QRP Activities at HamXposition

Carl Achin, WA1ZCQ, writes on the New England QRP mailing list:

The annual ARRL New England Convention, now-a-days called, “HamXposition” is coming up this weekend, August 25th, 26th, & 27th, that’s Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. NEQRP will be there starting at 8:59AM on Friday morning for the KICKOFF BREAKFAST. There are lots of things to do at this years ARRL Convention! Not only does the Convention have a great schedule, but, NEQRP has a fantastic Schedule as well.

Here, take a look at our Club’s activities and events throughout the weekend:
Download the NEQRP Schedule and join-in on whatever tickles-your-fancy:

Of course the HAMvention also has many talks and activities as well. Here, take a look:

*** WANT TO BUILD A KIT? Know someone that does? Sign-up for our “Build-A-Thon” on Saturday Evening (starting at 7PM):

Join-in on any and/or all of the NEQRP activities throughout the weekend. Bring your favorite Field-Ops rig and operate ” W 1 B ” (Whiskey One “B”oxboro!) just outside our meeting room, the Marlborough Room (W-9) at the end of the Hotel West-Wing.
??? Where is the Marlborough Room (W-9) ??? – Here, take a look:

Join us at our off-premises Saturday Evening Dinner Banquet (4:45PM through 6:45PM) for a delicious STEAK, or, anything else you’d like.

Like Pizza? – Like watching Field-Op related videos? – Join us on Friday evening (5PM through 8PM+) for our Kickoff” Meet-‘N-Greet” Pizza Party, Video night, and Social-Hour. Join in on our breakfast and lunch gatherings throughout the weekend. It’s all on the NEQRP Schedule.

When you arrive, call ” W 1 B ” on “The National Simplex Frequency” (146.52 direct), we’ll be listening for YOU!

Questions? Email:


Minecraft Ham Radio Mod Unveiled at HamXposition

Minecraft imageThe Minecraft ham radio mod “RadioCraft” will be introduced at the 2023 Northeast HamXposition / ARRL New England Division Convention in Marlboro, MA, on August 25-27, 2023.

RadioCraft will enable simulation of ham radio in the Minecraft game. Game players will be able to build and operate a variety of radios on HF and VHF, with customizable antennas, and realistic simulations of propagation, QRM and QRN, diurnal solar effects, and band conditions. Eventually the project hopes to simulate the full range of ham radio activities including phone, CW, APRS, VHF repeaters, and even fox hunting.

“There will be a continuous demonstration in the convention center lobby,” writes PART of Westford President George Allison, K1IG. “At 11:00 AM on Saturday we’ll have a one-hour presentation by Lucas (W1BTR) and me in the Sterling [“W2″] Room. The presentation will include a live demo of the program, and we’ll talk about how the mod could affect the growth of ham radio.”

If successful, the RadioCraft project could potentially introduce Amateur Radio to millions of young gamers. Every convention-goer is strongly encouraged to attend the presentation and see what the RadioCraft project has accomplished.

“Our goal is to use this simulation to introduce ham radio to the world-wide Minecraft gaming community and then get them licensed so they can participate in the real-world hobby.”

For more information, visit http://wb1gof.org/RadioCraft/.

Yankee Clipper Contest Club Activities at HamXposition

YCCC at HamXpositon banner


The Yankee Clipper Contest Club support of the Northeast HamXposition ranges from solid talks to enthralling hands-on experiences.

Check out the talks by the Club’s senior membership that appeal to new and potential contesters and those looking to take advantage of a wonderful grant program.

Yankee Clipper Contest Club logoThe talks begin at 2:00 on Saturday kicking off with CQ Contest Hall of Fame speaker Doug Grant, K1DG. He will tune up your on-air operating style making you the envy of your entire club during Field Day operations.

Next up is YCCC member John Vogel, N1PGA showing how he has deployed a competitive contest station without the need for tall towers. What’s the secret ingredient? Show up and find out!

Finally, YCCC member and past-President, Jim Idelson, K1IR will educate us on Amateur Radio|Digital Communications (ARDC). ARDC helps communications enthusiasts bring their dreams of innovation to life. Jim will share his recent experience as a member of the ARDC Grants Advisory Committee. 

Stop by the W1A station run by Yankee Clipper Contest Club member W1VE. Gerry has secured the use of the YCCC member K1LZ Superstation located in Jonesboro, Me. Experience the thrills of massive pileups if you dare!

Finally, enjoy the superb hotel hospitality at the DX Dinner featuring YCCC member Don Greenbaum, N1DG and his talk on the “DXpeditioning with a RIB”. Don will describe the genesis of the “Rig in a Box (RIB) from the 2018 Baker Island expedition to implement on C6AGU, FO/N1DG and the recently completed VP6A Dxpedition to Ducie Island. Tickets must be purchased in advance.

Volunteers On The Air, W1AW/1 Massachusetts Activators Sought, November 1-7, 2023

VOTA logoAre you interested in becoming an activator for the ARRL VOTA Fall operating week? The dates for the fall schedule are November 1 through 7.

There are currently 14 ops signed up and room for more.

We’re looking for people that can spend time getting on the air and making contacts. All modes of operation are welcome. During the Spring VOTA, Massachusetts made over 9000 QSOs. We’d like to beat that this time around. Would you like to be part of that?

To find out more, contact ARRL VOTA MA State Manager Larry Krainson, W1AST, at W1AST@arrl.net by October 1st.

Larry, W1AST
ARRL WMA Affiliated Club Coordinator
HCRA President
Visit my Ham Radio club website at: www.HCRA.org
Team K2H – 13 Colonies Massachusetts State Manager
Project Big E 2022 & 2023 Organizer
Proud Member of ARRL, FCARC & YCCC

HamXposition Prizes Announced

HamXposition logo

HamXposition 2023 is August 25-26-27 – that’s NEXT WEEK!

At the Best Western Hotel and Conference Center in Marlborough, Massachusetts.

We are pleased to announce the prizes for 2023.

All attendees of the Friday DXCC dinner featuring speaker Don Greenbaum, N1DG, will be eligible to win a $500 DX Engineering gift certificate.

All attendees of the Saturday Grand Banquet featuring speaker Chip Cohen, W1YW, will be eligible to win a Yaesu FT-710 HF-50MHz SDR Transceiver.

Our Sunday door prize drawing features three grand prizes. You do not to be present to win, but you must deposit your general admission ticket stub in the prize barrel at the convention. Many smaller prizes will also be given away for those who are present at the drawing.

First Prize is an ICOM 7610 SDR Transceiver

photo of Icom 7610

Second prize is a Yaesu FTM-500DR 2m/440 dual band FM transceiver

Photo of Yaesu FTM500-DR

Third prize is an Anytone AT-D878UV II Plus handheld transceiver

photo of AnyTone AT-D878-UV II


Online Ticketing is closing soon!

There will only be a small number of dinner tickets available at the gate. To9 ensure you get into the dinner, you should purchase your dinner tickets in advance on our website: https://hamxposition.org.

Dinner ticketing closes the evening of Sunday August 20th.

All ticketing (General Admission and Flea) closes Wednesday, August 23rd, though General and Flea are also available at the gate.

I look forward to seeing you there!


Bob, K1IW

“Live Free and Ham” Podcast to Feature W1AST: “Project BIG E,” August 20, 2023

Live Free and Ham podcast logoEric Pfeifer, N1JUR, writes:

With the fall season just around the corner, New England is gearing up for exciting fairs and events. If you’re looking for an authentic and enjoyable experience, look no further than the Big E, the largest fair in the Northeast.

We at Live Free and Ham (https://livefreeandham.com) are thrilled to announce that we will be hosting a live stream with special guest Larry Krainson (W1AST), to discuss Project Big E and the various volunteering opportunities available at the event this fall. It’s a great chance to introduce the world of Amateur Radio to the “Ham Curious!”

Our live show will be broadcast on Sunday, August 20th at 7 pm. To stay updated and be notified when we go live, head over to https://youtube.com/live/KYFJ9UEwE6Y?feature=share and subscribe. Trust us; you don’t want to miss this show!

The Live Free and Ham Podcast is a bi-weekly show hosted by Eric Pfeifer (N1JUR), Todd Neumann (W1STJ), and Ryan Retelle (W1SNH), with a focus on Ham Radio in the New England area. To learn more about us and subscribe to our podcast, visit https://livefreeandham.com.

For more information on Project Big E, head over to https://nediv.arrl.org/project-big-e/.

Live Fox Hunt, Bedford NH, August 27, 2023

Eric Pfeifer, N1JUR, writes on the Granite State ARA mailing list: 
Join us for the Live Fox Hunt on August 27th from 6 pm to 8 pm. We will gather at the Lower Parking Lot at Bedford High School at 5:30/5:45 pm to review the rules, frequency, and gear check. Participants who wish to team up can do so at that time. The Fox will have 15 minutes to hide before the event starts, which will run for 90 minutes. We will announce the end of the game on the repeater and meet back at the Bedford HS Parking lot. If you’re interested, we can head to Axels in Merrimack or Inside Scoop in Bedford for celebratory ice cream or to drown your sorrow.
If you’re interested in joining but don’t have any equipment, I can connect you with people who can help you get set up. 
Usually, all you need is a 2m HT, and if you make your own, you’ll need a Tape Measure Yagi or a store-bought Satellite/fox hunt Antenna. You likely won’t require an attenuator since the “fox” will be in a vehicle and easy to locate. If this event goes well, we might continue it into the fall months before winter. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Feel free to share this with others too.

Project Big E 2023 is Looking for your Support

Project Big E logoThe Big E is a 17-day New England fair that takes place from September 15th to October 1st this year. The start is just 4 weeks away!

It attracts attendees from all over New England, northern NJ and eastern NY. The fair takes place in West Springfield, MA.

Last year the Big E had over 1.6 million attendees from all over the northeast!

In 2022, we ran a ham radio booth at the Big E and we are doing one again this year. Twelve clubs and over 100 individuals volunteered last year. We need your help again this year!

We have been provided with a free booth that normally costs $6,000. It’s located in the Better Living Center. It attracts the most visitors and it’s the largest building on the fairgrounds.

The Ham Radio Booth aims to introduce ham radio to the public and demonstrate that the hobby is still relevant in today’s world. By getting a taste of amateur radio, we hope that some members of the general public will sign up for classes and earn their license. Afterward, we hope they will join a local club where they live. This will benefit all ham radio clubs in New England!

We learned a lot from last year, and are changing the way we do things for 2023. For example, we will staff just 3 people in the booth for each six-hour session versus 4 to 6 people last year.

We encourage clubs to reserve a 6-hour session or a full 12-hour day. The booth must be staffed from 10 am through 10 pm. We ask that volunteers for the first session of each day staff the booth from 9:30 am through 4 pm; for the second session, 3:30 pm through 10 pm to provide some overlap.

Clubs may bring banner, handouts, class information and demonstrations to show and use during their time in the booth.

We are also looking for individuals to volunteer. You do not have to be part of a club.

There is an admission fee ($15) and a parking fee ($10 per car) to the fair. We have been awarded an ARDC grant and will be reimbursing those fees to everyone who participated after the fair has ended. The reimbursements will be mailed to your qrz.com address.

We need your support to make this a success!

Please go to this link to sign up:


If you would like further information, please visit: https://nediv.arrl.org/project-big-e.

For more information, feel free to contact Larry Krainson, W1AST at: W1AST@arrl.net.

New Hampshire Gears Up For Volunteers On The Air W1AW/1 Special Event Operation, September 20-26, 2023

ARRL is celebrating a year-long operating event honoring all ARRL volunteers: Volunteers On the Air with special W1AW/portable operations in each of the fifty states and U.S. territories.

The second 2023 special event station in New Hampshire (W1AW/1 Portable) will run September 20-26, 2023. Our team is looking for operators who can activate a W1AW Station.

You can operate from your home station or a portable location, e.g., beach, park, or public area. You can use digital, voice, or CW modes on several bands (with certain exceptions. See https://arrl.org/vota for more details). We aim to work as many stations as possible anywhere in the world.

If you have any questions, please contact Eric Pfeifer (N1JUR) at n1jur.nh@gmail.com or Peter Stohrer (W1FEA) at pstohrer1@gmail.com. If you would like to sign up as an operator, use our form at <https://forms.gle/jnNHmyS9G11YWMsr9>. We’ll add you to our mailing list.


Eric Pfeifer