The Newport County (RI) Radio Club, along with RI ARES, are pleased to offer a full SKYWARN Certification class, presented by Rob Macedo, KD1CY, who is the ARES SKYWARN Coordinator for NWS Boston/Norton, Massachusetts. This class will take two hours to complete. Please note, even if you have been certified in the past, it is recommended that you repeat the class every 2-3 years.
The class will begin at 7:30 PM on February 8th. There is no charge for the class, but you must register beforehand. Please register using this link as quickly as possible as space is limited:
“I have sent invitations to all our club members, as well as RI ARES, and 31 people have signed up for the class so far,” writes Newport County RC President Bob Beatty, WB4SON. “We are now happy to open up the class to others, but are limited to only 100 participants for our Zoom meeting. […] I believe we can allow another 50 people to join the meeting.”