Eastern MA Affiliated Club Coordinator Bruce Blain, K1BG, writes:
The ARRL website has a page which lists upcoming license classes (http://www.arrl.org/find-an-amateur-radio-license-class). To my dismay, when I entered the Eastern Massachusetts section, I found no upcoming classes listed. Nothing! Nada! While I know that this is not the case (a number of local clubs do run license classes), it also worries me. Where are future generations of hams going to come from if WE are not bringing them into the hobby?
Ross Hochstrasser, W1EKG, of the Whitman Amateur Radio Club runs very successful license classes (technician, general, and extra). I used Ross’ template for the technician classes the Nashoba Valley ARC has run. We would like to share this experience with you, with the goal of having all ARRL Affiliated Clubs in Eastern Massachusetts sponsor amateur radio classes.
On the evening of Tuesday, December 28th at 7PM, we will have a zoom session called “How to run a successful Technician Licence Class” where we will introduce Ross’ program to you.
This program is by no means the only way to sponsor a successful class! If you have success stories that you would like to discuss or present, please let me know. Again, I’d like to see us having more classes, and I’d like us to be sharing ideas as to how we can make this happen.
If you can’t make it, please delegate this to someone in your club who can. Thanks in advance.
I look forward to seeing you on the 28th.
Bruce, K1BG
ARRL Affiliated Club Coordinator, EMA
[For Zoom conference information, contact Bruce Blain, K1BG, at <