CT RFI Team Receives Equipment at ARRL HQ

The CT RFI team met at ARRL HQ in Newington, CT on Saturday, February 25.  Training was performed by Rob Leiden, K1UI, New England Division Assistant Director, with the help of Ed Hare, W1RFI and Steve Anderson, W1EMI of the ARRL Lab.  A reference handout, developed with the assistance of EMA Team Lead Dan Brown, W1DAN, provided information about the use of the RFI team equipment.  Four of the seven sections have now been trained and received their equipment, funded by a grant from ARDC.  Another session is scheduled for Nearfest in Deerfield, NH on Saturday, April 29. RFI casework is already in progress with several cases already resolved. Interest in this effort continues to grow as the teams become better equipped and the success of their work becomes known.  If you are interested in helping out and have some experience finding and correcting RFI, contact the team lead for your section for more information.