Scenes from the Meriden (CT) ARC General Class

From Meriden ARC Facebook page:
LEFT: MARC VP & current reining Elmer of the Year, NZ1J, Dave Tipping, lectures our General Class on inductance, capacitance and resonant circuits last night.
What an absolute treat for all of us Radio/Electronics nerds in attendance – Thanks Dave!
RIGHT: A sneak peak into KC1QWH, Stephen‘s notebook…. Steve reported he was feeling smart in his post about last night’s class – we’re glad to hear it. We’re just about half way there!

Batteries on Airplanes

Don Dickey, WV1W, writes on the CT-POTA list:
The New York Times had an article in today’s edition:
Rules for Portable Batteries on Planes Are Changing. Here’s What to Know.”
The article is probably behind a paywall but you may be able to read it:
As an author, I respect copyright law, so can’t post the text or a PDF, but what it says is that the laws are changing. This apparently happened already on airlines that have experienced fires: South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Singapore. The US, EU, and UK may soon follow, so the situation is in flux because incidents have increased.
Currently, most (but not all) US airlines allow up to two 160 watt-hour batteries on-board in carry-on baggage. Lithium batteries are not allowed in checked bags. In case you are math-challenged, that’s a 12 amp-hour battery, like the one I mentioned in a post last week:
That is the battery I took with me for POTA in Arizona last year, and I can recommend it as near-perfect for QRO POTA if you want to travel by air to distant parks. I removed the power leads, taped over the terminals, and packed it in a heavy plastic freezer bag. TSA sniffed it (and my FT-891) and let it fly.

POTA Support Your Parks Weekend, April 18-20, 2025

Parks On The Air logoShawn Warren, KC1NQE writes on the CT-POTA list:

Happy Spring, Everyone!

Spring is finally here, and that means it’s time for this year’s Spring Support Your Parks Weekend, happening April 18-20. This particular weekend is extra special—not only is it World Amateur Radio Day on April 18th, but Easter falls on April 20th, giving us plenty of opportunities to make contacts and light up Connecticut’s parks in the logbooks as K2D!

Join Us for the P2P Net & Potluck Picnic!

To welcome in the Spring, we’ll be hosting our Park-to-Park (P2P) net on 40 meters at 10:00 AM on Saturday, April 20th. Pick your favorite park to activate and jump on the net, or come meet up with us at:

  • Wharton Brook State Park (US-1728)
    675 US-5, North Haven, CT 06473
    10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

We’ll be gathering for a potluck picnic, so bring a dish to share—your favorite homemade meal, snacks, beverages, or desserts are all welcome! There will also be a tailgate-style POTA show and tell, so bring your radio gear to show off and operate.

Represent Connecticut as K2D!

If you’d like to activate using the K2D special event call sign, please use this [Sign-Up Link] to claim a rover number for spotting purposes. When logging your contacts:

* Log your station as K2D
* Log yourself as the operator using your personal call sign
* Submit logs to Conrad N2YCH – N2YCH(at)

Your personal POTA account will receive credit when the logs are uploaded to K2D.

Let’s make this an amazing weekend on the air and celebrate Spring together! Hope to see you out there.


HamSCI Workshop, March 14-15, 2025

HamSCI 2025 workshop logoDavid McGaw, N1HAC, writes on the New England Sci-Tech mailing list:

The following is the information for attending the HamSCI Workshop virtually on Zoom.  It is this Friday and Saturday.

This is the main information page:


David N1HAC

Hello HamSCI Community – Here is the Zoom registration link for both days of the HamSCI Workshop, 14 and 15 March, 2025.  There is no charge for virtual attendees.

Or, at, find Join A Meeting and use  Webinar ID: 971 6132 4956
Either way, you will have to register first  – with your name and e-mail – then you will be sent the actual link to join the Zoom session.
You can register now and receive the link for March 14 and 15.  We hope to see many of you there!
73 de Gary, AF8A
For the Local Organizing Committee

Upcoming NH Hamfests and Flea Markets

ARRL New Hampshire Section Section Manager Peter J Stohrer, W1FEA, writes on the ARRL NH members list:

Spring is in the air and time for Hamfests and Amateur Radio Flea
Markets. Here is a list of upcoming events.

CVRC 2025 Ham Radio Indoor Flea Market

Sunday, March 16th, 2025 (Snow date March 23rd) The Henniker Community
School 51 Western Avenue, Henniker, NH (West of Concord) Talk-in: Call
K1BKE 146.895 (-600 kHz, PL 100 Hz)
Directions from Concord I-89 North to Exit 5, to Route 202/Route 9. Take
Route 114 exit and bear left onto Route 114 South Go to center of town
and turn right at the flashing light. School is 5th building on the
left. Entrance in front.

Contoocook Valley Radio Club | K1BKE


Port City Amateur Radio Club Spring Hamfest and flea market

The annual hamfest and flea market Saturday April 5th at the Saint James
Masonic Lodge 77 Tide Mill Road. 8a to noon with a VE session at 1p
Admission is $5 and children under 12 are admitted free.

Lakes Region Repeater Association Spring Hamfest

Saturday, April 12,2025 7a to 1P. Location at the Ossipee Town Hall 55
Main Street, Center Ossipee, NH 03814
Vendor setup at 7a, Handicap Access, Refreshments, Tailgating
Admission fee $10. Vendors free


May 2nd and 3rd, 2025
Hillsborough County 4H Fairgrounds 17 Hilldale Lane, New Boston, NH


Experimental New England APRS Net

From: Don AB1PH



Announcing the experimental New England APRS net



WHEN: second Monday of the month (for March, this is Monday Mar 10): 0600 ET – 2359 ET

WHERE: APRS network

HOW: Destination Station = ANSRVR

HOW: Message body = CQ [space] NEAPRS [space] “your text: check-in message of choice.”


If you would like to participate, you can sign up at:


Questions:  contact John KC1VMZ


We look forward to your participation!


2025 Northeast HamXposition Ticketing & Hotel Reservations Now Open


2025 HamX banner


There are only 172 days until HamX—the 2025 Northeast HamXposition and New England Division Convention! 

Thursday evening, Juston McKinney returns for the second annual Comedy Kickoff.
Ned Stearns, AA7A, is our guest speaker for the Friday DXCC/Contest Dinner sponsored by DX Engineering.
Saturday morning, our Keynote Speaker will be Thomas Witherspoon, K4SWL, on how mentorship will carry the hobby into the future. 
Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF, will talk about the HamSCI project at the Saturday Evening Grand Banquet.