MA Ham Radio License Plate Update

MA ham operator sample license plateFrom

Phil Temples, K9HI, received the following email on November 5, 2020 from Phyllis Burke, a supervisor employed by the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles in response to his question about the status of his ham radio license plate order:

“The RMV has out in a fix (sic) for these plates and will hopefully be done with in the next month or two.  We will contact you when it is completed and order the plate.  I apologize for the inconvenience.” 

-Phyllis Burke <>.

[See: Massachusetts Department of Motor Vehicles is Not Processing Ham Operator Plate Applications]


Algonquin ARC Battery Challenge Begins December 1, 2020

6v latern battery photoThere is QRP, even “QRPp.” Aficionados get on the air, battery and spare battery in hand and see how many contacts—or how much DX—they can log. But have you ever considered how many QSOs are actually held in a single battery pack?

A few years back, a member (W1XP) of another club, the Nashoba Valley ARC up in the Pepperell­/Groton area decided that finding out would make a good club activity. Thus, the Lantern Battery Challenge (LBC). Participants were issued a 12V stack of off­-the-­shelf 6V lantern batteries. (You know the ones—they’re about two inches square and four or so inches high.)

Each participant was charged with making as many contacts as possible within four months, or until the battery was discharged beyond the point of usefulness. By the way, at the participant’s option the battery only had to power the transmitter portion of whatever station equipment was used. Well, with virtual meetings, things are pretty quiet in these here parts. I was thinking, maybe an LBC of or own would liven things up. Under the Vice President’s sponsorship, Algonquin (MA) Amateur Radio Club‘s LBC will commence at 0000Z on 1 December 2020 and conclude at 2400Z on 31 March 2021. You can join at any time during the “contest” period. Participation is voluntary, with only one stipulation: you get your own battery stack and you let me know that you’re playing in the game. OK, that’s two stipulations. And I’d like to know what you did and how successful you were. Is that another stipulation? I’ll work up some rules for the effort and post them on AARCList. Maybe we’ll have a party when our LBC is over.

-Skip, K1NKR, AARC QRZ, November 2020

US Coast Guard Special Events Operation N1A, November 6-8, 2020

Chuck Motes, K1DFS, writes:

I will be operating an amateur radio HF “Special Event” station between the hours of 1400Z and 2300Z (minimum) on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 6 – 8, 2020.

Operating frequencies will be near:  14.265 MHz Upper Side band and/or 7.265 MHz.  Lower Side band. 

The special event station call sign will be N1A.  (November One Alpha)  in Commemoration of the USCG Auxiliary 81st Anniversary. All stations (amateur) are encouraged to participate and contact special events stations during this period on HF and VHF frequencies.

Special QSL cards will be available.  Contacting stations should send QSO information (a QSL would be nice!) and an SASE that will accept a QSL card in return from this or any special events station to the station or stations contacted.  QST magazine (and the ARRL webpage) contains contact and mailing info.

Special Event Station N1A contact info:

Charles I. Motes, Jr., N1A
22 Woodside Lane
Plainville, CT 06062-1225

Please send this info and note to as many contacts as you can.  An “all hands” message from up the chain would be nice (hint, hint).


Chuck Motes/NF013CT, USCG AUX, 013-09-06



New Connecticut Affiliated Club Coordinator: Ed Snyder, W1YSM

Ed Snyder, W1YSM
Dr. Ed Snyder, W1YSM

Ed Snyder, W1YSM, has been appointed as the new Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) for Connecticut by Section Manager Chuck Motes, K1DFS.  

An Amateur Extra Class licensee, Ed became the SKYWARN Emergency Coordinator for New Haven and Middlesex Counties. He joined the Meriden Amateur Radio Club (MARC) and was elected President in 2019.  MARC has grown under Ed’s leadership. With the help of the club’s almost 90 members, MARC now offers a choice of five weekly on-air nets, weekly fox hunts, monthly VE sessions, radio repair opportunities and various other ham activities.

With encouragement from Phil, K9HI, Ed approached Chuck Motes, K1DFS, about the open ACC position as the job description seemed to parallel what Ed was already doing for MARC.  His appointment became effective on October 31, 2020.

“I intend to begin my support of amateur radio clubs in the section by surveying each of the 41 ARRL affiliated clubs.  My overall goal is to determine how Connecticut clubs and the ARRL can work together to grow and expand our beloved hobby for the benefit of its members.”  Snyder is passionate about clubs. “I truly believe local radio clubs are key to the survival of Amateur Radio.”

Ed lives in Wallingford with his wife Rose and his family. 


Amateur Radio Emergency Services Mutal Assistance Team (ARESMAT), November 4, 2020

RATPAC logoK7REX writes:

Please plan to attend tomorrow’s, Wednesday, November 04 Zoom session.

10:00 PM AST / 9:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM CST / 7:00 PM MST / 6:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM AKST / 4:00 PM HST

Topic:  Amateur Radio Emergency Services Mutual Assistance Team (ARESMAT)

Speaker: Don Coltrane, KJ4UC

Today’s meeting will be OPEN for all to attend. Please feel free to invite others.

  • This meeting will be recorded. By participating you consent to being recorded. 
  • Please change your display name to Your FirstName, CallSign (or organization) and Location, e.g. Dan K7REX Idaho. 
  • Please stay muted until ready to speak. Your space bar works like a PTT for unmuting
  • To be fair to everyone, there will be a three minute limit for each person during Q & A
  • You may ask questions in chat; please stay on topic while using chat.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: ARESMAT
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,2128884758#,,,,,,0#,,4867531# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,2128884758#,,,,,,0#,,4867531# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: 4867531

Northeast HamXposition “Grand Finale” Virtual Weekend, November 6-8, 2020

Northeast HamXposition logo with datesHamXposition 2020 Chairman Bob DeMattia, K1IW, writes:

We are coming up on a grand finale virtual weekend.  If you haven’t already, there is still time to register! This email gives a brief summary – see for details and to sign up.

  • Our HamXposition special event station – W1A – will be activated on Friday evening, November 6th and will be on the air through 7 PM the following Sunday.   W1A will be operated from individual operator’s home stations – you can sign up so that your station is one of them.
  • On Saturday, November 7th at 10 AM, the Nashua Area Radio Society will be holding an online version of the “Ham Radio Bootcamp”.   The cover story in October QST, this activity is geared for new hams looking  into the various ways they can experience the hobby.  However, even if you’ve had your license for a long time you might learn something new!
  • On Saturday November 7th at 7 PM, we will be holding our “Virtual Grand Banquet”.  Order your favorite take-out or delivery, pull up your chair, and enjoy an evening highlighted with keynote speaker Gordon West.  At the conclusion of the event, we will hold a drawing for the banquet prize – a Kenwood V71A dual band transceiver with Astron power supply and dual-band mag mount antenna.  You must be present at drawing time to win.
All of these events are free, but all require preregistration.  Once you preregister, you will be given the connection details.
Finally, we are running a donation drive this year to help offset some of the annual costs we have and to help keep the revenue stream toward the scholarships flowing. Anyone donating $5 or morewill receive a souvenir HamXPosition 2020 general admission ticket by mail.
unnamed (1).png
Those donating $25 or more will be listed on our electronic honor wall, and those donating $50 or more will receive a limited-edition “Moonbounce” badge ribbon (which you can use in 2021) and a limited-edition T-shirt:
unnamed (2).png
Preregistration and donations can all be done on our website:
To get to the donation section, click on the banquet Event Registration link.
I hope you are able to enjoy all or part of our events – and hope to be able to see you at our in-person convention on July 23, 24 and 25, 2021.
Bob – K1IW
Chair, HamXposition 2020

FM Talk Radio Station Frequency Hijacked by Pirate in Warren, MA

via Worcester MA Telegram & Gazette:

WARREN — As the hosts talk about sports on WEEI-FM 105.5, their signal fades, breaks up and a bit of static overrides their voices when drivers reach downtown Warren.

Then, another voice slips in, “Don’t be a chump, vote for Trump.” There is a pause before it repeats in a whisper, “Don’t be a chump, vote for Trump.”

“At first I thought someone was just broadcasting close to the frequency,” Chief Gerald Millette said. “I drove around and it starts by Pine and Nelson (streets) and it goes all the way downtown.”

Central MA Amateur Radio Association President Brian Loverro, K1BML, is quoted in the article.

[Full story]

Newport County (RI) Radio Club “Park On The Air” Effort Growing

KC1KUF operating Parks On The Air from Coccumcussoc State Park
Ryan, KC1KUF, activating Coccumcussoc State Park. Gear: Icom IC-7000, 30 AH LiFePO4 battery, and 20-m HamStick antenna.

via NCRC web site:

The [Newport County Radio Club] Parks On The Air (POTA) Group is growing, with many successful activations in the month of October.  Fairly simple radios and antennas are deployed in state or national parks recognized by the ParksOnTheAir program. An example of a recent activation is Coccumcussoc State Park in North Kingstown.  It was activated for the first time by Ryan, KC1KUF.  Ryan, 14 and a freshman at North Kingstown High School, started working on his radio license two years ago, and completed his General this summer.  In that time he has become an accomplished Winter & Summer Field Day operator, so it is only natural that he would find new ways to get on the air in the field.

Sometimes a single operator is involved, and sometimes a few people join in to put multiple stations on the air.  It is a wonderful opportunity to get outside in the fresh air and have a chance to meet up with our fellow hams in a safe way.  If you would like to join in on the fun and be kept aware of new activations, please email POTA at

The November 9th club meeting (7 PM via Zoom) will have a short presentation on POTA, with plenty of time to ask questions about antennas, rigs, and batteries.

ARRL Sweepstakes, November 7-9, 21-23, 2020

November Sweepstakes logoContest Objective: To support amateur self-training in radiocommunications, including improving amateur operating skills, conducting technical investigations, and intercommunicating with other amateurs. Stations in the United States and Canada (including territories and possessions) exchange information with as many other US and Canadian stations as possible on the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands.


CW: First full weekend in November (November 7-9, 2020).

Phone: Third full weekend in November (November 21-23, 2020).

Contest Period: Begins 2100 UTC Saturday and runs through 0259 UTC Monday.

Click here for updates on the Affiliated Club Competion program

2020 Update:

There are now a total of 84 ARRL/RAC sections, as RAC has separated Prince Edward Island (PE) from the Maritime (MAR) Section. Make sure your contest logging software and “country” (CTY) files have been updated so that those abbreviations are recognized and credited properly.

In addition, effective April 1, 2020, RAC has realigned the Ontario South (ONS) and Greater Toronto area (GTA) sections- with the City of Hamilton and the Regional Municipality of Niagara moving from ONS to GTA.

Visit for a complete list of contest multipliers and their abbreviations.

Contest rules are now maintained as a single downloadable document (see below).

For contest information contact or (860) 594-0232.

[For more information, visit <>.]