Rhode Island ARES Foundation Announcement

RI Section Emergency Coordinator Paul J Silverzweig, W1PJS, writes:

First I’d like to wish you all a safe and healthy Thanksgiving. CoViD guidance makes this year unusual and for many of us we won’t be able to spend time with family… so enjoy the best you can, but stay safe!

Some other things:

RI ARES has successfully created a non-profit 501c3 charity, called the RI ARES Foundation, a distinct organization from the communications group. The main focus of funds raised by this Foundation will be to fund the NB1RI repeater network, with some funds being used to actually support the Foundation itself, namely tax filings and web services, credit card fees, bank fees, other state filings, and in some cases programs or trading for RI ARES membership.

You can find the foundation’s  website at http://www.RIARESfoundation.org and are welcome to donate, whether as little as an automatic $1 per month to as much as you wish… Jeremy K1JST is the lead on this, the Treasurer, and has done all the leg work… if you have questions please ask him.

The Directors and Officers include:

Paul W1PJS
Jeremy K1JST
John N1ZO
Sandy Hodell KA1RXB
Chief Aaron KC1EPX
Teri W1PUP

I hope you all can help.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

Paul Silverzweig, W1PJS
RI Section Emergency Coordinator
All Hazards, FEMA/RIEMA ComL
RI Association of Emergency Managers
     Chair, Amateur Radio Committee
Portsmouth RI EMA
Trustee NB1RI Repeater Network