WMA Section Manager Report, May 2021

WMA Section logoRay Lajoie, KB1LRL, writes on wma.arrl.org:

Hello everyone. Another month has quietly gone by without much fanfare. I hope it’s because you are planning your club’s activities.

Speaking of club’s activities, Field Day is just around the corner. Who’s doing what? I know the NOBARC club is having a live one this year. Let me know what you are doing. I may do “the tour” this year. 

On May 8 which is a Saturday our ARES group led by Bob, K1YO is having a SET drill to demonstrate and test our communications capabilities. This is a combination of HF, VHF, Digital, simplex and repeater exercises run during segments of a 10am-2pm window. This will help us define where our strengths and weaknesses are and to build on making a stronger operation out of it. Bob has spent months putting this together along with the ARES group. This is something that has been silent for a long time and I am so appreciative of their efforts to get this back on track. Check out more on this website.

Club Presidents, are you up to date with the league? In order to maintain your affiliation with the League you need to update once a year. More information is found on the http://www.arrl.org/clubs website or contact our club coordinator, Gil, WK1H at wk1h@arrl.net.

In July Larry, W1AST is heading the annual 13 Colonies event for Mass. It is run from July 1st to the 7th. This event has been going for a number of years and has had rising numbers with last year being the biggest yet. Larry is looking for operators to participate and have some fun. Contact Larry at w1ast@arrl.net for further information.

That’s all for now, see you next month.


Career and Talent Opportunities at ARRL Headquarters

ARRL Headquarters buildingvia arrl.org website:

04/22/2021 – The digital transformation at ARRL is under way! A significant commitment of talent and investment is being made to develop a dynamic and responsive digital enterprise in areas of amateur radio innovation and member engagement. This initiative is opening opportunities for experienced amateur radio enthusiasts to make ARRL the next stop in their careers. “ARRL is where vocation and avocation collide,” said ARRL CEO David Minster, NA2AA. “We are looking for people with passion, energy, drive, and talent to take ARRL to the next level.”

Opportunities are on the ARRL website at www.arrl.org/careers. Both technical and non-technical positions are available now, with more on the horizon. “Not only are there full-time positions available, but we will also occasionally be posting consulting or contract opportunities, as we are now for an IT project,” Minster said.

If you have amateur radio experience and a desire to work at ARRL, apply for one of the positions listed online, or submit your resume with a bio and cover letter to hr@arrl.org.

Special Bulletin to All RI Amateurs – March 17, 2021

Happy St Patrick’s Day to all:

In my recent monthly Activity Report for March, it seems that I painted my report regarding the cancellation of VE sessions with too broad a brush. Quick to point out my oversight, The Newport County Radio Club reported that they have conducted twelve sessions in 2020 and cancelled only one. I’m sure that they were Covid compliant. They were also happy to point out that they conducted a successful VE session early in March.

I am happy to report that to the approximately 350 ARRL members who register to receive these monthly reports, but I’m not a mind reader. I must be told these things. Recently, I have been trying without much success to switch e mail addresses. In that process, I apparently have missed some e mails for which I am very sorry. Maybe folks need to request that I send them a receipt when they send me information until I get this issue straightened out.

NCRC is offering classes to obtain the Technician and upgrade to General license.

The Technician Class will begin at 6 PM on Tuesday April 20th.

The General Class will begin at 6 PM on Friday April 23rd.

To register for the Technician Class use this URL: https://forms.gle/yyBU7DWSxvLhBnLGA
To register for the General Class use this URL: https://forms.gle/xYDkYjiuSX5vgTwH8

I’m sorry I didn’t publish this important information earlier. I hope that fellow RI Amateurs reading this now will pass it along to those who you know might benefit from knowing it. The dates are a month away.

Thanks and 73,
Bob Beaudet, W1YRC
RI Section Manager

ARRL Rhode Island Section
Section Manager: Robert G Beaudet, W1YRC