YCCC Qualifications for 2022 WRTC

Yankee Clipper Contest Club logoDave Malley, W1VEM, writes on the YCCC mailing list:

Congratulations to Bob, WA1Z, and Randy, K5ZD, for qualifying as Team Leaders for the 2022 Italia WRTC championship!

Congratulations also to Dave, K1ZZ; Paul, K1XM; Ed, N1UR; Marty, NN1C; Dennis,W1UE; Gene,W3UA and Robert, WA1FCN.

Nine YCCC members is terrific & my apologies if I missed anyone!

RASON Auction, Gales Ferry, CT, October 30, 2021

RASON website screenshotTim Rodgers, KC1TWR, writes:
Come to the [Radio Amateur Society Of Norwich] fall auction and get some new to you gear or parts!  Our annual Auction is on October 30 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall (1650 CT Route 12, Gales Ferry, CT).  This is one mile south of our usual Gales Ferry Fire House 
Setup is at 7 AM.  Doors open for sellers at 8 AM.  Buyers are welcome beginning at 9 AM.  The live auction begins at 10 AM.  Talk in is on 146.730 MHz (- Offset, PL 156.7 Hz).  There will be many items up for sale, and food will be available.  Admission is $5 and includes a complimentary donut and coffee. Masks are required on everyone while inside of the building.  Please come to support the club, sell your unwanted radio items, and grow your equipment collection!  
Contact Mark KE1IU at KE1IUMark@gmail.com with any questions.  
Additional information can be found at https://rason.org/rason-auction-information/
Please pass this on to your club members, and any other clubs or people who might be interested.

NEAR-Fest XXX Health and Safety Guidelines

NEAR-Fest logoAs we get ready to return to Deerfield NH in a couple days to resume our beloved hamfest that we have all missed so much for two years it is obvious that there are some fundamental precautions we must institute in order to be in full compliance with all CDC, State and Town Departments of Public Health guidelines.  We do not want to wear out our welcome.  NEAR-FEST IS SAFE FOR ALL must be our motto!

It is our hope that everyone will have been vaccinated.  However we realize that not everyone will be.  If you have not had your shots please take extra care: wear a mask especially inside and use hand sanitizer often. We don’t want anyone getting sick at our event.

The State of New Hampshire does not currently have a mask mandate so neither does NEAR-Fest.  However, we have some common sense requests and recommendations because we want everybody to feel safe at our hamfest:

1:  We are strongly requesting that everyone wear a mask or face shield while inside the commercial buildings, when attending forums and when at the exam session.   Masks will be available at the entrance to these buildings but it is advisable to bring your own as well.  We are also strongly requesting that all attendees wear a mask when buying or presenting your admission ticket or otherwise interacting with any of our staff members.

2:  Our staff volunteers have expressed some concerns and we want them to feel comfortable helping us run the fester.  Remember we cannot do the hamfest without them. They did not volunteer to get Covid.  Many of them aren’t the young healthy kids we once were and have serious concerns about covid either personally or with immediate family members.  We are requesting that everyone put aside all political and personal views about mask wearing and wear them where we have requested out of respect for the dedicated volunteers who run this event.

We  are committed to keeping everyone safe and this request from me is part of this commitment.

3: The use of hand sanitizer is advised especially after handling any items in the flea market and commercial buildings.  We will have hand sanitizer in automatic dispensers as well as masks available at the entrances to the buildings. 

Additionally, we ask that all attendees attempt to maintain a distance of six feet (or two metres) from others as much as possible and avoid crowding others at flea market and commercial vendor tables.  I know this is difficult especially if there is “good stuff cheap”.

These are still difficult and trying times.  We are glad to be back running the hamfest again but the world has changed in the past 18 months and we must change with it.  We appreciate your cooperation which is particularly important because we want to continue holding the hamfest while assuring the local community that we pose a minimal health threat with our presence.


Stay well!

MisterMike, W1RC, and the entire NEAR-Fest gang

New England Sci-Tech ARS Crew to Participate in JOTA, Lexington (MA), October 16, 2021

JOTA-JOTI logoTate Aldridge, K1MKD, writes:

With Bruce [N9JBT], Mindy [KM1NDY], and Marc’s help (and flyers from Rusty and Bob), we are hosting a Jamboree On The Air for scouts in Lexington. We will have several radios out and will be making contacts and educating scouts about amateur radio. We would be very happy to see you there!

Lexington Visitor Center lawn, Lexington, MA
Saturday Oct 16
Scouts are coming from 1-4 and we start set up around 11 – STARS friends are welcome any time!

Tate, K1MKD

Jamboree On The Air Operation, Enfield, NH, October 15-17, 2021

JOTA-JOTI logoRay Chaffee, WA1ORT, writes on the Twin State Radio Club mailing list:

I am looking for operators for the weekend.  I plan on operations starting on Friday at 7:00 PM until Sunday at 10 AM. Operations subject to band openings.

I hope to have at least 3 HF and DMR stations. I would like to do a fox hunt on Saturday if I have enough help.

We will be at La Salette on Route 4A in Enfield, NH.


Wadsworth Falls State Park (CT) Activated for POTA, October 11, 2021

Parks On The Air logoDave Tipping, NZ1J, writes on the Meriden ARC Facebook page:
John, KC1KQH, and I activated Wadsworth Falls State Park K-1726 for [Parks On The Air] today. We again used the Inverted Vee antenna, which was highlighted in one of these photos to make it more visible. 40 meters was great and yielded 75 QSOs for each of us. We also got nine QSOs on 80 meters and a few on 6 meters. The hunters were very courteous and several thanked us for activating and commented on how good our signal was. We also had a good signal path to several club members and those QSOs are always appreciated.
A park ranger stopped by while we were working a pile up, but he was satisfied with all our answers. We had no stakes in the ground and nothing fastened to a tree (two pet peeves of park rangers).
This was another very enjoyable activation. NZ1J

Greater Bridgeport (CT) ARC Parks On The Air Event, October 16, 2021

Greater Bridgeport ARC loogoGBARC Parks on the Air
16 October 2021 – 9am to 5pm

GBARC will hold a multi-station Parks on the Air event that will see us setting up stations in four State Parks.  The parks include:

  • Sherwood Island SP (Park K-1715)
  • Silver Sands SP (Park K-1716)
  • Osbornedale SP (Park K-1709)
  • West Rock SP (Park K-1727) (2 stations)

The goal is to provide some community outreach for ham radio, and to help train our new operators.  We will divide our efforts into four teams who will each take four parks.  

During the POTA Event we will be participating in the CT ARES Simulated Emergency Test.  During the SET we will be using simplex VHF/UHF as well as DMR for contacts.

Multiple Foxes to Hunt, Norwich CT, October 9, 2021

Mark Noe, KE1IU, writes on the ctfoxhunter list on October 9, 2021 at 9:12 AM:

A reminder that we will have a foxhunt today at 1:30 PM in Mohegan Park – Norwich, CT.  We will have 4 fox boxes at different power levels to be distributed around the area of the park.  Your goal (if you wish to accept it) will be to find as many of the fox boxes in the allotted 2 hour period.  The fox boxes may or may not all be within Mohegan Park, but that will be a good starting point for you to hear them all.  The fox box power levels and frequencies are listed below – Note there are changes to this list!:
146.330 MHz – 1 mW (KE1IU Fox H listed on our website)
145.910 MHz – 10 mW (KE1IU Fox I listed on our website)
146.585 MHz – 0.5 W (KE1IU Fox J listed on our website)
146.550 MHz – 1 W, DTMF 1 to activate – PL of 114.8 Hz (Fox B listed on our website)
Please let me know if you have any questions.  We will be asking people to check in to the foxhunt at the beginning of the hunt.  
If you are a beginner and need help, then you can call me on the RASON repeater (146.730) at the beginning of the foxhunt and I will work with you to hunt the 146.550 MHz box.  That one is being hidden on me, so I have no idea where it is!  If you do not have a radio with you, then you can call me on 860-326-8025 and we will coordinate to meet.
Many thanks,

NEAR-Fest Is October 15-16, 2021

Michael Crestohl, W1RC, writes:

NEAR-Fest logoAttention All Units!  NEAR-Fest XXX is Next Weekend… We Are Back Live and Online!

We are pleased to announce that NEAR-Fest XXX will begin at 0900 on Friday, October 15, 2021.  It will be a hybrid event both live at the Deerfield (NH) Fairgrounds and online worldwide via Zoom.  
For more information follow these links:
General Information:  https://near-fest.com/
Don’t miss our “Town Meetimg” candidates for ARRL New England Director forum!
Divisive issue to be sure but let’s all respect each other’s wishes to keep everyone safe.  
It has been a long two years…
MisterMike, W1RC
Benevolent Dictator,
New England Amateur Radio Festival, Inc.

Fox On the Loose, Bedford, NH, October 9, 2021

Wayne Grant, KB1HYL, writes on the Granite State ARA list on October 8, 2021 at 10:41 PM:

Since I probably won’t be able to send an email after I set the fox loose, I’ll give you the important information now.  (I’ll be going to the Saturday breakfast.)  I plan on setting the fox out around 7:00 or 7:30 in the morning.  I’ll be calling it a day around 5:30 or 6:00 PM.  It will be located somewhere in the Earl Legacy Park, Bedford.  The frequency is 146.565.

I will provide a small notebook to enter your name, call sign and the date/time that you find the fox.  If you don’t find it, don’t bother filling it out. ;^)  But seriously, enjoy the hunt.


Wayne – KB1HYL