Connecticut Section Simulated Emergency Test, October 26, 2024

CT ARES logoPhil Crombie, K1XFC, writes:
As I’ve been announcing on the Sunday night analog and DMR ARES nets, the Connecticut SET will take place on Saturday October 26 from 0900 to 1200 hours.  The purpose of the SET is to engage as many ARES members as possible in testing their emergency communications capabilities.  We do this following a probable scenario that could impact Connecticut.  Last year was a hurricane with information that built up during the week before the test.  On SET Saturday we tested VHF, UHF, HF and digital communications modes.  We also activated a number of local EOCs.  Details on this years scenario will be provided as we get closer to October 26; thirty days from today.
The purpose of this email is to get the event on your calendars and to encourage everyone to set aside the time to participate.
More information to follow.

Phil Crombie, Jr., K1XFC
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC)
Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)
Connecticut Section
Cell: 860-338-6332

GSARA Parks On The Air Meetup, Allenstown NH, October 19, 2024

Prepare for an exciting amateur radio day at the Granite State Amateur Radio Association‘s Fall Parks on the Air (POTA) Meetup! Please mark your calendars for **October 19th** as we gather at the **Bear Brook State Park Pavilion** from **10 AM to 4 PM**.

This event promises a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow radio enthusiasts, explore the park’s beauty, and participate in POTA activities. Whether you’re a seasoned operator or just starting, there’s something for everyone!

In addition to the main event, we’ll be camping for the SYP (Support Your Parks) event over the weekend, allowing for even more camaraderie and fun under the stars.

Don’t miss this chance to enhance your skills, share experiences, and enjoy the outdoors. For more details, visit our We can’t wait to see you there!

GSARA POTA Meetup Oct. 19, 2024

NextNav, Inc. 902 MHz Proposal and its Potential Impact on Meshtastic

On Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 5:08 PM Ez via <> wrote:

Only 4 days left! It is vital (and free) to take action before September 20th, 2024

What is going on? The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is currently allowing public comment on a proposal by NextNav Inc. that would reconfigure the 902-928 MHz band used by amateur radio and Meshtastic, and replace it with a backup GPS system.

At the very least, this is likely to disrupt range and performance of Meshtastic devices- but the implications could be far wider.

Take action before September 20th, 2024

The fastest way to take action is to submit an Express Comment at the FCC website. Here is a direct link with docket number pre-filled. Or click here to learn more.

Your action is vital to keeping the 900 Mhz network open to all!

Crichton at Meshtastic has a detailed writeup at the Meshtastic blog, as well as a published opposition letter from Meshtastic President JM Casler. We encourage all to read Crichton’s post to get a full understanding of the FCC proposal and the negative effects it would have on the Meshtastic community.

Only 4 days left to take action, then the FCC will make a decision

The fastest way to take action is to submit an Express Comment at the FCC website. Here is a direct link with docket number pre-filled. Or click here to learn more.

No BIG E Amateur Radio Exhibit for 2024

“There is no ham radio booth at the BIG E this year,” writes BIG E Coordinator Larry Krainson, W1AST. 
Last year’s effort was a huge success, and included The BIG E Space Chat, a live ARISS contact with the International Space Station at the BIG E fairgrounds. 
Larry is getting phone calls and emails from folks inquiring about a 2024 event.
“Someone has shown interest and there may be one next year. More info to follow in a few months.”

Live Foxhunt, Wallingford CT, September 15, 2024

Dave Tipping, NZ1J, writes on the ctfoxhunter and Meriden ARC mailing lists:
For this hunt, the 1 mW transmitter will be up to 1/4 mile away from the 1 W transmitter.  The Fox will be hiding at the location of the 1mW transmitter.  Hunt the 1W to get close and the 1mW to find the Fox.
We’ll have a live Fox Hunt on Sunday [September 15, 2024] from 9:30am until 11:00am.  The Fox will be hidden somewhere in Wallingford.
We’ll be using these three frequencies:  

There will be a 1 watt signal continuously on 146.565 MHz.  It will make a short beep every three seconds and will ID in Morse Code every minute.

The 10mW transmitter is on 147.455 MHz and will beep every three seconds and will ID in Morse Code every minute.

The 1mW transmitter is on 146.290 MHz and beeps every three seconds and ID as W1NRG in Morse Code every minute.  Expect a range of only about 1/10 mile on this transmitter.

There is no central starting location.  And, there will be no check-ins prior to the hunt.  Hunters should be at a location of their own choosing and listening on 146.565 at 9:30.  
There may be a two second long test of the 146.565 transmitter at 9:25.
Other Fox Hunters can be contacted on the W1NRG repeater 147.360 with PL 162.2  Hunters with an extra radio available might do well to monitor 147.360 throughout the hunt.
Good luck.

Dave NZ1J

SECARS Foxhunt, Ledyard CT, September 21, 2024

Mark Noe, KE1U, writes on the ctfoxhunter mailing list:
[The Southeastern Connecticut Amateur Radio Society] will be sponsoring a foxhunt this coming Saturday, September 21 at 1 PM at the Nathan Lester House in Ledyard, CT.  You can find more information at the following link:
This is an “on-foot” foxhunt.  You will drive to the museum and then commence a walking hunt for each of the transmitters.  They will all be hidden in the woods or the park grounds in front of the homestead.  There will be foxes hidden in an open field for beginners, and several of us will bring equipment and provide instruction.  If you have never been on a foxhunt before, this is a great time to learn.
The foxhunt will run for ca. 3 hours or when the last hunter has found all the foxes.  Please contact Mark at if you have any questions.
Many thanks,
Our foxes will be on the following frequencies:


K1USN SST Open, September 13, 2024

“Pi,” K1RV writes:
Just wanted to remind everyone that this Friday’s usual 2000 – 2100 SST has been expanded into the brand new annual K1USN SST Open. As you all know, the K1USN SST has been a great place for many CW newcomers as well as rusty oldtimers to make your very first CW contesting QSO.
The upper “speed limit” has always been capped at a maximum speed of 20 wpm, with many stations including the K1USN club station usually sending at a reduced speed of 12 – 14 wpm each week.
The main purpose of the “once a year” SST Open will be to try to slow down everyone who is participating so that we can encourage even more of the less experienced operators to take the opportunity to get comfortable in a real CW contest atmosphere, albeit at a more casual pace. The K1USN club station has scheduled a number of our club members to activate K1USN on all the HF bands during the four hour event because one of the new contest rules will allow stations who work K1USN on each band to pick up 50 bonus points for each band they work K1USN. We plan to be on 10, 15, 20, 40, 80 & 160 meters at various times during the four hour contest to enable everyone to have the chance to increase their scores. All K1USN operators will be sending at a maximum speed of 10 wpm.
Here is a good way to find out what bands K1USN is operating on in real time during the contest –
Please check out the SST Open web page (  ) to learn the complete rules and to also obtain the link to download and install the new K1USNSSTOP UDC file from the N1MM Logger website.
You will notice that there are scoring multiplier incentives for operating at speeds slower than 20 wpm which should also encourage other CQing stations to slow down for the duration of the SST Open.
We hope to work many of you during this new event and invite you to spread the word.
GL & 73,
Pi – K1RV / K1USN

Boy Scouts Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) Activities at Connecticut BSA Camps, October 19, 2024

JOTA 2024 logoDouglas Sharafanowich,WA1SFH, writes on the CT-ARES mailing list:


Boy Scouts Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) 2024… is COMING!
Saturday – Oct 19

The Clock is Ticking…
In just about 1 month, you will have the opportunity to introduce kids to Amateur Radio, and help build a DREAM.
This is a great Public Service Event (PSE)
It also is a fun way to “Go Portable”, and field test your gear.

YOU Make it Happen!

Status (9/13/24):
– I have confirmed requests for JOTA Activity Stations at TWO Boy Scout Camps (Greenwich and Goshen).
– I am waiting to hear back to hear back about two additional camps (Redding and New Hartford).

Give the Scouts the opportunity to have conversations On-The-Air.

We NEED YOU… and your equipment.
I am looking to form Teams of 4-6 hams to go to each camp, run a JOTA “Activity Station”, and provide:
– HF radios
– VHF/UHF Mobile Radios
– Appropriate antennas and support gear
NOTE: AC Power is not always available.

Got Questions?
Please contact me at:

To Volunteer, please go to:

Thank you !
Updates to follow.