Minutes, Committee Assignments from January, 2021 ARRL Board of Directors Meeting

ARRL logoMeeting minutes from the January, 2021 ARRL Board of Directors Meeting have been posted on the ARRL website.  

Noted in the meeting minutes are committee assignments for officers, directors, and vice directors, including New England Division Director Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, and Vice Director Phil Temples, K9HI:

Administration & Finance; Legal Assistance; Legal Structure & Review; Legal Advocacy: Director Hopengarten

ARISS: Vice Director Temples


ARRL New England Division Cabinet Meeting, January 9, 2021

ARRL logoIn advance of the ARRL Board of Directors meeting on January 15-16, 2021, Director Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, will convene a division cabinet meeting online via Zoom. Fred will solicit comments and discuss upcoming ARRL board issues.

“If there is something you’d like the Cabinet to explore, please send it along, as Phil Temples, K9HI, and I will be creating an agenda for the Cabinet meeting.”

Some of the items to be covered will include:

  • Motions to be presented at the board meeting
  • FCC action on the proposal to charge for amateur licenses
  • FCC action to require email addresses on all applications
  • Homeowner Association legislation in New Hampshire and Maine
  • An amateur radio exhibit at the 2022 “Big E” show in Springfield, MA

The meeting will occur in two parts: a morning session and an afternoon session on Saturday, January 9, 2021 from 10:30 AM -12 Noon, and 1:30 – 3:00 PM.

Fred requests, if possible, that clubs send no more than one representative to the meeting. He hopes to have all of the New England Section Managers, and as many club presidents or representatives as possible attend.

If your club representative has not received an invite, please contact Phil Temples, k9hi@arrl.org

ARRL Headquarters Closed Tomorrow for Winter Storm Bailey

ARRL logoCentral Connecticut, along with much of New England, will be impacted by winter storm Bailey tonight into Thursday and beyond. Estimates have varied widely, but have consistently indicated a major impact. The latest forecast is calling for 11-15” of snow beginning this evening going through tomorrow afternoon.

ARRL CEO David Minster, NA2AA, has announced that the Headquarters building in Newington, Connecticut will be closed for business on Thursday, December 17, 2020.  Employees will be encouraged to work from home; many already are, or are equipped to.

In advance of the storm, ARRL staffers removed some antennas from one of the towers on the HQ roof that was in poor condition. 

Minster anticipates that Headquarters operation “will be back to normal” by Friday.


Fred Hopengarten, K1VR
ARRL Director
New England Division

Phil Temples, K9HI
ARRL Vice Director
New England Division

Maine ARRL Section Web, Facebook Pages

Maine iconCory Golob, KU1U writes:
We now have websites, pages and groups going, now we just need content. These are still works in progress, but they are all published.
Maine Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MaineARRL
73 DE KU1U