Do You Have Your Ham Radio Estate in Order?

Estate Planning workbook imageThe ARRL Estate Planning Workbook is a resource to guide you through developing a plan to handle your amateur radio estate:

  • How to handle your station and its many assets
  • Exploring your desire to leave behind a legacy by which fellow hams can remember you
  • Using part or all of your station assets to support amateur radio causes

Planning in advance will help your family or friends. Creating YOUR plan can be a simple, fulfilling way to share your commitment to amateur radio with future generations.

NTS Traffic Handling Training Session, October 14, 2024

NTS logoInterested in NTS and Traffic Handling? Join us Monday, October 14 at 7:00 PM via Zoom. This training will incorporate videos and open discussion to get you started in an exciting aspect of the hobby that’s been around for over 100 years!

Your hosts: Western MA Section Manager Ray LaJoie, AA1SE; MARI Section Traffic Manager Marcia Forde, KW1U; Bob Sparkes, KC1KVY; and Shawn Dodds, N1CVO, will discuss NTS traffic handling basics and traffic net procedures.

All amateurs are invited to join, regardless of experience level. This will be first come, first served event and limited to 100 participants. We hope to see you on Zoom. Any questions? Email Ray, AA1SE at

Topic: NTS Traffic Training
Time: Oct 14, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 9116 7095
Passcode: 346199

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Dial by your location
• +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
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• +1 386 347 5053 US
• +1 507 473 4847 US
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 669 444 9171 US
• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 863 9116 7095
Passcode: 346199 Find your local number:

Town Hall Recap, September 5, 2024

Approximately sixty-five ARRL members from across the division attended the New England Division Town Hall Zoom meeting on September 5 to hear and ask questions about the recent legislative actions that could adversely impact our amateur 902 MHz band, and ARRL’s response. Other topics discussed included:

  • the recent cyberattack on ARRL Headquarters
  • assistance for amateurs in restricted areas
  • our path forward
  • help with RFI
  • public service and EmComm
  • hamfests and events
You can view the Zoom video as well as the PowerPoint presentation below:

September 2024 ARRL New England Division Town Hall

New Hampshire QSO Party, September 21-22, 2024

Steve Roberts, KC1ILT, writes:

The New Hampshire QSO Party is sponsored by the Port City Amateur Radio Club to promote amateur radio activity within the State of New Hampshire. This annual event held on the third weekend in September is designed to encourage New Hampshire stations to expand their knowledge of DX propagation, improve their operating skills, and improve station capability by creating a friendly competition and incentive for stations worldwide to work each of the counties in New Hampshire. The rules for this event are attached.

We are asking you to invite and encourage your members to participate in this annual event, and to assist the PCARC by operating as many stations within each of the New Hampshire counties as possible.


CNHARC Receives Repeater System Donation

CNH ARC bannerCNHARC President Rick Zach, KK1RZ, writes:
[The Central New Hampshire Amateur Radio Club] has received a donation of a replacement UHF repeater system at the summit of Gunstock. Thank you K1IW!
In fact, all three CNHARC Gunstock repeater systems are being completely replaced in a phased in approach,  6m, 2m & UHF.
Part of that system replacement  includes a simplex, frequency-agile 2m “remote base”.  These are very popular in California but are somewhat new to the New England mindset.  I am aware that ARES has been looking for a central high site for simplex use to connect to other state regions during past drills.
That remote-base capability will exist within the next month or so with more technical details to follow. But in a nutshell, once activated on demand, the state net control station only accesses the 2m remote base via UHF as required by FCC rules. This will be a hub and spoke system with all area representatives of the state communicating to net control on 2m simplex using your pre-arranged ARES simplex freq as you always have in the past. The end user experience  is not changed.  The only operational difference is that the “high site” is now VERY high. So this in no way changes your statewide simplex model.
You can use the Gunstock 2m repeater (recently replaced) to roughly gauge the coverage of the 2m remote base.  
146.985 -600  PL-123.0
Please send me your ARES 2m simplex frequencies of choice so that we may program the 2m remote base accordingly.  
CNHARC has 100% new leadership with a very different, open culture. In fact we call it “CNHARC 2.0” and the remote base is part of that new culture.

ARRL New England Division “Town Hall,” September 5, 2024

ARRL logoI would like to invite you to a Town Hall Meeting for ARRL New England Division Members on Thursday, September 5th at 7 pm where we will discuss the actions taken by the board, what we might expect next, hear your thoughts, and answer your questions.

We plan to spend a good deal of our time together answering your questions. If you’d like to send us a question in advance, you can do so via an email to, or you can just plan to ask your questions during the Town Hall Meeting.

We will hold our Town Hall Meeting via a Zoom Webinar. You can get a personal link to join the Town Hall Meeting via the following link (please paste the link into your browser and register in advance) –

After registering, you will receive a follow-up confirmation email within a day containing information about how to join the webinar.

We hope to see you on September 5th.

Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC

ARRL Director

New England Division

ARES, POTA “Go Box” Show and Tell at Nutmeg Hamfest, Meriden CT, October 13, 2024

Douglas Sharafanowich, WA1SFH, writes on the ct-ares mailing list:

WHAT: ARES and POTA “GO BOX” Show and Tell

DATE: Sunday, October 13, 2024

HOURS: 8:30 am – 10:30 am


Maloney High School
121 Gravel Street Meriden, CT 06450

Open to ALL Hams

A Perfect excuse to “Get Organized” to “Go Portable”!
– Make Portable operations less of a hastle and chore.
– Eliminate the last minute hunting for gear before leaving.
– Banish the frustration of not having what you need at the operating site… because it is still back at the home QTH.
Note: For many hams on a budget, their “Go Box” does “double duty” as their Home Station.

The “Go Box” is probably the best way to organize your radio equipment for those times when you want to (or need to) “Grab-‘n-Go” for Portable Operations such as:
– Public Service Events
– ARES Drills/Exercises
– Real World Disasters
– Parks On The Air activations
– Day Trips to: the Park, Beach, Woods, or… the In-Laws.
– Weekend Get-Aways
– Vacations

Don’t Have a “Go Box”? BUILD ONE!
You can build/assemble your own “Go Box” in less than one day, and it will probably better than my Proof of Concept example.

Your creative design and build may be exactly the thing that get someone else to build his own “Go Box”… or modify their existing “Go Box”.

Come with your “Go Box” to the Nutmeg Hamfest for Display, Judging, and Awards or Show & Tell

– Best ARES VHF/UHF “Go Box”
This will include Voice and Digital/Data capability (Winlink, “Classic” Packet Radio)

– Best ARES HF “Go Box”
This will include Voice and Digital/Data Capability (Winlink/HFVARA)

– Best ARES VHF/UHF/HF “Go Box”
This will include Voice and Digital/Data capability for each radio as appropriate.
(VHF/UHF Winlink, VHF/UHF “Classic” Packet Radio, Winlink/HF VARA)

– Best POTA 100w (max)  radio “Go Box” *

– Best POTA QRP “Go Box” *

* Where POTA “Go Box” includes: Cases, Backpacks, Camera Bags, etc.


Maine QSO Party, September 28-29, 2024

Maine QSO Party logoThe Maine QSO Party is designed to encourage Maine stations to expand their knowledge of DX propagation on the HF and MF bands, improve their operating skills, and improve station capability by creating a competition in which W/VE, and DX stations have the incentive to work Maine. [Details]