one of the most important ways they can apply those communications skills. SKYWARN traffic occurs real time, during ongoing weather events, and forecasters use the information exchanged to create, update, and validate warnings, which can save lives.

Being part of the NWS Gray SKYWARN Amateur Radio Team is a meaningful way to experience the hobby while making a positive impact on our community.

As an Official Supporter, we recognize that your organization will embrace SKYWARN as a way to enhance the amateur radio experience, use it as a real-time training and preparedness tool to sharpen Emergency Communications skills, and to provide a vital service. 


Here’s how you can help:

Criteria to earn Official Supporter status:

  • Commit at least one (1) liaison to SKYWARN, and one (1) local Net Control operator (this can be the same person or different people within your organization.
  • Activate local nets as needed or as requested by NWS throughout the year.
  • Participate in regional drills and exercises throughout the year.
  • Maintain a list of trained SKYWARN Spotter ham radio operators within your organization.
  • Assist in hosting SKYWARN Spotter training in your area.
  • Actively support and promote the SKYWARN program within your organization and community.

What you’ll receive:

  • Guidance from NWS Gray SKYWARN leadership and support materials.
  • Access to the SKYWARN net reporting form.
  • Certificates and recognition for your team’s efforts throughout the year.
  • Official SKYWARN swag.
  • A special logo representing your team’s status as an Official NWS Gray SKYWARN Supporter.
  • Your organization will be listed on the NWS Gray SKYWARN website and in future press releases as an Official Supporter.

N1E QRV for New England QSO Party, May 1-2, 2021

NE QSO PartyMill Moore, K1IB, writes on the Yankee Clipper Contest Club mailing list:


This year I plan to be a single-op mobile [in the New England QSO Party] using the special event callsign N1E. I will be on the road in Connecticut River Valley in Vermont and NH, stopping on county lines and state lines.

The NEQP is my number one favorite operating event of each year.

73 — Mill, K1IB

POTA Activation, Sherwood Island State Park, Westport CT, April 24, 2021

Sherwood Is. State Park map
(Red Pin Indicates Parking Location)

Junie H Cassone, N1DUC, writes on the Greater Bridgeport ARC list:

Do you have interest in portable operations and/or finding something to do within the amateur radio hobby? Then Parks on the Air (POTA) is a wonderful way to become engaged in the radio community. Please join us for a day of radio fun in the sun!

GBARC is hosting a POTA event at Sherwood Island State Park in Westport, CT on Saturday April, 24, 2021 from 9:00 AM–4:00 PM.  We will have snacks, beverages, and a lunch will be provided.  All license class amateurs, and visitors are welcome to join! Please don’t forget to bring a chair, sunblock, jacket, hat and sunglasses.

For more information about POTA please visit their website at:

We will have 2 stations set up near the East Beach Parking Area.  One will be on the beach and the other closer to the parking lot.  Once in the park enter the roundabout and follow the sign for East Beach Parking.  Please see below for park address and directions. 

GPS Address: Sherwood Island State Park, Sherwood Island Connector, Westport, CT 06880


From I-95 north and south: Take Exit 18 to access the Sherwood Island Connector. Follow the Connector directly into the park.

From Route 1 north and south: Take the Sherwood Island Connector in Westport. Proceed past the I-95 entrance/exit ramps directly into the park.
From Route 15 northbound: Take Exit 41 and proceed south on Route 33 to Route 1. Follow Route 1 north to the Sherwood Island Connector in Westport.

From Route 15 southbound: Take Exit 42 and follow Route 57 south. Go left onto Route 33. Proceed south on Route 33 to Route 1. Follow Route 1 north to the Sherwood Island Connector in Westport.

We Hope to see you there!

Junie – N1DUC

K1VR Guest Speaker at K1USN Radio Club, April 28, 2021

“Pi” Pugh, K1RV, writes on the K1USN mailing list:

I’m happy to announce that our upcoming speaker for the next K1USN Radio Club Zoom series will be none other than our ARRL New England Director Fred Hopengarten K1VR. This upcoming session will take place on Wednesday, April 28th at 7:30 PM EDT. (Note the date change for this session only to be held on Wednesday instead of Tuesday.)

Fred plans to discuss the following subjects and then have a Q & A followup.

“I’d be happy to talk about the new RF exposure rules. I have new info to share on that topic, and not just what you read in the ARRL press release.”


Put your thinking caps on and come up with some good questions to ask Fred. As many of you already know, Fred is the author of Antenna Zoning available through the ARRL Bookstore.

As always, we will be sending out the Zoom session invitations via separate e-mail. If you have received previous invitations then you are already on the list. if you, or anyone you know, would like to be invited then you can contact me ( and I will add you/them to the growing list.

FCC Issues Enforcement Advisory: Radio Users Again Reminded Not to Use Radios in Crimes

FCC sealARLB013:

On April 20, the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau issued a new Enforcement Advisory, repeating the admonishments contained in a January Advisory that no licensee or user of the Amateur or Personal Radio Services may use any radio equipment in connection with unlawful activities of any nature.

The Enforcement Advisory can be found online in PDF format at

The Commission specifically cautioned that individuals found to have used radios in connection with any illegal activity are “subject to severe penalties, including significant fines, seizure of the offending equipment, and in some cases, criminal prosecution.”

In addition, licensees should be aware that illegal operation in any service or band, including completely outside the amateur allocations, could potentially disqualify a person from holding any FCC license in any service, not just the Amateur Service.

Any amateur observing a suspicious infraction that might be of illegal or criminal nature should report it to their local law enforcement office or the FBI.

CT ARES Statewide Virtual Meeting, April 18, 2021

CT ARES logoConnecticut SEC Mike Walters, W8ZY, writes:

As I have been announcing for the last few weeks this weekend, April 18, there will be no radio nets. Instead we will have a statewide virtual meeting. The meeting will run from 8 till 9 PM […] You do not have to have a camera on this call as I will be presenting. I hope to have a good turnout as we will be talking about a planned statewide drill similar to the SET in conjunction with the Red Cross.

Please plan to attend.

[Contact Mike, W8ZY at w8zy -at- hotmail -dot- com for Microsoft Teams meeting information.]