There’s a now a place for new hams to key up and chat without the fear of making a mistake. In the spirit of the rookie roundup, Stephen Rygiel, KC1QWH, along with the Meriden Amateur Radio Club has started a new weekly net called the “Just push the button” net.
This gathering takes place on Wednesday evening’s at 1900 eastern time on the W1NRG repeater. Found at 147.36 with a PL of 162.2 and via EchoLink at W1NRG-R.
It’s not only for new hams though, all licensed hams are encouraged to join in, it’s a great place to Elmer the newbies.
Please join us for newbie tips and good old camaraderie on this rag chew type directed Net.
Any questions can be directed to Stephen via email at KC1QWH@gmail.com.