K1PJS Elected, W1YRC Re-elected as Section Managers in New Hampshire, Rhode Island Respectively

Congratulations to incoming New Hampshire Section Manager Pete Stohrer, K1PJS, and long-time serving Rhode Island SM Bob Beaudet, W1YRC! Their terms of office commence on July 1, 2021.

From the ARRL Letter, May 20, 2021:

In the only contested election this spring, Utah ARRL members elected Pat Malan, N7PAT, as their new Section Manager (SM) for a 2-year term commencing July 1. Malan, of South Jordan, received 419 votes, while incumbent Mel Parkes, NM7P, garnered 339 votes. Parkes had served as Utah Section Manager for 22 years. ARRL Headquarters counted and verified the ballots on May 18.

In New Hampshire, Pete Stohrer, K1PJS, of Concord, was the only nominee for Section Manager when nominations closed on March 4. Stohrer, having previously served as SM from 2013 until 2019, will succeed John Gotthardt, K1UAF, who decided not to seek a new term.

Six incumbent Section Managers faced no opposition and were declared re-elected, effective July 1: Marty Pittinger, KB3MXM (Maryland-DC); John Bigley, N7UR (Nevada); Bob Buus, W2OD (Northern New Jersey); Bob Beaudet, W1YRC (Rhode Island); John Litz, NZ6Q (San Joaquin Valley), and Dale Durham, W5WI (West Texas).

KD1D Fox is Deployed in Westford (MA), May 21, 2021

from ema.arrl.org:
Alan Hicks, KD1D, writes on NEMassFoxHunters list on May 21, 2021 at 9:10 AM: 

I placed the KD1D Fox out this morning. As usual, it transmits a 30 second message every 60 seconds on 146.565 MHz FM.

It is located in Westford Conservation land named after an aquatic mammal once highly prized for making men’s hats.

The Fox can be heard along Concord Rd somewhere between the 99 Restaurant and the railroad crossing at Forge Village. A good place to take a bearing might be near the Robinson School or the old cemetery at the corner of Concord Rd and Country Rd (Interesting, but useless fact – Country Rd used to be called Cemetery Rd, but that tended to “spook” the real estate folks, so it was changed.)

Happy Hunting and 73 de KD1D

KC1PEN, Scouts On The Air Event, Near New Haven, CT, Suggestions Requested

North Haven, CT vicinityDavid Henry, KC1PEN, writes on May 20, 2021 on the Meriden Amateur Radio Club Facebook page:
I’m planning to do a Scouts-On-The-Air event with a local cub pack during their upcoming camping trip. I’ll have VHF/UHF FM voice and DMR capability at the location and am planning a DMR private call (I think I have a volunteer for that) and then a CQ call on DMR North America or WW English to try to get a distant contact for the Scouts to interact with.
Any thoughts or suggestions?

Call for Speakers, Northeast HamXposition @ Marlborough MA, September 10-12, 2021


Don’t just attend the 2021 Northeast HamXposition @ Marlborough MA—BE A PART OF IT! The HamXposition Committee seeks fresh and exciting presentations for this year’s ARRL New England Division Convention, September 10-12, 2021 . We’re looking for talks of both a technical and non-technical nature. As a HamXposition speaker, you will have the opportunity to share your subject and knowledge with Amateur Radio operators from around New England, surrounding states, and Canada.

In addition to forums and workshops throughout the day Saturday and Sunday, we will feature Friday/Saturday evening entertainment.

If you represent a regional club or organization (e.g. YCCC, NEQRP, WRONE, MARS, etc.) we can help facilitate open forums or closed meetings by providing you a meeting space.

Groups who wish to set up information tables should get your requests in early. While the tables are offered without charge, we ask for some volunteer time in return to assist us with ticket sales and other logistics during the convention.

To register as a speaker or presenter, please go to https://hamxposition.org/2021-early-speaker-signup or, email or call us if you have additional questions. 

We look forward to meeting all of you at the convention.


Phil Temples, K9HI
Program Chair
HamXposition @ Marlborough

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“Flatlanders vs. Highlanders: The Story of the Blue Hills Group POTA”

“When we decided to have a group Parks-On-The-Air event on a gorgeous 70F spring day, coinciding with the relaxing of the COVID mask mandates, at this special location, I was pleased, but hardly shocked, at the great turn out. From my vantage point, who wouldn’t want to be here?! Several area clubs had members in attendance, including STARS, Wellesley Amateur Radio Society (WARS), Long Island CW Club (LICW), Boston Amateur Radio Club (BARC), K1USN, and the Mystic Valley Amateur Radio Group (MVARG). [Full story]

[See also: Parks On The Air Activation, Blue Hills, Milton, MA K-8402, May 15, 2021


KD1LE Fox is Operating in Westford (MA), May 14, 2021

From ema.arrl.org:
Stan Pozerski, KD1LE, writes on NEMassFoxHunters list on May 14, 2021, 10:27 AM: 

The fox is out as of 9:30 this morning. It is on the regular 146.565 MHz frequency transmitting every five minutes. Sending an * within five seconds of the end of transmission will halve the cycle time if you’re in range.

It was a beautiful morning for a walk, the trees and lilacs are in bloom and the turtles are sun bathing. But if you were thinking about a picnic lunch you are a few years too late. Since everyone found the intersection of Gould Road and Westford Road [in Westford, MA] last time it’s not a bad place to start.

Stan KD1LE

Greater Bridgeport ARC Fox Hunt, Trumbull, CT, May 16, 2021

Greater Bridgeport ARC loogoFrom GBARC groups.io wiki:

On Sunday May 16 2021 at 11am we will have our monthly fox hunt.  All members and non-members are invited to attend.  The purpose of the fox hunt is to track down a hidden transmitter and find some information, then relay that information according to the instructions on a sign where the fox is located. […]

Recommended Starting Location:  Home Depot Trumbull

Starting Time: 11:00 AM Local 

Fox Frequency:  147.485 MHz Simplex

Fox Power:  5W into a 1/4 wave antenna dropping to 1W at Noon

Sponsor:  Emily N1DID

Check in on:  441.700 or 146.445 Repeaters or Echolink

En-Route Communications:  Contact N1DID on 146.52 Simplex or call 203-522-6750

“Saving the MIT Radome”

Green Bldg rooftop MIT campusFrom ema.arrl.org:

Perched atop the MIT Cecil and Ida Green Building (Building 54), MIT’s tallest academic building, a large, golf ball-like structure protrudes from the roof, holding its own in the iconic MIT campus skyline. This radar dome — or “radome” for short — is a fiberglass shell that encases a large parabolic dish, shielding it from the elements while allowing radio waves to penetrate. First installed in 1966, it was used initially to pioneer weather radar research. As the years passed and technology evolved, the radome eventually fell out of use for this purpose and was subsequently slated for removal as MIT began a major renovation and capital improvement project for the building. That’s when the student-led MIT Radio Society, who had found creative new uses for the radome, sprang into action to save it — and succeeded. [Full story]