K1VR: “Antenna Zoning III: Required Applications,” June 21, 2021

Part 3 of the ARRL Learning Network series on Antenna Zoning will be presented at 2 pm ET Monday, June 21st. 

This third session addresses the application you may be required to file. This is the longest program, at 22 minutes 19 seconds, and will be followed by a live question and answer session.

To watch, go to http://www.arrl.org/arrl-learning-network and click on

> To register for an upcoming presentation click here <

If you can’t tune in at 2 pm ET (18z) Monday, about one day later it will be up on the ARRL web site. Click on

> To view recordings of previous sessions click here <

ARRL New England Division
Director: Fred Hopengarten, K1VR

[See also: 
K1VR: “Antenna Zoning I: Permitting in a Nutshell” Debuts on ARRL Learning Network,” June 14, 2021
K1VR: “Antenna Zoning II: Principles and Preparation,” June 16, 2021

“Field Day as a Mentoring Opportunity”

N1FD field day Get On The Air photoFred Kemmerer, AB1OC, has authored an excellent article entitled “Field Day as a Mentoring Opportunity.” 

ARRL Field Day is upon us and I wanted to share some thoughts about the mentoring and learning opportunities that Field Day can provide. Many Clubs and other groups here in New England are planning in-person Field Day operations while practicing good COVID-19 safety procedures as we make progress on bringing COVID-19 under control in the US.

I’d like to encourage hams planning Field Day operations to consider opportunities to mentor new and experienced hams alike as part of their Field Day operations. Field Day provides us with a unique opportunity to provide mentoring and on-the-air amateur radio experiences for folks who are new to our hobby as well as those looking to learn and develop their skills. [Full article]

K1VR: “Antenna Zoning II: Principles and Preparation,” June 16, 2021

Hey! A reminder . . .

At 2 pm ET today, Wednesday, June 16th, the ARRL Learning Network presents Part 2 in a series of six sessions on the topic of how to get a permit for an amateur radio station antenna system.

Only 13 minutes long, today’s session is entitled “Principles and Preparation.” We’ll cover TOWAIR, Radio Frequency Exposure, bylaws, and photographs, followed by a live question and answer session.

To watch, go to http://www.arrl.org/arrl-learning-network and click on

> To register for an upcoming presentation click here <

If you can’t tune in at 2 pm ET (18z) today, and you’d like to catch it later (each presentation is available about 24 hours later), click on

> To view recordings of previous sessions click here <

ARRL New England Division
Director: Fred Hopengarten, K1VR

K1VR: “Antenna Zoning I: Permitting in a Nutshell” Debuts on ARRL Learning Network,” June 14, 2021

Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, writes on the ARRL Members Only list:

Just as a reminder, at 2 pm ET today, Monday, June 14th, the ARRL Learning Network begins a new series of six sessions that I recorded on the topic of how to get a permit from your municipality for an amateur radio station antenna system.

The first session is entitled “Permitting in a Nutshell.” It is an overview of the process, about 18 minutes long, followed by a live question and answer session.

To watch, go to http://www.arrl.org/arrl-learning-network and click on

> To register for an upcoming presentation click here <

If you can’t tune in at 2 pm ET (18z) today, and you’d like to catch it later, click on

> To view recordings of previous sessions click here <

The Third Edition of the book “Antenna Zoning for the Radio Amateur” (I’m the author, and it writing it is what I did indoors all winter, in addition to service on the Board of Directors), goes to press today. It is published in cooperation with the ARRL. I expect it to be available from the ARRL bookstore sometime next week or a little later.

ARRL New England Division
Director: Fred Hopengarten, K1VR

Antenna Zoning Part 1: Permitting in a Nutshell, June 14, 2021

ARRL Learning Network logoFrom ARRL Letter, June 3, 2021:

Antenna Zoning Part 1: Permitting in a Nutshell — Fred Hopengarten, K1VR / Monday, June 14, 2 PM EDT (1800 UTC).

This is the first webinar of a special six-part series being presented by Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, author of Antenna Zoning for the Radio Amateur. Don’t let the confusing tangle of ordinances and bylaws keep you from installing the antenna you need in order to communicate effectively.

St. John Valley ARA (ME) to Offer “Intro to Antennas” Class

St. John Valley ARA logoFrom June 2021 Maine Telegraph:


Sponsored By: St. John Valley Amateur Radio Association (N1SJV)

The next class sponsored by the SJVARA is the Intro to Antennas Class. This class will be held IN PERSON and ONLINE via freeconferencecall.com. If you would like to attend either in person or online sign up at the link or click the ‘Intro to Antennas’ poster below. Time and date is TBA, but location will most likely be the Northern Door Inn.

No need to be a member, Open to All!

To make sure you get the updates, sign up below!


Nashua Area Radio Society Holds On-line Technician Class for High Schoolers in NH, PA

Zoom window showing Nashua Area Radio Society Tech ClassFrom the Nashua Area Radio Society website:

“On the weekend of May 22nd and 23rd, the Nashua Area Radio Society held a Technician License Class for students from Bishop Guertin High School in Nashua, NH, and from Council Rock High School South in Holland, PA.  Both schools recently had contacts with the ISS.  The Bishop-Guertin High School ISS contact was held earlier this year in February.  and the Council Rock High School South ISS contact was in December 2019.” [Full story]


W1DAN Featured on Pittsfield Community TV, WTBR-FM, May 19, 2021

Dan Brown, W1DAN, will be the featured guest on Ham On!, simulcast on Pittsfield (MA) Community Television and WTBR-FM 89.7 on May 19, 2021. Dan will speak about the new RF Exposure rules that went into effect on May 3, 2021. 

The early morning program is produced and moderated by Western MA Assistant Section Traffic Manager Peter Mattice, KD2JKV.  

RF Exposure Rules Presentation Video Recording

screenshot from RF Exposure presentationMany amateurs have requested a recording of the RF Exposure Rules presentation featuring Eastern MA Technical Coordinator Dan Brown, W1DAN on May 4, 2021.  ARRL Laboratory Supervisor Ed Hare, W1RFI also participated in the call, fielding questions from the audience.

The presentation can be viewed at: <https://youtu.be/7dSieKF3rm0>. 

[See also: Additional RF Exposure Rules Presentation, May 4, 2021]

SKYWARN Classes Offered by NWS Grey, Maine, May 3, 2021

SKYWARN logoOn Apr 29, 2021, Steve Goldsmith, W1HS, wrote on the Twin State RC mailing list:

From the National Weather Service in Grey Maine:

Do you want to learn more about severe weather? If so, consider joining us on May 3, 2021 from 6 PM-7:15 PM for a virtual SKYWARN training class so that you can become an official storm spotter. There is no cost and your help could protect lives! To register visit:
