Free On-Line Technician Class Starts February 15, 2022

icon of zoom classWestern MA Section Manager Ray Lajoie, AA1SE, writes:

The Western Mass. Train & Test Group would like to invite you to a FREE on-line course so you too can get your ham radio license.

Free on-line classes will begin Tuesday, February 15th on Zoom. Classes will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings starting at 7 PM. If interested, contact Ray Lajoie via e-mail at

Talk to the world and support your local area, too. Ask us how!

Amateur Radio and AUXCOM Support to the Department of Defense

ARRL will present a webinar on Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 8 pm ET (0100Z Feb 18) on Amateur Radio and AUXCOM support to the Department of Defense.

Use this zoom link to attend:

Check out the ARRL link below for more detail:

This webinar will coincide with the start of MARS Exercise 22-1, which should provide opportunity to practice these skills.

Tom Kinahan
US Army Military Auxiliary Radio System
Region One Director

RASON Mentoring Program

RASON website screenshotThe Radio Amateur Society of Norwich (RASON) in Norwich, Connecticut, has established a mentoring program designed to match people with experience in one or more aspects of the hobby with individuals who would like mentoring. 

A web page on the club’s website lists  members who are willing to share their expertise.  Those who wish to benefit from a mentor’s expertise are encouraged to contact a mentor using the contact information on  Alternatively, mentees can submit a form and be matched to a mentor by RASON club officers.  They’ll be connected through an introductory email after which they can continue the conversation. 

This program is available to RASON members only.


K1BG, W1EKG: “How to Run a Successful Technician Class” Online Presentation, December 28, 2021

Recent licensing class held by the Whitman ARCEastern MA Affiliated Club Coordinator Bruce Blain, K1BG, writes:

The ARRL website has a page which lists upcoming license classes ( To my dismay, when I entered the Eastern Massachusetts section, I found no upcoming classes listed. Nothing! Nada! While I know that this is not the case (a number of local clubs do run license classes), it also worries me. Where are future generations of hams going to come from if WE are not bringing them into the hobby?

Ross Hochstrasser, W1EKG, of the Whitman Amateur Radio Club runs very successful license classes (technician, general, and extra). I used Ross’ template for the technician classes the Nashoba Valley ARC has run. We would like to share this experience with you, with the goal of having all ARRL Affiliated Clubs in Eastern Massachusetts sponsor amateur radio classes.

On the evening of Tuesday, December 28th at 7PM, we will have a zoom session called “How to run a successful Technician Licence Class” where we will introduce Ross’ program to you.

This program is by no means the only way to sponsor a successful class! If you have success stories that you would like to discuss or present, please let me know. Again, I’d like to see us having more classes, and I’d like us to be sharing ideas as to how we can make this happen.

If you can’t make it, please delegate this to someone in your club who can. Thanks in advance.

I look forward to seeing you on the 28th.

Bruce, K1BG
ARRL Affiliated Club Coordinator, EMA

[For Zoom conference information, contact Bruce Blain, K1BG, at <>.]

New England CW Friends Meets Weekly via Zoom

Larry Krainson, W1AST, writes on the Hampden County Radio Association mailing list:

Did you know there is a group in New England that discusses all things CW?

Learn about it here and join their weekly Zoom meetings:

Starting Tuesday, December 21, the weekly CW friends zoom meeting will now start one hour later at 8 PM.

CW Friends weekly meeting
Time: Every Tuesday evening at 8 PM (new time)

At last week’s meeting we discussed: “Making the transition from a straight key to a keyer.”

This week one of the topics will be: “What are the elements for a complete CW contact.”

The New England CW Friends has a along with the weekly Zoom meeting to help folks at all levels of experience with their CW.

[Contact Tom, K1TW, at k1tw -at- arrl -dot- net for Zoom conference details.]

“Ham Radio University” Going Virtual Again, January 8, 2022

Ham Radio University 2022 logoWith COVID-19 uncertainties precluding an in-person gathering for a second year, the 23rd annual Ham Radio University (HRU <>) educational conference will be held as a virtual event again this year, on Saturday, January 8, 1300 – 2000 UTC, as an online GoToWebinar videoconference.

Advance registration is required and begins on December 20.

HRU 2022 will be adding five forums this year, for a total of 19 presentations by experts in a broad range of amateur radio activities, including Amateur Radio Emergency Communications. Other topics are:

*       Basics of HF Operating
*       Ham Radio Contesting and DXing
*       Communicating through Amateur Radio Earth Satellites
*       Software-Defined Radios
*       HF and VHF Digital Communications
*       Parks on the Air
*       SKYWARN
*       Cables and Connectors
*       Using Raspberry Pi Computers in Amateur Radio.

Online attendees will be able to ask questions of the presenters. Founded by Phil Lewis, N2MUN (SK), HRU also serves as the  online convention of the ARRL NYC-Long Island Section.

As in past years, participation in HRU 2022 is free; an optional donation of $5 is suggested. Additional information is online, including the schedule of forums and advance registration starting December 20

Fox Hunting Video Conferences Over the Winter Months Proposed


George Allison, K1IG, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list:

As the snow season arrives, we’ll be taking a hiatus from our outdoor fox hunting events. To keep our expertise up, though, what is the interest in having one or more video conferences over the winter to show off equipment and techniques? I can host the conferences with a Webex account (very similar to Zoom).

Possible meeting agendas could include fox and fox-finding equipment demos, photos of memorable hunts, discussions of hunting techniques, and improvements or variations to our events.

Depending on interest, the first video conference could be held in December or January. 

Please reply to the group to let us know if you’re interested. Tell us your preferred day(s) of the week, suggested agenda items, and when you want the first meeting (specific date not required; preferred month is fine). When I get the info I can send out some date choices.

George K1IG

Maine Section Elmer/Mentor List

Maine iconPhil Duggan, N1EP, writes:

I am building a statewide Elmer/Mentoring list so that hams or prospective hams can seek advice or assistance in order to get on the air or licensed. If you would like to represent your town, county, or district, please send an email to Phil Duggan, N1EP email  – We need a strong Elmer Program to follow up with VE teams and clubs. If you are an experienced ham that would be comfortable with sharing your knowledge or could help put the person in contact with those that can help, then PLEASE become an Elmer!

73 de Phil Duggan, N1EP

Assistant Section Manager
Maine ARRL District 3

KC5HWB: “Getting Started with Allstar,” November 11, 2021

Allstar Link logoPresented by Jason Johnston, KC5HWB, of Ham Radio 2.0 – November 11, 2021 at 3:30 PM ET

Allstar is an internet-based connection network for linking repeaters and nodes. It can be used by home operators or with large-area repeaters. Today you will learn the basics of Allstar, how to get started with it, and how you can start using it yourself.

Register for this webinar at <>