Greater Bridgeport (CT) ARC Parks On The Air Event, October 16, 2021

Greater Bridgeport ARC loogoGBARC Parks on the Air
16 October 2021 – 9am to 5pm

GBARC will hold a multi-station Parks on the Air event that will see us setting up stations in four State Parks.  The parks include:

  • Sherwood Island SP (Park K-1715)
  • Silver Sands SP (Park K-1716)
  • Osbornedale SP (Park K-1709)
  • West Rock SP (Park K-1727) (2 stations)

The goal is to provide some community outreach for ham radio, and to help train our new operators.  We will divide our efforts into four teams who will each take four parks.  

During the POTA Event we will be participating in the CT ARES Simulated Emergency Test.  During the SET we will be using simplex VHF/UHF as well as DMR for contacts.

Hampden County RA/Franklin County ARC Potluck/Foxhunt/SOTA Event, September 19, 2021

The Hampden County Radio Association is holding a Potluck/operating event at South Sugarloaf Mountain on Sunday, September 19, 2021 from 10:30 AM until 2:30 PM. 

“All members and friends of the Franklin County ARC and Hampden County Radio Association are welcome. Bring your spouse.  It’s a fun place for kids too.  Dogs are permitted on leash,” writes Larry Krainson, W1AST, HCRA President.

“Bring your [foxhunting] gear to Sunday’s Picnic & Radios. I plan on hiding a foxbox on the mountain somewhere. Foxbox 2 will be on 147.550 with a PL of 151.3. Pressing #1 on your keypad for a moment will activate the foxbox.  Take a picture of the foxbox or one with you in it and find me (W1AST) and show me.”

Parking on the summit is limited.  If you need a ride up, call on 146.52. RSVP to: <>.

“Please consider bringing something for the potluck.  We’ll be cooking burgers and hotdogs; bacon for the cheeseburgers while it lasts.  Also, please bring your favorite beverage (no alcohol).  Plenty of ice available,” Larry adds.

At 652′, South Sugarloaf Mountain is one of the most accessible and popular scenic outlooks in the region. SOTA enthusiasts might want to activate nearby Pocumtuck Rock. <>.

Additional information about Mt Sugarloaf State Reservation can be found at: <>.

K1SSN Sub Base Radio Station Needs Help

USS NautilusHarrison Solt, N1FAM, writes on the Radio Amateur Society of Norwich (CT) mailing list:

While the [U.S. Naval Submarine Base, located in Groton, Connecticut] station has been reestablished and their towers and antennas restored, they recently lost their callsign (K1SSN) custodian/trustee.  Bob, K1RJV, of Chelmsford, Massachusetts, was the custodian for many years.  For the past couple of years Rich, NL9H, of Green, Rhode Island, was the custodian. 

Currently the station is maintained by Air Force MARS members led by Ted, K1YON of Hartland, Connecticut (NW corner of the state).  Ted and his team are about two hours from the base.  Ted is looking for help from a local ham or one of the local clubs to pick up the call and assist/manage the station.  The individual does not need to be military.  Access to the base is not an issue.  If help is not found, the callsign will be lost and the equipment surplussed.

This is an idea opportunity for one of the local clubs to partnership with the base and very likely grow both clubs (the local club and the base club).  If not one of the clubs, perhaps someone out there is interested in coming to the aid of this historic station.  There are many possibilities here.  Can you help?  If so please answer this post and contact Ted, K1YON at  This is an important issue that needs help.

Burlington (VT) ARC Members Activate Sand Bar State Park (K-3140), Milton, VT, July 31, 2021

POTA Activation, Sand Bar State Park, Milton VT 7/31/21Ed, W1OKH, writes on the Burlington ARC Facebook page:
Bob, K1BIF activated POTA (Parks on the Air) this past Saturday, July 31st from 10:00 until late afternoon at the Sandbar State Park in Milton, VT. Carl, AB1DD assisted along with several visiting hams including KB1FRW, W1FP, W1HRG and myself. Operation started on 20 Meter SSB but then switched to 40 meters due to poor conditions. Here is the link to Bob’s video of the POTA event which was a lot of fun. Hopefully we can do more of these going forward.
Ed / W1OKH
73 de BARC

AB1OC: “Recruit and Retain, Our Hobby’s Gain! Programs to Get New and Experienced Hams On the Air” at Maine ARRL Virtual Webinar, June 23, 2021

From Maine ARRL Section Page:

The Maine ARRL section will present a virtual webinar entitled, ‘Recruit and Retain, Our Hobby’s Gain! Programs to Get New and Experienced Hams On the Air’ by Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, on Wednesday, June 23 at 7:30 PM.

CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE VIRTUAL TALK (It is recommended you download the FreeConferenceCall program for the best experience, but it will still work using just an internet browser). No Internet? No Problem. You can call in by phone. Dial-In phone number: (602) 580-9818 use Access Code 1240223

New England Affiliated Club Coordinators Meeting Recap

ARRL affiliated club logoThe NEACC (New England Affiliated Club Coordinators) met on Saturday, June 19, 2021 to discuss various items related to affiliated clubs and the ARRL field organization. 

The agenda included:

* Introductions / brief remarks – everyone
* 6/9/21 Field Org / SM Zoom Meetings Recap – Phil, K9HI
* Intro: ARRL Field Services Manager – Mike, W8ZY
* NE Division Director challenger – Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC
* Club VE teams, support to candidates – Cory, KU1U
* WBZ 100th Anniversary Special Event Operation – Larry, W1AST
* Big E Update – Larry, W1AST
* NEACC story for QST

The next tentative meeting date is July 24, 2021 from 11-12:30 PM via Zoom.