Ed Snyder, W1YSM, has been appointed as the new Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) for Connecticut by Section Manager Chuck Motes, K1DFS.
An Amateur Extra Class licensee, Ed became the SKYWARN Emergency Coordinator for New Haven and Middlesex Counties. He joined the Meriden Amateur Radio Club (MARC) and was elected President in 2019. MARC has grown under Ed’s leadership. With the help of the club’s almost 90 members, MARC now offers a choice of five weekly on-air nets, weekly fox hunts, monthly VE sessions, radio repair opportunities and various other ham activities.
With encouragement from Phil, K9HI, Ed approached Chuck Motes, K1DFS, about the open ACC position as the job description seemed to parallel what Ed was already doing for MARC. His appointment became effective on October 31, 2020.
“I intend to begin my support of amateur radio clubs in the section by surveying each of the 41 ARRL affiliated clubs. My overall goal is to determine how Connecticut clubs and the ARRL can work together to grow and expand our beloved hobby for the benefit of its members.” Snyder is passionate about clubs. “I truly believe local radio clubs are key to the survival of Amateur Radio.”
Ed lives in Wallingford with his wife Rose and his family.