Central NH ARC Provided Communications for NH Marathon, Half Marathon, & 10K, Bristol, NH, October 2, 2021

From Central NH ARC Facebook page:

Members of the Central New Hampshire Amateur Radio Club provided communications support for the 2021 New Hampshire Marathon, Half Marathon, & 10K on Saturday, October 2, 2021 in Bristol. 

According to the event web site: “The race takes runners along the roads that lead out from and back into Bristol around the shoreline of Newfound Lake, the 4,106-acre lake that has helped make this small town a popular spot for summertime outdoors recreation, for swimming, boating and fishing on the lake to hiking and camping in the hills and mountains that surround its 22 miles of shoreline — the town’s population typically doubles in the summer, city officials say, from its usual 3,300 residents to more than 6,500 in the peak vacation months.”


Fox Hunt in Wallingford, CT, October 3, 2021

Dave Tipping, NZ1J, writes on the ctfoxhunter list on October 2, 2021:

We’ll have a live Fox Hunt on Sunday in Wallingford from 9:30 am until 11:00 am.

We’ll be using these three frequencies: 

There will be a 1 watt signal continuously on 146.565 MHz.  It will make a short beep every three seconds and will ID in Morse code every minute.

The 10 mW transmitter is on 147.475 MHz and will beep every three seconds and will ID in Morse Code every minute.

The 1mW transmitter is on 146.290 MHz and beeps every three seconds.

There is no central starting location.  Other Fox Hunters can be contacted on the W1NRG repeater 147.360 with PL 162.2

Good luck.

Dave NZ1J

Volunteers Sought for Post Mills (VT) CROP Walk, October 3, 2021

Dave Colter, WA1ZCN, writes on the Twin State Radio Club mailing list:

Just a reminder that we have the Post Mills CROP walk this Sunday from 1 to 5 PM. We need four or five operators for this very low-key event. Good people, great scenery, and a nice relaxing afternoon. Our role is to be there if one of the walkers needs to bail out or is injured, and to keep an eye on traffic issues and notify the Sheriff’s dept. if needed. Talk-in for those who haven’t been there before will be on the [Twin State Radio Club] repeater network, so you can try the new Burden’s Hill repeater, which has HT quality coverage in Post Mills. As usual, walk communications will be on a simplex frequency to be determined. This will be our first year doing this event without Bill Burden, WB1BRE, organizing things.



Connecticut POTA Meet Up, October 23, 2021

Conn. POTA Meet Up Announcement, Oct. 23From Connecticut Hams Facebook Group:

Are you interested in learning about the Parks On The Air program?

Please consider joining me on Saturday, October 23 at Hammonasset State Park in Madison. When you arrive at the park, please call W1FYG on 146.52 simplex. You will be directed to the location within the park. 

This will be an informal, yet fun session for everyone to share ideas.

Learn more about activating and hunting using your HF/VHF gear.

If you are a current activator, please consider bringing your equipment for a Show ‘N Tell session.

Rain date: Sunday, October 24.

Questions? Email W1FYG at dizzo32@gmail.com.

For more information about the Parks On The Air Program, go to https://parksontheair.com. Click on the tab labeled ** Help/Getting Started **



NEAR-Fest is ON! October 15-16, 2021

NEAR-Fest logoMichael Crestohl, W1RC, writes:

NEAR-FEST XXX is ON!  We are looking forward to seeing all our friends, new and old, after a very long two-year absence at Deerfield at 0900 on Friday October 15th.

Although there are no state or local mandates we want everybody to feel safe at NEAR-Fest.  We are asking all attendees to bring their own masks and hand sanitizer.   PLEASE respect the wishes of others and wear a mask when inside any of our buildings and observe a 10’ or 2m distance from others whenever possible.  We also request that you don your mask when interacting with any member of our staff, inside or outside.  They have expressed their concerns.  Remember if we didn’t have them we could not do NEAR-Fest! Kindly honor their wishes.

Tickets will be on sale at the gate.  Admission is $15 per person and $10 for inside parking which includes flea market selling space.  You can save $5 on your admission tickets if you buy them in advance.  They are available BY MAIL (do not mail later than Monday October 5th)Mail to NEAR-Fest, 316 Atlantic Avenue, Marblehead MA 01945, checks or amo payable to NEAR-Fest and a self-addressed stamped envelope.  Also available in person at Ham Radio Outlet in Salem NH and at Ross W1EKG’s clock shop, 40 Walnut Street in Whitman MA.

We look forward to our “Grand Homecoming”.  It has been a very long two years.


MisterMike, W1RC

PS: Don’t forget to attend the ARRL Division Director candidates “Town Hall” meeting on Friday.   See our web site www.near-fest.com for details.


Two Foxes To Find, Wallingford, CT Vicinity, September 26, 2021

Jim Savage, N1ZN, writes on the ctfoxhunter list on September 25, 2021:

I will be putting out two fox-in-a-boxes tomorrow, Sunday 9/26, starting at 9:30 AM and running till around 11:00 AM.

They will be Rob’s FIAB #1 broadcasting 1w on 145.700.  I will be with the box.

There will also be FIAB #3 nearby broadcasting 12mW on 145.300.

They shouldn’t be too difficult to find.  I’ll be monitoring the repeater if you need help.

Jim N1ZN

First Annual New England Parks On The Air Event, October 16, 2021

Parks On The Air logoThe K1USN Radio Club has announced the 1st Annual Autumn New England Parks On The Air event on Saturday, October 16, 2021 from 0000-2359 UTC. Activation from as many different POTAs as possible.

The goal is to have one group/individual at each site to enable the activation of as many NE POTAs as possible.
Officially listed POTAs from throughout New England are required.

Maps and lists can be found at <https://parksontheair.com/>.
Since this is not a “contest” official log submissions will not be required but summaries would be encouraged. A post-event link will be available at <www.k1usn.com>. 
We hope to give the public a chance to learn a bit more about Amateur Radio by obtaining some free pre-event publicity and with the use of informational handouts. Here are samples you could use:



The weekend of Oct 16 – 17 is also JOTA weekend and all participants are encouraged to reach out to local Scouting groups: <https://www.jotajoti.info/>.

Remember that this will be a New England-wide event so folks that attend NEAR-Fest on Saturday, October 16th in Deerfield, NH may wish to activate a NH park on the way home.

Okay, who is interested in jumping onboard the NE Autumn POTA event?
BTW, Bob, WC1N, has created a spreadsheet so that we can keep track of individuals/clubs as they sign on. You can sign up at: <http://www.ilovepota.com/index.php>.

For those of you with additional questions or comments please reply to <k1rv@arrl.net>.

The 2021 ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET) is Just Ahead

ARES logoARRL Bulletin 24  ARLB024
From ARRL Headquarters 
Newington CT  September 23, 2021
To all radio amateurs

ARLB024 The 2021 ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET) is Just Ahead

The weekend of October 2 – 3 is designated for holding the annual ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET), although local and Section-level exercises may take place throughout the Fall. The SET is ARRL’s primary national emergency exercise and is designed to assess the skills and preparedness of Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) volunteers, as well as those affiliated with other organizations involved in emergency and disaster response.

The SET encourages maximum participation by all radio amateurs, partner organizations, and national, state, and local officials who typically engage in emergency or disaster response. In addition to ARES volunteers, those active in the National Traffic System (NTS), Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES), National Weather Service (NWS) SKYWARN, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), and a variety of other allied groups and public service-oriented radio amateurs are needed to fulfill important roles in this nationwide exercise.

The SET offers volunteers an opportunity to test equipment, modes, and skills under simulated emergency conditions and scenarios. Individuals can use the time to update a “go-kit” for use during deployments and to ensure their home station’s operational capability in an emergency or disaster. To get involved, contact your local ARRL Emergency Coordinator or Net Manager.


Operators Needed, Niantic Bay Boardwalk 5K, Niantic, CT, October 16, 2021

Tim Rodgers, KC1TWR, writes on the RASON and TriCity ARC mailing list:

Communicators needed!

The 2021 Niantic Bay Boardwalk 5K is scheduled for Saturday, October 16th, with a rain date for Sunday October 17th. This is a short event with the race starting at 10 AM and award ceremony at 11:30 AM. Report time at the Region 4 Mobile Communications Unit will be 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM.

The MCU4 will be located in the upper McCook Point Beach and Park lot.  Early report time is required so communicators are out of the park before the runners start to assemble.  The upper gate should be open for walk-in.  If you would like to drive up to MCU4, please use the lower entrance, drive to the end of the parking lot and up the driveway to the top.
Eleven communicators will be needed.  To date we only have three signed up. Start and finish are located at two different locations, plus I need 2 operators willing to walk in from each end of the boardwalk (1/3 from the end) and cover a checkpoint.  The course leaves lower McCook Park, travels along Main Street, enters Cini Park, and then goes onto the boardwalk.  Finish line is at the end of the boardwalk after Baptist Lane.
This is a GREAT opportunity to introduce newly licensed amateurs or persons interested in getting licensed to public service.  Please ask someone to join you!

If you are available please send an email to: TimKC1TWR@gmail.com 
Please include your cell and home phone numbers for the COMM Plan even if you have sent them for previous events.  Include your T-Shirt size as well. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Tim Rodgers KC1TWR

Cell/Text:  860-460-7360
CT ARES Region 4 DEC
“Train as you expect to work because you will work as you have trained.”