QRP AField, September 18, 2021

NEQRP logoShirley Márquez Dúlcey, KE1L, writes on the NEQRP mailing list:

QRP Afield 2021 is TOMORROW! As always, it is held on the third Saturday of September, which is September 18 this year; as in the past few years, it runs from 1500-2100Z (11am-5pm EDT). You can read the rules here: https://www.newenglandqrp.org/qrp-afield-2018/ (still mostly correct).

Our weekend always has a number of other operating events going on, perhaps because it’s the final weekend of summer. Five QSO parties overlap some or all of our operating period: Iowa, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Texas, and Washington (the Salmon Run). There is also a major international contest, the Scandinavian Activity Contest (they were booming into NH last year; I worked a couple of them on 40 CW!), and this year we have Wisconsin Parks on the Air. There will surely also be some activations in programs including POTA, SOTA, and IOTA, and some special event stations. Here in MA there is one to commemorate the 100th anniversary of broadcast station WBZ; it will use the special call signs W1W, W1B, W1Z, and WB1Z. Also keep an ear out for the Chowdercon station, W1C; that will have NEQRP members operating portable from an island in Portsmouth NH.

This year, contacts with stations in other operating events are explicitly allowed. (If you can’t beat them join them!) You are not required to complete the full QRP Afield exchange with those stations; instead, you should use the exchange required by the other event. (Their logging software probably isn’t set up to record your power level or NEQRP number.) We encourage you to submit logs to any contests you make contacts in, even if you only make one or two contacts; the organizers use your data to check other logs.

I’m also introducing a new bonus. Any contact where both operators send a NEQRP number and submit logs that contain a matching contact is worth two points instead of the usual one. The normal power, location, and S/P/C multipliers still apply. That’s meant to encourage people to make some QRP Afield contacts. (Don’t have a member number? Membership in the New England QRP Club is free and open to all hams. Send email to kk1x@kk1x.net with the subject Join.)

You can work each station once per band per mode. For our purposes there are three modes: CW, voice (any voice mode including digital voice), and digital (everything else: RTTY, PSK31, JT65, FT8, SSTV, fax — if it’s not Morse Code and doesn’t involve a microphone it goes here). All bands other than WARC bands and 60 meters are allowed, but you’ll find most of the QRP Afield activity on 40 and 20 meter CW. (The only bands and modes that appeared in 2020 logs were 80, 40, and 20 meter CW.) Perhaps 15 will have an opening this year, and consider trying 80 to work some nearby stations, especially if you are in or near one of the states with a QSO party.

A field station must use non-permanent antennas and be powered by something other than the commercial power grid or a motor-driven generator. Usually that means batteries. No minimum distance from your house is required; operating from your porch or yard is fine. That said, we encourage you to get out and operate from a location away from home!

Chowdercon is also tomorrow! Carl recently sent out a message about that.  The weather forecast looks decent: mostly cloudy through 1 pm, clearing to partly cloudy after that, with high temperatures in the low 70s and a 15% chance of rain throughout the day. Showers are likely in the late evening but people will be off the island well before that.

Recap of Northeast HamXpostition, the 2021 ARRL New England Division Convention

HamXposition logoby Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, ARRL Product Development Manager


The annual Northeast HamXposition was held on September 10 &12 and hosted the 2021 ARRL New England Division Convention. This was the first time the annual event was held at the Best Western Hotel in Marlborough, Massachusetts.

The ARRL ‘team’ included Vice President Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, New England Division Director Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, Vice Director Phil Temples, K9HI, Field Services Manager Mike Walters, W8ZY, Senior Member Services Representative Kim McNeill, KM1IPA, Director of Operations Bob Naumann, W5OV, and Product Development Manager Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R. In addition, there were several Section Managers and other Field Organization volunteers.

Mike Raisbeck and Phil Temples did double-duty, serving as the convention’s Vice Chair and Program chair, respectively.

Although there were some last-minute cancellations from a handful of exhibitors and presenters, attendance was very good, though smaller than the 2019 show.  W1 QSL Bureau Co-Manager Eric Williams, KV1J, shared that “considering the COVID concerns, I feel that this was remarkably good attendance.”

Among the radio club and organization booths, the Nashua Area Radio Society (New Hampshire) demonstrated a variety of activities to encourage new licensees to become radioactive. An interactive exhibit was also hosted by Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society of Natick, MA, which operates from the STEM educational center and Makerspace hosted by New England Sci-Tech. An ARRL Volunteer Examiner team tested 13 new and upgraded license candidates, including unlicensed individuals who passed exams for their General and Extra Class tickets.

Eric Williams and his team of volunteers offered great support to anyone seeking W1 Bureau needs. Their exhibit also hosted Bob Naumann who checked DXCC and other ARRL Award applications throughout the convention.

On Friday night, Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA, presented at the DXCC/Contest Dinner, recapping the DXPedition and IARU Contest activities and activations from Market Reef and Aland Islands.

Bob Inderbitzen gave the keynote address on Saturday morning which included a 9/11 tribute he had prepared, and Color Guard supported by local Scouts. He also attended a Youth Panel and met with many young hams, parents, and their advisors throughout the event, including an undergraduate student in mechanical engineering from Olin College of Engineering in Needham, MA, Zachary Sherman, KC1NXK – exhibiting for Olin Collegiate Amateur Radio Club.

The banquet speaker was Dr. Philip J. Erickson, W1PJE, of Haystack Observatory, a multidisciplinary radio observatory operated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He discussed HamSCI’s latest ionospheric science investigations with his group at Haystack covering international, national, and even local aspects of amateur ionospheric science supported in partnership with radio amateurs and scientists. During the banquet, Bob was recognized by Emcee Mike Raisbeck as the convention’s first scholarship winner (1990).

An ARRL Membership Forum was held on Saturday, supported by Fred Hopengarten, Phil Temples, Mike Walters, and ARRL Communications Counsel Dave Siddall, K3ZJ – who was in the area and attended the convention. Mike Walters also led a Section Manager & Affiliated Club Coordinator Forum. The ARRL staff team returned from Marlborough with 72 membership applications (127 in 2019); 22% of these from new or previous members. They also returned with 36 award applications and endorsements – including 24 for DXCC and 10 for VUCC.

Hampden County RA/Franklin County ARC Potluck/Foxhunt/SOTA Event, September 19, 2021

The Hampden County Radio Association is holding a Potluck/operating event at South Sugarloaf Mountain on Sunday, September 19, 2021 from 10:30 AM until 2:30 PM. 

“All members and friends of the Franklin County ARC and Hampden County Radio Association are welcome. Bring your spouse.  It’s a fun place for kids too.  Dogs are permitted on leash,” writes Larry Krainson, W1AST, HCRA President.

“Bring your [foxhunting] gear to Sunday’s Picnic & Radios. I plan on hiding a foxbox on the mountain somewhere. Foxbox 2 will be on 147.550 with a PL of 151.3. Pressing #1 on your keypad for a moment will activate the foxbox.  Take a picture of the foxbox or one with you in it and find me (W1AST) and show me.”

Parking on the summit is limited.  If you need a ride up, call on 146.52. RSVP to: <bc@councilman.com>.

“Please consider bringing something for the potluck.  We’ll be cooking burgers and hotdogs; bacon for the cheeseburgers while it lasts.  Also, please bring your favorite beverage (no alcohol).  Plenty of ice available,” Larry adds.

At 652′, South Sugarloaf Mountain is one of the most accessible and popular scenic outlooks in the region. SOTA enthusiasts might want to activate nearby Pocumtuck Rock. <https://sotl.as/summits/W1/MB-015>.

Additional information about Mt Sugarloaf State Reservation can be found at: <https://www.mass.gov/locations/mount-sugarloaf-state-reservation>.

WBZ 100th Anniversary Special Event Operation, September 17-19, 2021

WBZ 100 Year Anniversary logoLarry Krainson, W1AST, writes:

Just a reminder that this weekend is the WBZ 100th Anniversary special event! There will be four special event stations (W1W, W1B, W1Z & WB1Z) in total and a very nice QSL card will be made available whether you work one station or all four. Be sure to get on the air and work these stations this weekend! The event starts at 1300z/9:00 AM EDT September 17 and ends at 0359z September 20/11:59 PM EDT September 19. There will be operations on SSB, CW, FT8 & digital modes and satellites as well as all bands and all modes. You should hear the stations on FM, DMR and D-star too.

There will be many opportunities to work one or all of the stations and earn a very special QSL card commemorating the 100th anniversary of WBZ’s first transmission on September 19, 1921.

More info on the event at https://nediv.arrl.org/wbz100/ and on the QRZ pages for the four callsigns.

ChowderCon 2021 is a “Go,” Four Tree Island, NH, September 18

Carl Achin, WA1ZCQ, writes:

‘Chowdercon’ 2021 is looking good for this Saturday, September 18th on Four Tree Island New Hampshire. We’ll have the usual schedule that has been on-the-plate for decades.

– Friday the 17th: Socializing and Meet-‘N-Greet at Al’s Seafood and Fish Market on RT-1 in North Hampton at 5 PM for the diehard low-power radio amateurs that wish to partake in a WONDERFUL seafood dinner.

– Saturday the 18th is the BIG Day, 7 AM KICKOFF Breakfast at the Golden Egg on RT-1A in Portsmouth NH followed by a caravan of vehicles to Four Tree Island, arriving at approximately 8 AM.

+ Setup of individual stations (rigs & antennas) at the various rooftop-covered picnic tables around the Island.

+ At 12 noon, for those that need a lobster-roll and ‘CHOWDER’ (IT’S CALLED CHOWDERCON FOR A REASON), it’s a short walk to Geno’s Sandwich shop.

+ More operating from the Island after Lunch, and of course, SPRINTING/contesting in QRP Afield (CQ AF) which is always on the SAME DAY as Chowdercon.

+ Around 3 PM station operators start to breakdown and pack-up their gear, and, it’s time for the Annual “TUG-OF-WAR” of the QRPers (5W or less) against the QRPpers (*LESS THAN* 1 Watters)! ALWAYS A FUN TIME! 🙂

+ Caravan over to the historic Warren’s Lobster House at 4:30 PM, just a 5 minute drive from Four Tree Island. IT’S A TRADITION!!! The FAREWELL BANQUET usually finishes-up at approximately 6:30 PM+.

– *** SUNDAY from 8 AM through 2 PM is more operating from the Island for those DIEHARDS that, “FEEL THE NEED FOR SPEED” (high-speed Morse-code that is!) 🙂 LOL

– AND, there is usually a final farewell meal at Statey’s, Portsmouth at around 3 PM+++ till the last person leaves/drops. 🙂


‘Chowdercon’ is a TRADITION and a celebration of the END OF SUMMER / BEGINNING OF FALL. A few of us started doing this QRP Event back in 1987 and it grew. In 2006 it was dubbed “CHOWDERCON” … and the rest is history (and QRP tradition).

If you are up for it, please join-in on the, fun, excitement, and good times of Chowdercon. Participate in whatever tickles your fancy.

Sincere 7 3 and Happy Fall,



Request for Operators: The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts’ Will Bike 4 Food, September 26, 2021

Gary Roy, KB1AKU, writes on the Hampden County Radio Association mailing list:

The Amateur radio community  will again support and provide communication assistance for The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts fund raising event on Sunday September 26th. Please check out their web site for this very important fund raising event: https://www.foodbankwma.org/events/will-bike-4-food/  They need our assistance in areas that have poor or no cell phone coverage. The routes will require us to cover the area in Vermont, extending through Leyden, Colrain, and Shelburne. In addition there is a small area in Whately and Williamsburg which includes the water stop in Williamsburg.

The 100 mile route begins at 7am, but will not arrive in the Vermont area that we cover until sometime after 9am. The Whately area will not need coverage until later in the morning, possible 10am or 11am. These times will be better determined in the next couple weeks. We will need volunteers to cover the above route areas and net control. We also need riders with the Food Bank volunteer route monitors and at the Guilford water stop.

Net Control will set up next to the Hatfield Library at the entrance to this event headquarters located at the Lions Club Pavilion 15 Billings Way Hatfield. The KB1BSS repeater in Leyden, Mass on 146.985 Mhz, negative offset, with a PL of 136.5 hz will be used.

Please contact me if you can assist with the Will Bike 4 Food Event.

My email is: groy773@gmail.com

Thank You,
Gary Roy

K1IR: “Tower Safety” at RATPAC Online, September 15, 2021

RATPAC logoWednesday, September 15, 2021, RATPAC Zoom Presentation 

Starts 9:00 PM AST / 9:00 PM EDT / 8:00 PM CDT / 7:00 PM MDT / 6:00 PM PDT / 5:00 PM AKDT / 3:00 PM HST

TOPIC:  Jim Idelson, K1IR

Be sure to see future RATPAC scheduled presentations below

  • This meeting will be recorded. By participating you consent to being recorded. 
  • Please change your display name to Your First Name, Call Sign and Location, e.g. Dan K7REX Idaho. 
  • Please stay muted until ready to speak. Your space bar works like a PTT for unmuting
  • You may ask questions in chat; please stay on topic while using chat.

Join Wednesday Zoom Meeting


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George Lillenstein, AB1GL, Appointed New Connecticut Section Emergency Coordinator

CT ARES logoCongratulations to George Lillenstein, AB1GL, who has been appointed Section Emergency Coordinator for the Connecticut Section.  Lillenstein was formerly the District Emergency Coordinator for District 3 in Connecticut. He replaces outgoing SEC Mike Walters, W8ZY, who resigned the post after accepting employment at ARRL Headquarters. 

Jamboree On The Air, October 15-17, 2021

JOTA-JOTI logoFrom the JOTA-JOTI website:

JOTA-JOTI (Jamboree-on-the-Air-Jamboree-on-the-Internet) is the world’s largest digital Scout event taking place on October 15-17, 2021, on the Internet and over the airwaves. Held every year in October, the event connects millions of young people around the world for a full weekend of online activities that promote friendship and global citizenship. JOTA-JOTI enables young people and volunteers to participate in fun and engaging group activities over the Internet and amateur radio focused on developing 21st century skills through Scouting. 

JOTA-JOTI 2020 took place from 15 to 17 October. The dynamic program comprised a variety of non-formal education activities, including webinars, global campfires, talent shows, live shows, fun challenges and more through an interactive 3D campsite. JOTA-JOTI aims to support young people of all ages to learn about communications technology, the values of global citizenship, and their role in creating a better world.


Navy History Day Morse Code Demo, Portsmouth NH, September 18, 2021

Sign for USS-Albacore Submarine Park, Portsmouth NHKriss Kliegle, KA1GJU, writes on the Port City ARC mailing list:

Saturday, September 18th at the USS Albacore Submarine Park is Navy History Day.

We have been asked to demonstrate Morse code to the younger (and possibly older) visitors to the park.

Hours are from 10 AM to 3 PM and some knowledge of Morse code would be essential. With a code oscillator (I have one) we can demonstrate code and interact with visitors.

Would be better if we break up the times so one of us doesn’t have to be there all day. Any takers? 

Thank you!
73 Kriss KA1GJU