ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® invites its members and all amateur radio operators to get ready for the 17th Annual ARRL Online Auction. Bidding gets under way on Friday, October 21, 2022, at 10:00 AM EDT. The auction continues through Thursday, October 27. RT Systems, Inc. is sponsoring this year’s ARRL Online Auction, which benefits ARRL education and technology initiatives and programs. A preview of the items that will be up for bid begins on Wednesday, October 19. This year’s auction features ARRL Product Review equipment, vintage books, and the ever-popular ARRL Lab Mystery Junque Boxes. [Full story]
Hamfests & Conventions
Hampden County (MA) Radio Association Auction, November 4, 2022
From the Hampden County Radio Association email reflector:
Ham Radio Auction
- Free Yourself of Unused Gear
- Discover the Classic You have longed For
- Avoid High eBay and PayPal Fees
- Meet old friends
- Have Fun
When: Friday November 4 2022
Where: Holyoke Hospital Auxiliary Room:
Five minutes from Route 91 Exit 14
Doors open At 7 PM
- 10 Percent of selling price or $1 minimum to HCRA.
- Ham Radio related only. No Old PCS, Monitors, or Printers etc.
- You must take home any items that were not sold.
- Tag each item with your name call , phone and email
For additional info contact Larry, W1AST at club president
NEAR-Fest XXXII, Deerfield NH, October 14-15, 2022
The NEAR-Fest is an international event run by and for all radio hobbyists and enthusiasts, including “hams”, short-wave listeners, scanner buffs, vintage/antique radio fans, etc. NEAR-Fest is held twice annually, spring and fall, rain or shine, at the Deerfield Fairgrounds, Deerfield NH beginning on Friday at 0900 and ending Saturday at 1500 hours.
Admission is $15. Persons under 18 and over 80 are admitted free of charge upon presentation of government-issued ID. Inside parking is available for $10 and includes a “reasonable amount of flea market selling space” for PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS selling their own personal property. Commercial vendors must register and pay applicable fees. If you are wondering if you are a “commercial vendor” you probably are. One complimentary inside commercial space is available for clubs, estates and other “non-profit organizations” on an “as available” basis.
Overnight camping, trailer and RV hookups are available. Three food vendors provide meals and snacks at reasonable prices. The Deerfield Community Church ladies serve up a breakfast that has to be consumed to be believed. Angelino’s offers hamburgers, steak, sausage submarines and other great “fair food” specialties and Patty’s Polish Kitchen menu features wonderful “Mitteleuropa” cuisine. No one goes hungry at NEAR-Fest. We are extremely proud of the high quality of food that these vendors offer our guests while they are at the ‘Fester.
NEAR-Fest typically attracts attendees from the six New England states, NY, NJ, PA, MD and other states as well as from Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in Canada. Some attendees travel great distances; one gentleman from Los Angeles has attended fifteen events and in 2010 one radio amateur traveled from Greece to join us for the fun.
The program of activities and events at NEAR-Fest is extensive; a huge outdoor electronic flea market, three buildings full of commercial vendors, forums, technical seminars and symposia, demonstrations, exhibits, displays, licensing examinations, special events radio stations, a “jam session”, good food, fellowship, fun and general mishegoss. NEAR-Fest is the largest event of its kind in the Northeast and has once been described as the “Woodstock of Amateur Radio.”
All of NEAR-Fest’s staff members are volunteers. Since NEAR-Fest is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity, any funds remaining after expenses are used for benevolent projects. NEAR-Fest directs some of its resources to attracting newcomers to our hobby with a special emphasis toward young people. To that end NEAR-Fest has gifted an amateur radio station capable of communicating through satellites orbiting the Earth as a gift to the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center in Concord NH and brokered a partnership with the Contoocook Valley Radio Club (CVRC) to operate and maintain the station on a regular schedule.
In addition we have also funded several university and technical school scholarships and supported various charitable organizations such as the Shriners Hospitals and Boston Burns Unit.
We also help to preserve our radio frequency spectrum allocations and have initiated a program providing for fund-matching grants to expand and enhance the amateur radio digital repeaters and networks throughout New England. We look forward to seeing you at NEAR-Fest.
Michael Crestohl, W1RC/VE2XL
(aka “Mister Mike”)
and the entire NEAR-Fest team
Chowdercon 2022, September 17, 2022, Portsmouth, NH
Carl Achin, WA1ZCQ, writes on the NEQRP mailing list:
The 3rd Saturday in September has been traditionally reserved for decades for our Annual Celebration of the end-of-Summer / beginning-of-Fall known as “Chowdercon” in the Low-Power Radio Community here in New England.
Why is it called Chowdercon?
Here’s the skinny on the Event, name, and the time of year.
Years ago, back in the mid to late 1980s (circa 1987) a small group of Amateur Radio field operators got together on Four Tree Island at the end of summer just to have, lunch, talk, and, operate on an Island surrounded by SALTWATER. (Being on saltwater enhances RF propagation tremendously!) Four Tree Island is a beautiful location in the heart of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and was an easy place for all to get to, no matter where they lived in New England. The gathering had just a few people through the years.
In the summer of 2006, it was decided to give this gathering a name. It was always a crisp fall-feeling day on-or-around this time of year, and in the New England seacoast tradition, it was decided to partake in some hot clam chowder at the Main Gazebo on Four Tree Island while gathering and operating. That was the KICK-OFF to the event and it was dubbed, “Chowdercon.” Yes, the clam chowder was replaced years later with Lunch at “Geno’s Sandwich Shop,” just a five minute walk from the Island. It sure made things easier and Geno’s had lobster rolls too! Yummy!!! 🙂 Also, a farewell banquet supper was added at the famous “Warren’s Lobster House” after our time on the island. And in later years we added a BREAKFAST gathering before the arrival on the Island at “The Golden Egg.”
Okay, last year our breakfast place shutdown due to the Coronavirus and lack of business, so the breakfast was scrubbed. This year, Geno’s is closed for the weekend for a short vacation, so, we don’t have a lunch location (that is until next year). 🙂 To keep the TRADITION going strong, and to have EVEN MORE TIME on Four Tree Island, this year (2022) will be a breakfast/lunch “brown-bag” event. Please bring whatever you’d like for the times you are on the Island. The STARTING TIME will be 8AM to begin gathering on Four Tree. I’ll be bringing a few, egg, cheese, bacon, English-muffin breakfast sandw
The setup of stations will be as usual, and there are lots of rooftop-covered-picnic-tables on the Island for your operating spot and socializing/eating/discussions
At around 4PM we break-down stations, antennas, and pack-up to depart, BUT before that is the Annual QRP vs. QRPp “TUG-OF-WAR” which is a fun tradition on the Island. Don’t worry, we are all getting older, and this is not a KILLER SPORTS GAME. It’s a fun time for pictures and creating wonderful memories. Go over some of the past pictures of the Chowdercon Experience at the following URL:
AND, if a full day on the Island isn’t enough for YOU, we have a FANTASTIC Farewell Banquet at Warren’s Lobster House just a 5 minute drive away from Four Tree. It’s a meal you’ll remember for a lifetime. Warren’s menu is extensive and they have a HUGE Salad Bar which adds to the Farewell Banquet experience. With all the fraternal camaraderie of the event, I’m sure you’ll want to put Chowdercon on your ANNUAL things-to-do Calendar Schedule EVERY YEAR on the Equinox weekend (3rd SATURDAY in September).
Come join-in on the, fun, excitement, learning, and memory-making gathering known as CHOWDERCON. You won’t regret it.
ALSO, QRP Afield (CQAF) is in-progress while we are on Four Tree Island. It’s fun to do some CW QSO’s in this long-running on-air NEQRP Sprint/Contest.
*** Chowdercon 2022 ***
PLACE: Portsmouth, NH – Four Tree Island
TIME: KICKING OFF AT 8AM THROUGH 4:30PM, and then heading over to WARREN’S for our annual Farewell Banquet Supper (4:45PM through 6:30PM+)
* COMMUNICATIONS: The National Simplex Frequency (146.52 direct), bring a fully charged H/T for close-in directions and other get-together comms.
Directions from YOUR QTH:
*(NOTE: Enter your starting point in the “A” window.)
*** P.S. – This is a FAMILY ORIENTED EVENT, so, bring the family, kids, and, grab a picnic table on the Island for your very own central hangout point. REMEMBER, Four Tree Island IS AN ISLAND SURROUNDED BY SALTWATER, SO, IT GETS COOL AND THERE IS ALWAYS A BREEZE. BRING A WINDBREAKER AND SOME WARM LAYERS! Also, if you have any games, horseshoes, darts, bean-bag toss, kites, or other family activities, bring them along. It’s always fun to fly kites, etcetera while on the Island. Got several QRP kits, small Field-Op rigs??? BRING THEM ALONG AND SHOW OTHERS (i.e. – SHOW-‘N-TELL). Let’s make sure that,
*** “The Excitement Is Building …” ***
Nutmeg Hamfest & Connecticut State Convention, October 9, 2022
The Nutmeg Hamfest is Back!
October 9th, 2022.
Great New Location:
Best Western Hotel
201 Washington Ave (US Route 5)
North Haven, CT 06473
In addition to our forums (see our Web Site) we’ll have several all-day demos for your enjoyment.
CT ARES Region 4 will bring their fully-equipped communications trailer, and welcome you to take a look inside.
POTA gurus Dave, NZ1J, and Shawn, KC1NQE, will have a station set up and look forward to answering your questions and offering tips ‘n’ tricks.
James AB1DQ will display his famous cigar-box construction products and offer some ideas for your own projects.
We’re proud to once again host the ARRL Connecticut Section Convention, too.
Don’t miss Southern New England’s Biggest and Best Hamfest.
Attention Vendors: We still have a few inside tables available. Plenty of room for tailgating, too.
All the details are on our website.
QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo, September 17-18, 2022
Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, writes:
Here is an update for the upcoming QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo, opening in two weeks, September 17th and 18th, 2022.
Over 50 Amateur Radio Presentations Scheduled.
We now have over 50 Expo presentations scheduled for the weekend. The times are in UTC and PDT (Pacific Daylight Time). We have included an ICS download under Add to Calendar and instructions for adding these specific presentations to your Google or Outlook calendar.
If a presentation includes downloadable slides or white paper, then it will appear in the presentation summary under “Collateral or Slides:”
Beginner and Intermediate tracks are in parallel and one after the other to allow the best user experience for new hams getting started. Expert presentations are scattered throughout the two days of the Expo. FlexRadio, our Platinum Sponsor, has their own presentation track.
All presentations will have live question and answer periods after the presentation itself. Of course, all of the presentations will be available for the on-demand period following their scheduled time slot for ticket holders.
Click on this link to view the presentation list
Click on this link to see the presentations broken out by time slot
Click on this link to buy your ticket
Click on this link if you need a youth or student scholarship
Photos from New England-Hudson Division ARRL Convention Wanted
Did you take any noteworthy photos from this weekend’s Northeast HamXposition / New England-Hudson Division ARRL Convention? If so, send them (or a link) to K9HI and he will publish them on a photo gallery page and credit you as the photographer!
NoBARC Hamfest, Adams, MA, August 21, 2022
The Northern Berkshire Amateur Radio Club will be holding its annual hamfest on Sunday, August 21. The hamfest will be held at the George Bowe Field (Adams Agricultural Fair Grounds), located directly off of Route 8 in Adams, MA.
Gates open at 6:30 AM for vendors and sellers, 7:00 AM for buyers. Admission is $5 for adult, kids under 12 are free. Sellers and vendors cot will be an additional $10. Talk-in will be on the K1FFK Mt. Greylock repeater, 146.91 MHz, PL 162.2. There will be an amateur radio exam session at 9:00 AM at the hamfest, for anyone wishing to get licensed or upgrade.
There will also be a raffle at 11:00 AM. Presence not required to win the raffle. Tickets at $4.00 each or 3 for $10.00. Prizes are:
- Anytone AT-578UV III DMR VHF/UHF radio
- MFJ-4128 power supply
- MMDVM digital voice hotspot
Further details available on the hamfest flyer.
Upcoming Ham Radio Conventions Emphasize Learning and Youth
08/12/2022—Two major ham radio events in August will host Division Conventions for ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®. On August 20 – 21, the Huntsville Hamfest will be the host of the ARRL Southeastern Division Convention at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama. On August 26 – 28, the Northeast HamXposition will host the combined ARRL New England and Hudson Division Conventions at the Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center in Marlborough, Massachusetts.
“Both conventions include an exceptional amount of programming to encourage and instruct radio amateurs across a variety of interests,” said ARRL Education and Learning Manager Steve Goodgame, K5ATA. Goodgame, who used his recent experience as a school teacher to help high school students earn their ham radio licenses, will participate in both events. He will lead forums to share ways for engaging youth and offer tools and tips for approaching schools about including amateur radio in their programs and curriculum.
The Huntsville Hamfest will also include a Youth Lounge where young and prospective hams can participate in hands-on activities and demonstrations, including kit building, fox hunting (find the hidden transmitter), and opportunities to get on the air.
Other forums at the conventions will cover topics geared toward inspiring attendees to get more active and involved in amateur radio. Forums at the Huntsville Hamfest include “Arduino: The Next Generation,” with ARRL author Glen Popiel, KW5GP; “Grounding and Bonding,” with ARRL editor and author Ward Silver, N0AX; “Fox Hunting 101,” with co-presenters Joe Domaleski, KI4ASK, and Mary Catherine Domaleski, KI4HHI, and “Kit Building Techniques for Success,” presented by ARRL Handbook contributor Joe Eisenberg, K0NEB. Eisenberg is also the speaker for the Saturday Grand Banquet at the Northeast HamXposition.
A similar lineup of forums has been organized for the Northeast HamXposition, including “How to Solve Radio Frequency Interference,” “Linux in Your Ham Shack,” and “Playing Radio ‘Outside’.”
ARRL will have exhibits at both conventions, where attendees can connect with membership program representatives and elected volunteers from the Board of Directors and Field Organization. ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, and CEO David Minster, NA2AA, will attend the Huntsville Hamfest. Minster will give the opening Keynote Address on Saturday morning at the Northeast HamXposition.
The convention exhibit halls will also include the participation of manufacturers and equipment resellers — an opportunity for attendees to browse and shop in person for the latest in amateur radio equipment and accessories. Among the confirmed exhibitors for the Huntsville Hamfest are ABR Industries, BridgeCom Systems, Diamond® Antenna, DX Engineering, Elecraft, FlexRadio Systems, GigaParts, Ham Radio Outlet, Icom America, MFJ Enterprises, N3ZN Keys, RT Systems, SteppIR Communication Systems, and Yaesu USA. Exhibits at Northeast HamXposition will include, among others, Elecraft, Ham Radio Outlet, Momobeam, and Quicksilver Radio Products. Both conventions include a flea market.
Audrey McElroy, KM4BUN, an 18-year-old student who recently started her studies at Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), will be presented with the 2022 Bill Pasternak WA6ITF Memorial Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year award at the Huntsville Hamfest. In July, the ARRL Foundation awarded McElroy a $25,000 scholarship, sponsored by Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC).
Proceeds from the Northeast HamXposition go to the FEMARA Scholarship fund, which helps students attend a college or trade school of their choice. Scholarships are administered by the ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program.
Visit the official convention websites for advance tickets and a complete listing of activities:
- Huntsville Hamfest, hosting the ARRL Southeastern Division Convention; Huntsville, Alabama | August 20 – 21, 2022
- Northeast HamXposition, hosting the ARRL New England and Hudson Division Conventions; Marlborough, Massachusetts | August 26 – 28, 2022
A list of all ARRL-sanctioned hamfests and conventions is published at and includes these upcoming events:
- QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo (online event) | September 17 – 18, 2022. ARRL is a QSO Today partner.
- HRO Superfest, hosting the ARRL Central Division Convention; Milwaukee, Wisconsin | September 23 – 24, 2022
- Red River Radio Amateur Hamfest, hosting the ARRL Dakota Division Convention; West Fargo, North Dakota | September 24, 2022
- ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention, Cheyenne, Wyoming | October 7 – 9, 2022
- Pacificon hosting the ARRL Pacific Division Convention; San Ramon, California | October 14 – 16, 2022
Western Connecticut Hamfest, Danbury, CT, September 11, 2022
Electronics and Amateur Radio Hamfest: September 11, 2022
Sponsored by the Candlewood Amateur Radio Association
We are back for 2022, In a NEW LOCATION and DATE!
The Candlewood Amateur Radio Association (CARA) will be hosting the Western Connecticut Hamfest and Swap meet at a NEW location! on Sunday, September 11 from 8 AM till 1 PM. Rain or shine. Location is at Police Athletic League, 35 Hayestown Road, Danbury, CT. This is “The Biggest Little Hamfest in Western CT” and is sure to have plenty for all electronics, makers, and Amateur Radio enthusiasts. This is an IN-DOOR and Tailgating event.
Every year, enthusiasts from the greater Danbury area and surrounding states gather to swap gear, knowledge, and stories. This year there will be an Amateur Radio License testing session (9:30 am) as well as a presentation by the Fred Kemmerer, ARRL New England Director, we will also have the Region 5 Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) forum at 10:30AM. Get those books out and take your first FCC Amateur Radio License or upgrade your Radio license, at the same time you look around and find that piece of tech you can’t go home without.
There will be electronics and radio equipment vendors, demonstrations, and refreshments as well. Door prizes will be announced periodically, you are entered with your admission ticket. Raffle tickets will be sold for some great gear as well.
Spaces are available, at $20/spot, bring your own table and chair, each spot include one admission. Get rid of that gear you don’t use anymore. There is sure to be someone there interested in your unused computer, electronic or radio gear. Regular admission is $8 at the door ($1 discount with the flyer, available at our website). Don’t forget Kids under 12 are free!
For further information go to or contact John Morelli W1JGM at or call 203-417-0160.
John G. Morelli (W1JGM)
VP Candlewood Amateur Radio Association (CARA)
Chairman; Western Connecticut Hamfest Club Call W1QI