Harvard Wireless Club Honored With 50-Year ARRL Affiliation Plaque

From ema.arrl.org:

L-R: Phil Temples, K9HI; Cameron Lu, KC1LZI; Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC. Photo courtesy Anita Kemmerer, AB1QB.
L-R: Phil Temples, K9HI; Cameron Lu, KC1LZI; Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC. Photo courtesy Anita Kemmerer, AB1QB.

ARRL New England Division Director Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, and Vice Director Phil Temples, K9HI, recently visited the W1AF club shack on the Harvard University campus in Cambridge, Massaschusetts, and awarded a 50-year ARRL affiliation plaque to HWC Vice President Cameron Lu, KC1LZI. The ARRL Board of Directors recognized the club in the form of an official motion at its July, 2023 meeting in Windsor, Connecticut. 

The club has a distinguished history, and is one of the oldest radio clubs in the country. It was founded  in 1909 as “The Radio Society of the Institute of Geographic Exploration at Harvard” and changed its name to the Harvard Wireless Club a year later. 


Providence RA Adds Storage Space

Providence Radio Assoc logoKudos to members of the Providence Radio Association in Johnston, RI, Wrapping up 2023, the PRA completed a challenging project: providing additional long term storage at the W1OP clubhouse.

A foundation was carefully measured and constructed by volunteers. Then a multi-purpose container and was delivered to the site and installed on the foundation. 

Writes PRA President Dave “Tess” Tessitore, K1DT, “Thanks to all who worked on this project for several weeks, especially our House Chair [Bob Hart], KC1NAB!”

(via Facebook, photos by Gil Brown, N1BBM)

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ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR: “What’s New at ARRL” at Billerica (MA) ARS Meeting Online, November 1, 2023

Billerica ARS logoFrom ema.arrl.org:

Doug Bruce, N1WRN, writes in the Billerica ARS November newsletter:

I am pleased to announce that our guest speaker for the November 1, 2023, club meeting via Zoom will be none other than Rick Roderick, K5UR, the current President of the ARRL!

Rick will give a talk on what’s new at the ARRL and will share valuable insights on our great hobby. You will definitely want to make sure and attend this Zoom Presentation to be given by a true pioneer in ham radio!

[For Zoom conference details, email Bruce Anderson, W1LUS, at w1lus -at- hotmail -dot- com.]


New England Sci-Tech Starts Wireless Engineering Club

From ema.arrl.org:

New England Sci-Tech Wireless Engineering Club logoSeth Kendall, KC1PZY, writes on the stars-radio mailing list:

We are looking for mentors/volunteers to help out with the new Wireless Engineering Club on Saturday mornings 10:00-11:30am.  Please let us know if you have any interest in participating!

The “Wireless Engineering Club” is a new club at New England Sci-Tech meant to attract youth and prospective hams into the hobby of Ham Radio.  The club will meet every other Saturday morning, a time that tends to work well for families, and will be focused around build workshops and practical, hands-on radio activities.  We’d like to use this club to bring in new hams, especially youth, and further grow the amateur radio community here at NEST.  

We are interested in three kinds of volunteers:

  • Helpers
  • Workshop Leaders
  • Outreach

For Helpers: Pick one or more workshops to come in and help out for.  If we get lots of members, we’ll need lots of Elmers to help people troubleshoot, experiment, and have fun.  

For Workshop Leaders: Pick one of the topics from our brainstorm list and volunteer to lead a 90 minute workshop on that topic.  The more hands on, the better.  We’re looking for activities over lectures.  Even better, volunteer your own workshop.  We need content, so anyone who’d like to put together one or more activities/workshops, please let us know.   They’re meant to be beginner level.  This is an ideal chance to help grow the ham radio community and bring in youth, but it’ll only work with participation from us in the community. 

Outreach: Know any recently licensed youth or youth with a general interest in electronics and science?  Spread the word about the club to communities you know!  Adults are welcome and encouraged to join in the workshops and builds as well.  Many of them could be of broad interest.  I’m attaching a flyer.  It looks like this, but if you download the attachment, it will be print resolution.

If you’d like to volunteer, you an either post here or send me an email at sethlkendall@gmail.com.  Thanks all.


WWLP 22 News: “HCRA Celebrates 75 Years with Picnic on Saturday”

Screenshot of HCRA Picnic as reported by WWLP Ch. 22 SpringfieldAGAWAM, Mass. (WWLP) — “Radio Lovers came together for the 75th anniversary of the Hampden County Radio Association with a picnic at the School Street Park in Agawam Saturday afternoon.

“People were encouraged to bring their radios, antennas, and power sources to ‘Tune the World’. This gave amateur radio operators a chance to receive their license to transmit on HAM radios. There was a demonstration provided on how to use their portable radios as well. By the end of the classes, people were able to make unofficial contact with emergency services.” [Full story]

Port City Amateur Extra Study Group Meets

The Port City (NH) Amateur Radio Club is conducting a series of Amateur Extra study group meetings at the Piscataque Fish & Game Club in Greenland, NH. This past week, they met for approximately 1 1/2 hours. Students were asked to read several chapters from the ARRL Extra Class License Manual and come to class with one to two prepared questions for the group, “preferably a concept or idea with which you struggled during your reading.”

“The group is fortunate to have Dr. Mike Carter, K8CN, with us this week as their instructor,” writes Kirby Francis, KC1RWR. “Mike holds advanced degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Information systems, and is an Emeritus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UNH.  

“For those who already hold the Extra License, if you have ever wanted to really understand the principles covered in this chapter, you’ll never get a better chance.  Along the way, your attendance will encourage the students in the class to keep their resolve in face of some daunting concepts.

“We will then progress to students’ questions, and end each evening with a group trivia challenge taken directly from the exam questions on that week’s subelements!  Bring your cell phone to participate in the Trivia game.” 

According to KC1RWR, one of the goals of the study group is to “remove the apprehension and fear that may be preventing you from moving forward with your ham radio licensing, replacing it with a sense of community, fun, and self-confidence.”

New England QRP “Chowdercon 2023,” Portsmouth NH, September 23, 2023

Carl Achin, WA1ZCQ, writes on the NEQRP mailing list:

Tomorrow, Saturday, September 23rd is the rain-date for this year’s Chowdercon 2023. It’s happening rain or shine due to last week’s cancellations because of Hurricane Lee. The announcement bulletin already went out, yesterday, this is just a reminder with additional information.

The diehards arrive at 8AM and park in the Four Tree Island Parking Lot on Pierce Island just past the Fish Co-op.

Here’s last year’s write-up for you to go over to catch-up on the “history of Chowdercon”:


Brown-bag whatever you’d like for snacks. Lunch at Geno’s at 12-noon and our farewell banquet at Warren’s startling at 4:55PM for the usual fantastic seafood dinner.

I’ll be there, … will YOU?

All the picnic tables on Four Tree Island are rooftop-covered so if there is light precipitation you and your rig will stay dry.

SEE YOU THERE WHEN YOU ARRIVE. COMMS ON ” 5 2 ” DIRECT (The National Simplex Frequency).

This may be our last chance to eat at Warren’s!!!
(It’s being sold and most likely it’ll be ‘no-more’ next year.

“CQAF” AND New England Chowdercon, September 16, 2023

Carl Achin, WA1ZCQ, writes on the New England QRP mailing list:

“CQAF” (QRP-Afield) is always on the third Saturday in September [September 16]. The NEQRP Sprint/Contest Committee is now headed-up by Shirley Márquez Dúlcey, KE1L <mark@buttery.org>.

I’m sure there will be an update before this coming Saturday, September 16th, 2023.

Also “Chowdercon” will be held on the same date (this coming SATURDAY) on Four Tree Island New Hampshire, so listen for ” W 1 C ” (Whiskey One “C”howdercon) on all the QRP frequencies during the standard time of CQAF.

Thanks for your interest in QRP-Afield. See you down-the-log.

7 3 es 7 2 ,

“Carl Achin – WA1ZCQ” <wa1zcq@amsat.org>

Granite State ARA Sports New Website Design

Granite State ARA logo

Bill Arcand, W1WRA, writes on the Granite State ARA mailing list:

Earlier today our new website has finally gone online.


There will be updates and changes as time goes on.

I really don’t want to forget any names/calls, so I wish to thank the
original web committee, as well as the folks who worked on the website.
There will be a followup email on where to send
suggestions/comments/error reports, etc being sent out soon.

Thanks and 73,
