Cape Cod (MA) ARES District Exercise “Operation Big Blow,” August 7, 2021, 10 AM-12 Noon

EMA ARES logoFrom

Cape Cod ARES will conduct a district exercise “Operation Big Blow” as an advanced level exercise. Given the significant push for Amateur Radio volunteers for the 2021 Boston Marathon, several ARES District Emergency Coordinators who are either out of area or dealing with significant professional/personal workload and the high level of SKYWARN Activations during the month of July, formal section participation from the exercise has been dropped but anyone wishing to participate from outside of the Cape Cod district is more than welcome to do so and can reach the Cape Cod ARES district via 2m simplex, HF and digital modes such as Winlink and NBEMS.  This is the exercise plan: Cape Cod ARES District “Operation Big Blow” Exercise.

In mid-November, we will plan another section wide exercise. This will allow for large events such as support for Northeast HamXposition and the Boston Marathon to complete as well as support for Amateur Radio hurricane nets for the upcoming Atlantic Hurricane Season which is expected to ramp up and become more active as we head into mid-August. Amateur Radio Operators in the Eastern Massachusetts section should think about and prepare for what they would do if a landfalling hurricane were to strike Southern New England. The last direct landfalling hurricane to affect Southern New England was Hurricane Bob in August 1991, 30 years ago. The last major hurricane strike (Cat-3 or higher) to affect the region was Hurricane Carol in 1954. Now is a great time to prepare for the “what if” of a landfalling hurricane by preparing your station and augmenting its capabilities participating in SKYWARN Net Activations for localized severe weather events and participating in public service events where available. If a hurricane landfall does not occur this season, you will be more prepared for a major incident, weather related or otherwise, that could require Amateur Radio and ARES support.

Thanks for your continued support of Eastern Massachusetts ARES and SKYWARN!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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Boston Marathon Needs Your Help

Ray Lajoie, KB1LRL, writes on the WMA ARRL Members Only List:

Hi there, I’m sure you have seen the request around the media, This is the third extension as there is shortage of volunteers. Please consider if you have the time.

Thanks.  Ray KB1LRL

Communications for the Boston Marathon is provided by local amateur radio operators. Due to COVID, the 2021 Boston Marathon will be held on Monday, October 11th. Additional operators are still needed. Volunteers will be able to register until this coming Friday.

Don’t delay! Volunteer registration has been extended for a final time and closes on Friday August 6th, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. Help us get the word out by forwarding this message to your club and other amateur radio operators who wish to volunteer. Most volunteers first learn about the event through word of mouth. If you know new licensees who might like to join us, please make sure to let them know about it. Please forward this to your club email lists, announce on your repeaters and nets, etc.

ARRL Western Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Raymond P Lajoie, KB1LRL

Maine MESH Networking Working Group Formed

MESH topology symbolCory Golob, KU1U, writes in the August 2021 issue of the Maine Telegraph Newsletter:

The first MESH Network Working Group meeting was held on Wednesday, July 28th. In attendance were Bill Richardson, NG1P; Brad Brown, Jr., KC1JMH; Cory Golob, KU1U; Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC; Leo Langelier, KH6JKQ; Phil Duggan, N1EP and Steve Jordan, KD1OM. We discussed a plan and vision to expand the MESH Network that NG1P started between Topsham and Brunswick on 5.8 GHz and how we can expand it in Maine and hopefully throughout New England.

We believe that getting back to our roots with RF linking is crucial as we have seen more dependence on internet linking over the past few years. This MESH Network has many possibilities including repeater linking, high speed data transfer and voice/video capabilities. The applications can be valuable for EMCOMM, Public Service Events and casual chatting.

This project will not be without any challenges as Maine has quite the topography, but we are excited to see how the adventure will unfold and benefit the hams in our state. With 5.8 GHz being threatened, it is more important now than ever that we show how well SHF can be utilized by amateur radio operators.

West Connecticut Hamfest & Swap, Newtown, CT, August 29, 2021

Electronics and Amateur Radio Hamfest: August 29, 2021

Sponsored by the Candlewood Amateur Radio Association

Contact: John Morelli

Telephone: 203-417-0160



We are back for 2021, Candlewood Amateur Radio Association (CARA) will be hosting the Western Connecticut Hamfest and Swap meet on August 29th from 8 am till 1PM. This annual event is held at the Edmond Town Hall, at 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT. This is “The Biggest Little Hamfest in Western CT” and is sure to have plenty for all electronics, maker, and Amateur Radio enthusiasts.

Every year, enthusiasts from the greater Danbury area and surrounding states gather to swap gear, knowledge, and stories. This year there will be an amateur radio license testing session (9:30 am) as well as a presentation about emergency communication and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) at 10:30AM. Get those books out and get, or upgrade, your FCC Amateur Radio license at the same time you look around and find that piece of tech you can’t go home without.

There will be electronics and radio equipment vendors, tailgating, and refreshments as well. Door prizes will be announced periodically, You are entered with your admission ticket. Raffle tickets will be sold for some great gear as well.

There are still spaces available for tailgate sales spots or tables in our indoor area. At $15 and $20, respectively, these spots include one admission each. Get rid of that gear you don’t use anymore. There is sure to be someone there interested in your unused computer, electronic or radio gear. Regular admission is $7 at the door ($1 discount with the flyer, available at our website). Kids under 12 are free!

For further information go to or contact John Morelli W1JGM at<> or 203-417-0160.

Burlington (VT) ARC Members Activate Sand Bar State Park (K-3140), Milton, VT, July 31, 2021

POTA Activation, Sand Bar State Park, Milton VT 7/31/21Ed, W1OKH, writes on the Burlington ARC Facebook page:
Bob, K1BIF activated POTA (Parks on the Air) this past Saturday, July 31st from 10:00 until late afternoon at the Sandbar State Park in Milton, VT. Carl, AB1DD assisted along with several visiting hams including KB1FRW, W1FP, W1HRG and myself. Operation started on 20 Meter SSB but then switched to 40 meters due to poor conditions. Here is the link to Bob’s video of the POTA event which was a lot of fun. Hopefully we can do more of these going forward.
Ed / W1OKH
73 de BARC

Tally Ho! A Fox is Loose in Bedford, NH Vicinity, July 31, 2021

Al Grant, KB1HYL, writes on the Granite State ARA mailing list at 11:44 AM on July 31, 2021:

Just to let you know, the fox is loose.  Since the power output is so low (15 milliwatts) and not easy to receive with an omnidirectional antenna, I’ll tell you that the fox is somewhere in Earl Legacy Park in Bedford, NH.

Sorry it took me so long to get started today, but the fox will be loose until about 6 or 7 Sunday afternoon.  I’ll get more efficient as I do this more often.


Wayne – KB1HYL

Fox is Hiding in the Manchester, CT Vicinity, July 30, 2021

Rod Bungard, N1RUU, writes on the ctfoxhunter list at 5:21 PM on July 30, 2021:

Greetings Fox hunters,
Fox #5 PL 123.0
Is out hiding, the fox is running 1.5 watts into a 18 inch antenna. Since there is no starting place for finding the hidden transmitter, all you can do is while going about your travels, periodically try to activate the hidden transmitter. Your first try may be from home. You do this by going on the 2 meter simplex frequency of 146.550 MHz (PL 123.0), key your transmitter, ID and then send a DTMF “1”. If the FoxBox can hear you and you can hear it, you will hear its very distinctive sound. It will transmit for 30 seconds, ID and then go back to sleep. You can make it transmit as often as necessary to find it.

Once someone has been able to bring it up and hear it, please report that information to the other fox hunters. Feel free to reply to the group. Do not reveal its location, just a location (and direction if possible) from which you are able to hear it. This then becomes a starting point for the other fox hunters to use.

You do not actually have to touch the box to claim finding it. If you hunt the Fox please log to this group even if you don’t find it.

Hint: Can be heard from Lowe’s in Manchester. Location, after you find the box look at the Sassafras growing in the area.  The plants have different shaped leaves on the same plant.

Good luck.