Eastern MA ARES Training, National Red Cross Exercise

EMA ARES logoEastern Massachusetts ARES Members:

During the month of May, we will have numerous ARES training topics as part of a virtual ARES workshop. The first presentation will be Thursday Evening 5/6/21 from 730-900 PM with an introduction of ARES/RACES and SKYWARN and a briefing on the upcoming Eastern Mass ARES exercise Saturday 5/8/21 from 1000 AM-1200 PM coincident with the National Red Cross exercise. Additional sessions will be done throughout the month of May. Complete details, including updates with Zoom details for upcoming workshop topics, can be seen at the following link: <https://ema.arrl.org/2021/05/01/eastern-massachusetts-ares-workshops-via-zoom-during-the-month-of-may-check-here-for-frequent-updates/>

As mentioned above, Eastern Massachusetts ARES will conduct an exercise (Operation Unify) coincident with the National Red Cross exercise on Saturday May 8th, 2021 from 1000 AM-1200 PM and all members who are available can participate. Details including an exercise document can be seen at the following link: <https://ema.arrl.org/2021/05/02/eastern-massachusetts-ares-exercise-operation-unify-coincident-with-national-red-cross-exercise-saturday-may-8th-2021-10-am-12-pm/>

Thanks for your continued support of Eastern Massachusetts ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo, KD1CY
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator

RF Exposure Rules Presentation Video Recording

screenshot from RF Exposure presentationMany amateurs have requested a recording of the RF Exposure Rules presentation featuring Eastern MA Technical Coordinator Dan Brown, W1DAN on May 4, 2021.  ARRL Laboratory Supervisor Ed Hare, W1RFI also participated in the call, fielding questions from the audience.

The presentation can be viewed at: <https://youtu.be/7dSieKF3rm0>. 

[See also: Additional RF Exposure Rules Presentation, May 4, 2021]

WMA Section Manager Report, May 2021

WMA Section logoRay Lajoie, KB1LRL, writes on wma.arrl.org:

Hello everyone. Another month has quietly gone by without much fanfare. I hope it’s because you are planning your club’s activities.

Speaking of club’s activities, Field Day is just around the corner. Who’s doing what? I know the NOBARC club is having a live one this year. Let me know what you are doing. I may do “the tour” this year. 

On May 8 which is a Saturday our ARES group led by Bob, K1YO is having a SET drill to demonstrate and test our communications capabilities. This is a combination of HF, VHF, Digital, simplex and repeater exercises run during segments of a 10am-2pm window. This will help us define where our strengths and weaknesses are and to build on making a stronger operation out of it. Bob has spent months putting this together along with the ARES group. This is something that has been silent for a long time and I am so appreciative of their efforts to get this back on track. Check out more on this website.

Club Presidents, are you up to date with the league? In order to maintain your affiliation with the League you need to update once a year. More information is found on the http://www.arrl.org/clubs website or contact our club coordinator, Gil, WK1H at wk1h@arrl.net.

In July Larry, W1AST is heading the annual 13 Colonies event for Mass. It is run from July 1st to the 7th. This event has been going for a number of years and has had rising numbers with last year being the biggest yet. Larry is looking for operators to participate and have some fun. Contact Larry at w1ast@arrl.net for further information.

That’s all for now, see you next month.


Bike MS: Ride the Rhode Needs Volunteers for Communications, June 12, 2021

Paul Silverzweig, W1PJS, writes:

Please let me know if you are interested in supporting communications for the Multiple Sclerosis cycling event with start and finish at the [University of Rhode Island] main campus on Saturday June 12. We could use some mobile SAG volunteers as well as some for rest stops. This event is similar to the Diabetes event with several cycling courses. I’ll get you more info if you are interested.

Paul Silverzweig, W1PJS
RI Section Emergency Coordinator

Additional RF Exposure Rules Presentation, May 4, 2021

Dan Brown, W1DANEastern MA Technical Coordinator Dan Brown, W1DAN, will hold another presentation addressing the new FCC RF exposure rules on May 4 at 7:30 PM using the ARRL GoToWebinar platform. 

His April 27 talk was a hugely successful–a maximum number of 100 connections for the call was reached just as the discussion started. The GoToWebinar has a much higher limit and should accommodate all who are interested.  ARRL Laboratory Manger Ed Hare, W1RFI, will serve as Technical Moderator on the call.

To sign up for the presentation, visit:

Tech Support: (833) 851-8340

SKYWARN Classes Offered by NWS Grey, Maine, May 3, 2021

SKYWARN logoOn Apr 29, 2021, Steve Goldsmith, W1HS, wrote on the Twin State RC mailing list:

From the National Weather Service in Grey Maine:

Do you want to learn more about severe weather? If so, consider joining us on May 3, 2021 from 6 PM-7:15 PM for a virtual SKYWARN training class so that you can become an official storm spotter. There is no cost and your help could protect lives! To register visit:



RF Exposure Rules Discussion Video Posted to Internet

Dan Brown, W1DAN screenshotFrom ema.arrl.org:

 The April 27, 2021 RF Exposure Rules Zoom Discussion by Eastern MA Technical Coordinator Dan Brown, W1DAN, has been posted to the Eastern MA ARRL website at: <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_qIGZhHyMrha-axJt87Dcu0UZuJO0t8F>. 

The discussion was a huge hit. The maximum number of 100 connections for the call was hit just as the discussion started; many late arrivals were disappointed to be turned away, but W1DAN plans to hold at least one additional online discussion before the May 3 deadline using a larger “Zoom room.” 

Watch this space for details. 

Connecticut “13 Colonies” On-Air Event Seeks Operators, July 1-7, 2021

ARRL Connecticut Section Section Manager Charles I Motes Jr, K1DFS, writes on the ARRL Members list:

Subject: The Annual 13 Colonies On-Air Weekend, July 1-7, 2021 Want to have some ham radio fun?  From July 1-7, the Annual 13-Colonies On-Air event will take place and Pete Chamalian, W1RM, has tentatively agreed to be the net manager in Connecticut.  The fun part is this – you get to be on a DXpedition to a very rare and sought-after location, Connecticut, signing K2D.  In this event the whole world is looking to work each of the original 13-colonies, and we are one of them!  Full details on the event can be found at: http://www.13colonies.us/.

No matter if you are a seasoned contester or DXpeditioner or if you want to try your hand at being on the receiving end of a pileup, this is a great place to start.  The best part is you get to operate from your home station, and you get to set your own hours, bands (160-2) and modes (CW, Phone, Digital).

The only requirement is that you keep the log electronically so contacts can be exported in the ADIF format.  It makes no difference which program you use.

If you are interested or would like to volunteer, please contact Pete, W1RM at w1rm@comcast.net

This looks to be an interesting project, and open to lots of Connecticut ham radio operators.  Try it!

Chuck Motes, K1DFS
ARRL CT Section Manager