
Simon Golob, N1URAAn excited Simon Golob, N1URA, poses with New England Division Director Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, and ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, at the recent New England Division Convention in Marlboro, Massachusetts. 

Nine-year-old Simon is the “harmonic” of Maine Assistant Section Manager Cory Golob, KU1U.

-KU1U photo

New England Vintage Electronics Flea Market, Brookline NH, September 30, 2023

Fall Brookline Vintage Electronics Swap Meet

Location: 32 Proctor Hill Road, Brookline NH 03033

Saturday September 30 2023, 7:30 am – 12:00 pm

Admission 7:30 – 10:00am: $5.00,  10:00am – 12:00pm : FREE!

Free onsite parking. Food available for purchase inside the hall. 

Sponsored by: New England Vintage Electronics Club

For more information, see http://www.nevec.org



Multiple Foxes on the Run at HamXposition

Larry Krainson, W1AST, writes on the Western MA Foxhunters mailing list:

HamXposition is being held in Marlboro, MA, Friday through Sunday [August 25-27, 2023]. The big activity day is Saturday.

There will be at least 2 fox boxes hidden somewhere on the HamXpo grounds—one by the [Minuteman Repeater Association] and one by the [Hampden County Radio Association]. Full info is in the HamXpo booklet. Also, join NC7R as he gives a talk on fox hunting as well as the many other forums being held.

There is also a big flea market, multiple EmComm trailers on display, unique and interesting vendors and more. 

This is the address: 

Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center

181 Boston Post Road W

Marlborough, MA 01752

Here is the website for a forum list and info:   www.hamXposition.org

I hope to see you there and Happy Fox Box Hunting!

HamXposition to Feature EmComm Trailer Exhibit

photo of Woodmont ARA mobile communications unit
Woodmont (CT) ARA mobile communications unit

Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator Stu Solomon, W1SHS, writes:

New for 2023 we have invited area organizations to bring their EmComm trailers to the HamXposition to put on display and give tours.  We have a number of groups that have agreed to bring their trailers and vans, some from a fair distance.  Convention attendees will have the opportunity to tour the trailers and bring home ideas for their own trailer build outs.
We are very excited about this first time event at the HamXposition. There is sure to be some impressive handiwork on display. Stop by and admire their handiwork and bring ideas home.

QRP Activities at HamXposition

Carl Achin, WA1ZCQ, writes on the New England QRP mailing list:

The annual ARRL New England Convention, now-a-days called, “HamXposition” is coming up this weekend, August 25th, 26th, & 27th, that’s Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. NEQRP will be there starting at 8:59AM on Friday morning for the KICKOFF BREAKFAST. There are lots of things to do at this years ARRL Convention! Not only does the Convention have a great schedule, but, NEQRP has a fantastic Schedule as well.

Here, take a look at our Club’s activities and events throughout the weekend:
Download the NEQRP Schedule and join-in on whatever tickles-your-fancy:

Of course the HAMvention also has many talks and activities as well. Here, take a look:

*** WANT TO BUILD A KIT? Know someone that does? Sign-up for our “Build-A-Thon” on Saturday Evening (starting at 7PM):

Join-in on any and/or all of the NEQRP activities throughout the weekend. Bring your favorite Field-Ops rig and operate ” W 1 B ” (Whiskey One “B”oxboro!) just outside our meeting room, the Marlborough Room (W-9) at the end of the Hotel West-Wing.
??? Where is the Marlborough Room (W-9) ??? – Here, take a look:

Join us at our off-premises Saturday Evening Dinner Banquet (4:45PM through 6:45PM) for a delicious STEAK, or, anything else you’d like.

Like Pizza? – Like watching Field-Op related videos? – Join us on Friday evening (5PM through 8PM+) for our Kickoff” Meet-‘N-Greet” Pizza Party, Video night, and Social-Hour. Join in on our breakfast and lunch gatherings throughout the weekend. It’s all on the NEQRP Schedule.

When you arrive, call ” W 1 B ” on “The National Simplex Frequency” (146.52 direct), we’ll be listening for YOU!

Questions? Email:


Minecraft Ham Radio Mod Unveiled at HamXposition

Minecraft imageThe Minecraft ham radio mod “RadioCraft” will be introduced at the 2023 Northeast HamXposition / ARRL New England Division Convention in Marlboro, MA, on August 25-27, 2023.

RadioCraft will enable simulation of ham radio in the Minecraft game. Game players will be able to build and operate a variety of radios on HF and VHF, with customizable antennas, and realistic simulations of propagation, QRM and QRN, diurnal solar effects, and band conditions. Eventually the project hopes to simulate the full range of ham radio activities including phone, CW, APRS, VHF repeaters, and even fox hunting.

“There will be a continuous demonstration in the convention center lobby,” writes PART of Westford President George Allison, K1IG. “At 11:00 AM on Saturday we’ll have a one-hour presentation by Lucas (W1BTR) and me in the Sterling [“W2″] Room. The presentation will include a live demo of the program, and we’ll talk about how the mod could affect the growth of ham radio.”

If successful, the RadioCraft project could potentially introduce Amateur Radio to millions of young gamers. Every convention-goer is strongly encouraged to attend the presentation and see what the RadioCraft project has accomplished.

“Our goal is to use this simulation to introduce ham radio to the world-wide Minecraft gaming community and then get them licensed so they can participate in the real-world hobby.”

For more information, visit http://wb1gof.org/RadioCraft/.

Yankee Clipper Contest Club Activities at HamXposition

YCCC at HamXpositon banner


The Yankee Clipper Contest Club support of the Northeast HamXposition ranges from solid talks to enthralling hands-on experiences.

Check out the talks by the Club’s senior membership that appeal to new and potential contesters and those looking to take advantage of a wonderful grant program.

Yankee Clipper Contest Club logoThe talks begin at 2:00 on Saturday kicking off with CQ Contest Hall of Fame speaker Doug Grant, K1DG. He will tune up your on-air operating style making you the envy of your entire club during Field Day operations.

Next up is YCCC member John Vogel, N1PGA showing how he has deployed a competitive contest station without the need for tall towers. What’s the secret ingredient? Show up and find out!

Finally, YCCC member and past-President, Jim Idelson, K1IR will educate us on Amateur Radio|Digital Communications (ARDC). ARDC helps communications enthusiasts bring their dreams of innovation to life. Jim will share his recent experience as a member of the ARDC Grants Advisory Committee. 

Stop by the W1A station run by Yankee Clipper Contest Club member W1VE. Gerry has secured the use of the YCCC member K1LZ Superstation located in Jonesboro, Me. Experience the thrills of massive pileups if you dare!

Finally, enjoy the superb hotel hospitality at the DX Dinner featuring YCCC member Don Greenbaum, N1DG and his talk on the “DXpeditioning with a RIB”. Don will describe the genesis of the “Rig in a Box (RIB) from the 2018 Baker Island expedition to implement on C6AGU, FO/N1DG and the recently completed VP6A Dxpedition to Ducie Island. Tickets must be purchased in advance.