Phil Crombie, Jr., K1XFC
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC)
Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)
Connecticut Section
Cell: 860-338-6332
Serving ARRL members who reside in the New England sections
Phil Crombie, Jr., K1XFC
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC)
Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)
Connecticut Section
Cell: 860-338-6332
Connecticut Section Youth Coordinator Douglas Sharafanowich, WA1SFH, has compiled a best practices document entitled “Running a Successful JOTA Event Station” to share with clubs and groups who sponsor Jamboree On The Air events.
[PDF Download]On Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 5:08 PM Ez via groups.io <Ez.W1AEZ=gmail.com@groups.io> wrote:
Only 4 days left! It is vital (and free) to take action before September 20th, 2024
What is going on? The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is currently allowing public comment on a proposal by NextNav Inc. that would reconfigure the 902-928 MHz band used by amateur radio and Meshtastic, and replace it with a backup GPS system.
At the very least, this is likely to disrupt range and performance of Meshtastic devices- but the implications could be far wider.
Take action before September 20th, 2024
The fastest way to take action is to submit an Express Comment at the FCC website. Here is a direct link with docket number pre-filled. Or click here to learn more.
Your action is vital to keeping the 900 Mhz network open to all!
Crichton at Meshtastic has a detailed writeup at the Meshtastic blog, as well as a published opposition letter from Meshtastic President JM Casler. We encourage all to read Crichton’s post to get a full understanding of the FCC proposal and the negative effects it would have on the Meshtastic community.
Only 4 days left to take action, then the FCC will make a decision
The fastest way to take action is to submit an Express Comment at the FCC website. Here is a direct link with docket number pre-filled. Or click here to learn more.
There will be a 1 watt signal continuously on 146.565 MHz. It will make a short beep every three seconds and will ID in Morse Code every minute.
The 10mW transmitter is on 147.455 MHz and will beep every three seconds and will ID in Morse Code every minute.
The 1mW transmitter is on 146.290 MHz and beeps every three seconds and ID as W1NRG in Morse Code every minute. Expect a range of only about 1/10 mile on this transmitter.
Dave NZ1J
Douglas Sharafanowich,WA1SFH, writes on the CT-ARES mailing list:
Boy Scouts Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) 2024… is COMING!
Saturday – Oct 19
LINK: https://www.arrl.org/jamboree-on-the-air-jota
The Clock is Ticking…
In just about 1 month, you will have the opportunity to introduce kids to Amateur Radio, and help build a DREAM.
This is a great Public Service Event (PSE)
It also is a fun way to “Go Portable”, and field test your gear.
YOU Make it Happen!
Status (9/13/24):
– I have confirmed requests for JOTA Activity Stations at TWO Boy Scout Camps (Greenwich and Goshen).
– I am waiting to hear back to hear back about two additional camps (Redding and New Hartford).
Give the Scouts the opportunity to have conversations On-The-Air.
We NEED YOU… and your equipment.
I am looking to form Teams of 4-6 hams to go to each camp, run a JOTA “Activity Station”, and provide:
– HF radios
– VHF/UHF Mobile Radios
– Appropriate antennas and support gear
NOTE: AC Power is not always available.
Got Questions?
Please contact me at:
To Volunteer, please go to:
Thank you !
Updates to follow.
Carl Achin, WA1ZCQ, writes on the New England QRP mailing list:
* “Chowdercon” is a full day of eating (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and operating on Four Tree Island, New Hampshire. Get to Four Tree Island before 8AM to get a good parking spot in the Four Tree Island parking lot. As usual, lunch is at Geno’s and our farewell dinner/banquet will be at a New restaurant this year, due to the closure of our usual eatery closing/closed.
Four Tree Island can get cold, even on a warm day so bring a windbreaker and hoodie/sweatshirt. And don’t forget your favorite low-power Field-Op rig, wire antenna, etcetera.
* More information to follow in another upcoming email next week.
We’re touching on 3 decades now (2000’s, 2010’s, and now the 2020’s) of this Annual Celebration of the end-of-Summer / beginning-of-Fall convention/conference of low-power radio enthusiasts operating on, Four Tree Island, New Hampshire.
Come join-in on the, Fun, Excitement, and, Camaraderie, of “Chowdercon 2024”!
* * * DATE: Saturday, September 21st, 2024, … the Equinox Weekend. – (Rain date is the following Saturday, the 28th.
7 3 . .
P.S. – Read about, and, check-out past pictures of Chowdercon here: