The ARRL Club Commission program is an ARRL Affiliated Club Benefit that provides benefits to your club when your club members become new ARRL Members or renew their existing ARRL Membership.
The best way to maximize this benefit is to hold quarterly membership drives. The slides below outline a process for holding quarterly membership drives and detail the benefits to your club and your members for holding these drives.
Process for Clubs to Hold ARRL Membership Drives

Here is a link to the ARRL Club Commission Reconciliation Form
Here is a link to the ARRL Membership Form
Slides for Club Leaders to Present at ARRL Membership Drives
The slides below explain the benefits of the ARRL Membership and the Club Commission Program to your members. Club leaders can download the slides below and present them at your quarterly ARRL Membership Drives.

Resources for Club Leaders to Announce ARRL Membership Drives to your Club
You can cut and paste the text below into a reflector post, email, or website announcement of your ARRL Membership Drive.
————————————————–> cut here <———————————————————-
The <insert club name here> will be holding an ARRL Membership Drive at our <insert date here> meeting.
If your ARRL membership is going to run out in the next three months and you need to renew your membership OR if you are not a member of the ARRL and want to join to get all of the benefits, we will have membership forms for you to fill out. Just bring your dues payment and we will send your form and payment to the ARRL.
You can download the form at if you want to print it out and fill it in and bring it to the meeting. Or we will have forms for you to fill out at the meeting.
Joining the ARRL or renewing your ARRL membership through our membership drive helps to support our club, and renewing early doesn’t penalize you in any way.
We will explain the benefits of ARRL Membership and the benefits to our club at the meeting.
If 5 new members sign up for ARRL memberships, we will hold a drawing to give away a brand new ARRL Handbook!
Resources for Section Managers and Affiliated Club Coordinators to communicate this program to Club Presidents in your Section
You can cut and paste the following text to use in an email to club presidents in your section to educate them on the benefits to their club of holding quarterly ARRL membership drives and the available resources.
————————————————–> cut here <——————————————————–
Club Presidents and Leaders,
The ARRL Club Commission program provides rebates to your club for signing up new ARRL members and for ARRL membership renewals. The best way to take advantage of this program is to hold quarterly membership drives at your membership meetings.
We have created a website with the following information to help you carry out quarterly ARRL Membership drives:
- A set of slides with the details of the benefits to your club and the process for holding quarterly membership drives.
- A link to the ARRL Membership Form that your members can fill out to join the ARRL or renew their membership
- A link to the ARRL Club Commission Reconciliation Form that you can submit to the ARRL along with the membership forms and payments so that you can get your rebate.
- A set of slides that you can present at your ARRL Membership Drive to let your members know about the benefits of ARRL Membership and the benefits to your club when they join or renew through your membership drive.
This information can be found at the following website: