Eric Pfiefer, N1JUR, of Merrimack, NH, is operating from Robert Frost Farm State Historic Site, K-8023, in Derry, NH for Parks On The Air. He was last spotted around 1818 UTC, according to “Anyone interested in making a contact with me, I’ll be on 20 meters around 14.220 MHz.”
Month: June 2021
K1VR: “Antenna Zoning VI: Your Hearing, And What to Do,” ARRL Learning Series, June 30, 2021
Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, writes:
The sixth and final webinar of the ARRL Learning Network series on Antenna Zoning will be presented at 2 pm ET Wednesday, TODAY, June 30th.
Worried about a public hearing? This session is your guide. Length: 17 minutes 38 seconds. A live question and answer session will follow.
Subjects: Your hearing, what to do, the use of photos, points to emphasize.
To watch, go to
> To register for an upcoming presentation click here <
If you can’t tune in at 2 pm ET (18z) Monday, about one day later it will be up on the ARRL web site. The five previous webinars are already posted. On the Learning Network page, click on
> To view recordings of previous sessions click here < .
ARRL New England Division
Director: Fred Hopengarten, K1VR
ARRL Product Development Manager Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, HamXposition 2021 Keynote Speaker
Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, will be the keynote speaker at the 2021 Northeast HamXposition.
The keynote theme is “Growing Amateur Radio.” There is no shortage of new ham radio licensees each year–approximately 30,000. But only a fraction ever become active. Bob will share stories, perspective, and ARRL initiatives intended to develop more active, involved, and engaged radio amateurs.
Bob Inderbitzen is the Product Development Manager for ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®, and has been on the ARRL HQ staff for 30 years. He advances, with his staff colleagues, ideas that lead to new and improved ARRL membership programs, services, and products. Bob obtained his first ham radio license as a 6th-grader in 1981, and was president of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute Wireless Association from 1987-90. Today, Bob’s interests in ham radio include HF and portable operating, and station integration-and-control using the Raspberry Pi. He is an ARRL Diamond Club Life Member and a contributor to ARRL’s Second Century Campaign.
HamXposition Grand Banquet Speaker: Dr. Philip J. Erickson, W1PJE, MIT Haystack Observatory/HamSCI
Dr. Philip J. Erickson, W1PJE, will be the featured Grand Banquet Speaker at the 2021 Northeast HamXposition (ARRL New England Division Convention) in Marlborough, Massachusetts on September 10-12, 2021. W1PJE will discuss HamSCI’s latest ionospheric science investigations and will also highlight research in his group at MIT’s Haystack Observatory. The work brings international and national aspects of amateur ionospheric science into the New England realm.
Dr. Erickson is head of the Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences group, a Principal Research Scientist, and an associate director at Haystack Observatory, a multidisciplinary radio observatory operated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). A licensed radio amateur, he is a member of ARRL, RSGB, and TAPR, vice president of the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club. He is on the scientific steering board of the Ham Science Citizen Initiative (HamSCI). Dr. Erickson is also a member of the National Academy of Science, Engineering, and Medicine’s Committee on Radio Frequencies, which advocates on scientific radio frequency requirements and interference protection for scientific and engineering research.
Tickets for the Saturday evening banquet are expected to sell quickly, so make sure to get your tickets online when they are available. The meal will be plated (details in progress).
K1VR: “Antenna Zoning V: Laws That May Be Useful,” June 28, 2021
Part 5 of the ARRL Learning Network series on Antenna Zoning will be presented at 2 pm ET Monday, TODAY, June 28th.
This session will tell you about several laws that may be useful to you, or govern you. At least one may be new to you. Length: 19 minutes 56 seconds. A live question and answer session will follow.
Subjects: The OTARD Rule, the Flag Act, RF Interference, RF Exposure, various FAA laws and rules.
To watch, go to
> To register for an upcoming presentation click here <
If you can’t tune in at 2 pm ET (18z) Monday, about one day later it will be up on the ARRL web site. Click on
> To view recordings of previous sessions click here <
ARRL New England Division
Director: Fred Hopengarten, K1VR
K2K, New Hampshire 13 Colonies Special Event, July 1-7, 2021
The 13 Colonies Special Event is being held from July 1st – July 7th, 2020. Stations in New Hampshire will operate using the call sign K2K to commemorate event.
QSL information for the K2K Stations in New Hampshire can be found on the QRZ page. Please see the 13 Colonies Special Event website for more details on the event and for certificate information. Also when requesting a QSL card, please include your callsign on the front of your return SASE.
June 2021 ARES Report to Rhode Island Members
Greetings to all ARRL and ARES members:
After a year of CoViD related event hiatus and isolation, RI ARES has a much fuller schedule this year. We already offered up support to the Multiple Sclerosis MS Ride the Rhode cycling event this past month, with 10 ARES members supplementing the Walpole EMA amateur team. I thank them all for their participation.
We are, for the first time, sponsoring a Field Day effort with two HF stations, a GOTA station, and VHF/UHF stations, at Central Coventry Park off Provident Road in Coventry. Thanks to Adam KC1KCC for undertaking the organizing of this event.
We have several more public service events coming in September and October, and are planning a Summer NVIS exercise, date to be determined. Contact me, Paul W1PJS, for more info.
Through the Winter, several ARES members participated in and earned certification as AUXCOMM operators, courtesy of RIEMA, the RI Emergency Management Agency, for which we offer thanks to Gil Woodside, WA1LAD, and to Tom Guthlein. Thanks also to Ray Perry of Portsmouth EMA, Stephan Coutalakis of Exeter EMA, and the team at Providence EMA for their support in this.
Our nets now number 2 per week, consisting of the weekly VHF 2m repeater net, every Tuesday at 7 PM on the NB1RI repeater network, where we average about 24 checkins each week, the VHF simplex net on 147.420 Mhz and the HF net on 3.980 Mhz, on alternate Tuesdays at 7:45PM following the repeater nets. We encourage all appropriately licensed amateurs to check in and join the group. More info on the simplex and HF nets is available on the repeater nets, and of course on our website at Our thanks to Scott WX1X for recently assuming the role of Net Coordinator. He is doing a great job. Contact him for interest in becoming a Net Control Operator for us, and for more info on our nets.
Additionally, I’d like to announce the RI Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Foundation, soon to be formally an IRS registered 501(c)3 non-profit foundation supporting the NB1RI repeater network and the group overall. Thanks to Jeremy K1JST for working through the nuts and bolts of this project, and to those who have donated funds already. Your donations have been and continues to be greatly appreciated.
And last, which really should be first, I offer my sincere thanks to the RI ARES leadership team and membership for stepping up during this past year of CoViD challenges. I especially thank you all for your efforts while I have been struggling with my own personal challenges over this same period. I thank our Section Manager Bob Beaudet for his unfaltering support of our efforts. We have continued to grow and are running clean and solidly. I look forward to the coming year working with you all to serve our Rhode Island community. Fair winds and following seas to you all. Great job!
Paul Silverzweig
RI Section Emergency Coordinator
FEMA/RIEMA All Hazards ComL
Military Auxiliary Radio Service
RI Assoc. of Emergency Managers
Chair, Radio Comms Committee
Portsmouth RI EMA
Trustee NB1RI Repeater Network
WA1JXR Featured on QSO Today

Greg Algieri, WA1JXR, was interviewed by Eric Guth, 4Z1UG for QSO Today, episode #357. Greg lives in Lancaster, MA, and is a member of the Central Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association. WA1JXR serves as ARRL Technical Coordinator for the Western MA section.
“Greg began his ham radio journey by asking his dad for a Gillette Blue Razor Blade to make this first receiver, leading to amateur radio licenses, higher electronics education, and an entire career with Raytheon, where he worked in radio and antenna design. WA1JXR is active in his amateur radio community as a teacher of new and existing hams, restoring boat anchor vintage radios, and getting on the air.”
QSO Today is a podcast about the international hobby of amateur radio also known as ham radio. Every week, Eric interviews hams to hear their ham radio story and what they are doing now. Many of the technologies that we enjoy today including television and radio, cell phones, computers, and the Internet were born out amateur radio hobbyists experimenting with electronics and radio in their basements and garages. Amateur radio was and still is the frontier where hams conducted electronic experiments in order to make that wireless contact around the World.”
Lakes Region Repeater Association Hamfest, Ossipee, NH, August 28, 2021

The Lakes Region Repeater Association announces its 2021 LRRA W1BST Hamfest in Constitution Park, 505 Long Sands Road, Ossipee, New Hampshire, on August 28, 2021 from 8-2 PM.
Tickets are $8 prepaid* and $10 at the gate. Vendors pay $20 prepaid* and $30 at the gate. Vendor gates open at 7 AM.
PayPal is accepted; go to “Donate Button” on the club’s web site. “First come, first served, as we have limited space.”
Talk-in will be provided on the 147.03 repeater (PL 88.5 Hz).
No camping.
* non-refundable