Update on New Hampshire HB1644 update February 18, 2022

NH State House, ConcordNew Hampshire Section Manager Pete Stohrer, K1PJS, writes to the NH ARRL Members List:

On Thursday February 17th the NH House voted 245 to 104 to send HB1644 to interim study. This effectively kills the bill for this legislative session. The bill would have required 5G telecommunication antenna to be placed at least 1,640 feet from residentially zoned areas, parks, playgrounds, hospitals, nursing homes, day care centers, and schools. In addition, an online registry would have been created to allow residents who are experiencing biological symptoms from wireless radiation exposure to list their relevant information.

Although the bill was aimed primarily at wireless 5G applications, enough ambiguity in the wording raised legitimate concerns of the unintended consequences to other non 5G radio services including amateur radio.

Interim study will take a serious look at the problems with the bill and NH Leadership will be ready to offer testimony to protect amateur radio interests if needed. Further information will be made available to our NH ARRL membership as it becomes available. Section would like to thank the many NH amateur operators who provided written testimony to their legislators against HB1644

ARRL New Hampshire Section
Section Manager: Peter J Stohrer, K1PJS