N1JUR: POTA Activation, Litchfield State Forest K-4922, Litchfield, NH, June 23, 2021

Serving ARRL members who reside in the New England sections
Chuck Newman, NA1CN, reported that the Radio Amateur Society of Norwich (RASON) club repeater input was receiving a signal locking up 146.730 on the evening of June 21. Dave Thackston, K1DCT, identified the signal near his neighborhood on Route 2, between Norwich and Foxwoods. NA1CN called for an impromptu fox hunt on the input frequency of 146.130. The fox hunters coordinated their hunt on the 147.060 Salem repeater.
Kevin Harkins, KA6PDG, reported via the club mailing list two hours later that the problem was resolved and was “accidental in nature.” He thanked those amateurs who assisted in locating the source, acknowledging assistance from: Dave, K1DCT; Chuck, NA1CN; Dave, WA1IKN; Tim, KC1TWR; Jerry, NT1O; Jeremy, KC1NBY; John, WF1C; Joe, K1IKE.
RASON maintains an well-organized and attractive website at: <https://rason.org/>.
Larry Krainson, W1AST, writes:
Are you looking for that perfect, post Field Day ham radio activity? Then working the 13 Colonies special event stations is perfect for you!
Each July 1 through July 7, the 13 original colony states activate on all bands and modes for you to work them. Plus you can chase the three extra 13 Colonies stations where there is one each in Philadelphia, England and France.
This is a very fun activity. The action the first few days can create some overwhelming pile ups. If you can not get through, please be patient and try again later or another day. All the ops are trying to work everyone they can hear. They want to work you and will make every effort to do so.
If you work them all, it’s called a “clean sweep.” You can earn a certificate by sending $5 to KU2US. You can also send an SASE to each of the states to get back a unique QSL card. Each year there is a different theme and a new card is created. Combining the certificate with the QSL cards makes for some fancy wall paper!
But you can receive a certificate by working just one of the 13 colony stations. You do not need a clean sweep to get a certificate.
This year Massachusetts will be active once again as K2H. There are 20 operators all over the state. You’ll hear us on CW, SSB, FT8 and other modes. Work us and send in your SASE QSL request to the info on the K2H QRZ.com page.
Team K2H looks forward to hearing and working you on the bands between July 1 and July 7, 2021!
Dave Tipping, NZ1J, writes on the Meriden ARC Facebook page:
Bart, N1BRL, and Joe, K1JCF, were the Foxes this week. They both did a very good job of staying out of sight while keeping an eye on the transmitters.
Gunner, KC1OSR, got four apprentice Fox Hunters to join him today. It’s great to see so many new faces on a hunt.
As is often the case, more than half the hunters were somewhere else when we posed for the photo. -NZ1J
Several Parks On The Air (POTA) stations are currently on the air in New England, according to the POTA.app website.
KC1FIH is operating from Haddam Meadows State Park in Connecticut (K-1674). Jeff was spotted on 7248 kHz.
In New Hampshire, Harry, W1HMM, is QRV from Urban Forestry Center State Forest (K-4973) on 14.303 kHz.
From Algonquin ARC QRZ Newsletter, June 2021:
Please note the time change for the DMR New England Digital Swap Net:
WHEN: MONDAY NIGHTS at 7:30 PM for 1 hour
You can read the For Sale items and if you join, you can post For Sale items.