Here is the recording of last night’s New England Division Town Hall Meeting.
The PDF slide deck is also attached.
ARRL New England Division November 2023 Town Hall Meeting
Serving ARRL members who reside in the New England sections
Here is the recording of last night’s New England Division Town Hall Meeting.
The PDF slide deck is also attached.
ARRL New England Division November 2023 Town Hall Meeting
Conrad Trautmann, N2YCH , writes:
On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 11 am, Parks On The Air activators in Connecticut met on 40 meters SSB for the state’s second “Park to Park” net. It was a huge success.
Rewind the timeline…I was on my quest to activate all parks/references in the state. I discovered one other amateur radio operator had already accomplished this, activating 136 parks in the state of Connecticut. That ham was Shawn, KC1NQE. I reached out and started a dialog and clearly, if he’d done it and I was on my way to completing it, there was no doubt about our passion for the Parks On The Air program. We had a lot in common. Add Peter, K1PCN, who is also attempting to activate all references and is also the President of the Greater Bridgeport Amateur Radio Club and we had the core group that officially started up the CT-POTA email distribution list.
With the three of us as the first members of the group at the end of August, we began spreading the word through various channels. We shared the group URL with the ham radio clubs in the state: Greater Bridgeport ARC, Candlewood ARA, Woodmont ARA, MARC, FARA, Greater Norwalk ARC and others. I sent email invitations to top activators at Connecticut parks. We posted about the group on social media and met up with people at hamfests. And now, we’re up to 47 members. That’s in just shy of two months. Quickly, we’ve discovered others who are also on the quest to activate all references in Connecticut and are as passionate about POTA as we are.
Rewind a little further… Shawn, KC1NQE, had organized a park to park net via the POTA discord channel on Summer Support Your Parks Weekend in 2022. It worked out well and we wanted to try this again. We announced the net on the new group and instructed operators to email Shawn with the parks they planned to be at Saturday morning and also to share their cell phone numbers with him. On Friday night, Shawn posted the list to the channel so all of the operators could see who else would be participating. Shawn created a text group of the operators who signed up and on Saturday morning, searched for a frequency on 40 meters to meet up on and texted it out to the group. In addition to this being Support Your Parks Weekend, it was also the Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) weekend, so the bands were busy.
Shawn acted as net control, but with a twist. Once he had made contact with all of the stations on the list and any late check-ins, he handed over net control to me. Since we’d already made our contact, I called for stations below me on the list and once done, handed net control to Peter, K1PCN. As you can see, the further down the list you go, the fewer contacts need to be made eventually with the last person likely not having to call anyone, since they’ve already QSO’d with everyone above them on the list. It was the ultimate in getting park to park contacts since we were all out at parks in the state.
In the end, we had about 20 participants and virtually everyone could hear everyone else from one end of the state to the other. Towards the very end of our net, we began experiencing some QRM from a JOTA station that went on the air 1 Mhz down from our frequency position and a few operators missed a few park to park contacts. We have some ideas for our next net on ways to speed things up and move through the list more efficiently, but in the end, our idea worked out well.
The day didn’t end there. We planned a meet up at a park that is in the middle of the state, hoping that the trip for any operator within the state wouldn’t have a very long drive to get there. We met at K-1728, Wharton Brook State Park in Wallingford, Connecticut. There, the Meridan Amateur Radio Club brought out their emergency operations trailer and tents and tables. They set up an SSB station, a digital station and even a satellite station. Many of the operators from around the state did drive to the park and met each other in person. A number of students taking classes for their technician test and some newly licensed hams also came out to see what ham radio is all about.
Before we wrapped up for the day, we did a round robin of park to park contacts on VHF and UHF. Surprisingly, some local hams heard us on the call channels and got in on the action and got a few park QSO’s for themselves. To get an idea of how the day went, Rob, N1NUG, recorded a video of his experience which you can watch at
If you’re into parks on the air and live in the state of Connecticut, please apply for membership in the CT-POTA group on The group is active and we’ll announce future CT POTA events and meet ups on the list.
New England Division Director Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, writes:
Phil Temples K9HI, our Assistant Directors, and I will hold our next New England Division Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, November 8th at 7 pm ET. The purpose of the meeting will be to provide you with an ARRL update, get your thoughts on what we should be focusing on, and answer any questions that you might have about the ARRL and what we are doing on behalf of ARRL members here in New England. We plan to spend a good deal of our time together answering your questions. If you’d like to send us a question in advance, you can do so via an email to, or you can just plan to ask your questions during the Town Hall Meeting. We will hold our Town Hall Meeting via a Zoom Webinar. You can get a personal link to join the Town Hall Meeting via the following link (paste the link in your browser to register) – After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. We hope to see you on November 8th! ——————————————————————– ARRL New England Division Director: Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC ——————————————————————–
ARRL Chief Financial Officer Diane Middleton, W2DLM writes:
Dear ARRL Affiliated Club,
ARRL is aware that some amateur radio clubs who had been insured by Marsh/AIG, a previous provider of the ARRL Club Liability Insurance Program, are receiving notices that their club liability insurance is not being renewed. ARRL discontinued its relationship with Marsh/AIG in 2011, but some clubs who had previously enrolled in the policies were still renewing with the old provider — and not in the current ARRL program.
The current program administrator (since 2015) for the ARRL-sponsored Club Liability Insurance Program is Risk Strategies. ARRL has a strong relationship with the current administrator who understands the importance of local amateur radio clubs and will help clubs seek new policies. Risk Strategies also administers the ARRL Equipment Insurance Plan for members.
Clubs that are affected by the loss of coverage from the previous provider are encouraged to contact Risk Strategies. Please visit Risk Strategies online at or by phone at 1-866-819-0209 (please leave a message and your call will be returned).
Diane Middleton, W2DLM
Chief Financial Officer
ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio®
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
(860) 594-0225
Larry Krainson, W1AST, 2023 ARRL Massachusetts VOTA State Manager writes:
The ARRL Massachusetts VOTA fall operating week is on the air for the second and last time through Tuesday, November 7. If you want to work W1AW/1 in Massachusetts then monitor the spotting networks and work the volunteer stations soon!
Thank you,
Larry, W1AST
ARRL WMA Affiliated Club Coordinator
HCRA President
Visit my Ham Radio club website at:
Team K2H – 13 Colonies Massachusetts State Manager
2023 ARRL VOTA Massachusetts State Manager
Project Big E 2022 & 2023 Organizer
Proud Member of ARRL, FCARC & YCCC
The Rhode Island October 2023 Section Newsletter is now available at <>.
The November 2023 issue of the Maine Telegraph is available for viewing.
Dave Colter, WA1ZCN, writes on Twin State Radio Club mailing list:
The NH-AREs Simulated Emergency Test (SET) is scheduled for next Saturday, November 4, from 8am to 1pm. However, the actual time commitment is minimal.
If you didn’t see the original announcement several weeks ago (attached,) we’re doing a re-run of last year’s 1938 hurricane-based SET with a small expansion. For purposes of this exercise, we’re assuming that all repeaters are down, and that HF conditions are poor. That leaves us with mostly 2m simplex operations on 146.51 (no tone) which can require “high-point” relay stations, both for local coverage and a path to the State EOC (SEOC) and Red Cross in Concord. This year, we’re primarily concerned with the paths to the Bow Relay point on Quimby Hill in Bow, which has a commanding “view” of the capital region and points east and south, and seems to work well for long-haul paths (not Coos, of course.)
We have a state-wide list of known sites that have proven to have a path to Bow Relay, or have that potential. We are looking for even more sites, because you never know which ones will be accessible after a major hurricane. Attachment K, High Point Relay, is attached.
I’d like West Central ARES members to test all the sites on the list in in our area, as well as identify others. All this requires is attempting to contact Bow Relay (tactical call) from that location during the SET, which should only require a few minutes. If you live near one of these sites, of know of one with a good long eastern view (even your own home!,) please let me know. (We have a preference for “drive up” sites rather than “hike-in” for obvious reasons.) Just make contact with Bow Relay, and report the signal quality to me. I tested Bly Hill in Newbury last year, so I won’t be trying that one again.
Be aware that “hidden transmitter” syndrome will be a big issue with every active group in the state trying to reach Bow Relay as they test various sites. Listen for a while to be sure Pete W1FEA at Bow Relay isn’t talking to anyone else.
We’re a small group, so we need as many folks as possible to lend a hand with this test. If you have questions or site ideas you want to talk about, send me a note. Hope to hear you on the air!
Dave Colter WA1ZCN
Interim EC – West Central NH ARES
ASEC, Training – NH-ARES
Hamshack Hotline: Ext. 4806
Douglas Sharafanowich,WA1SFH, writes on the ct-ares list:
Hello CT ARES members in REGION 2:
We will be holding a FUN FALL Drill in 2 Weeks.
DATE: Saturday – Nov. 11
WHAT: A “DAM” Drill
HOURS: 1030 – 1200
More information about this “DAM” Drill is available at:
73, Douglas Sharafanowich – WA1SFH
ARES District Emergency Coordinator (DEC)
Region 2 – Connecticut Section
email: wa1sfh “at” arrl “dit” net
ARRL Section Youth Coordinator – Connecticut Section
email: connecticutSYC “at” gmail “dit” com
Doug Bruce, N1WRN, writes in the Billerica ARS November newsletter:
I am pleased to announce that our guest speaker for the November 1, 2023, club meeting via Zoom will be none other than Rick Roderick, K5UR, the current President of the ARRL!
Rick will give a talk on what’s new at the ARRL and will share valuable insights on our great hobby. You will definitely want to make sure and attend this Zoom Presentation to be given by a true pioneer in ham radio!
[For Zoom conference details, email Bruce Anderson, W1LUS, at w1lus -at- hotmail -dot- com.]