ARISS Mentor AB1OC Assists with Ontario School Contact, February 5, 2021

ARISS logoJon Turner, AC1EV, writes:

An ARISS contact is scheduled for this Friday, February 5th with students from the Ottawa Carleton District in Ottawa, ON, Canada.  The contact will be a multipoint telebridge contact. Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, will serve as the relay amateur radio station.  The astronaut is Mike Hopkins, amateur radio call sign KF5LJG.

The pre-contact program will begin around 12:20 pm local time and the ISS will come over the horizon at about 12:40 pm local time. You can listen to the downlink from the ISS on 145.800 MHz FM and you can watch the pre-contact program and the contact on the ARISS YouTube channel via the following link:

[…] There are different frequencies for uplink and downlink so it is only possible for the public to monitor the downlink.  The ISS will be overhead in our area for this contact, so it will be easy to hear. 

One of the things I am doing now in ham radio is helping Fred Kemmerer, who is the President of the Nashua Area Radio Society, work with schools to make scheduled contacts with an astronaut on the International Space Station.  Fred is a designated ARISS mentor for the US.  ARISS is an organization that coordinates Amateur Radio activities on the International Space Station.  I am currently assisting Fred behind the scenes with testing and setting up the ground infrastructure and internet connectivity needed to have students who are remote to their school have successful contacts with the ISS.  We have a project underway with a school in Nashua for a contact in a few weeks. 

This is a link to the recent contact from RSU#21 in Maine:


Here is a link to a report from a TV station about a contact from a few weeks ago with RSU#21:

Here are other links on the contact you may find interesting:

I hope you find this interesting and are able to tune in to hear ham radio from space. 

73 and stay safe (sane, too)

Jon Turner


photo of the international space station

QCWA Scholarship Awarded to Catherine Hong, KC1MFU

Catherine Hong, KC1MFUThe Quarter Century Wireless Association, Inc. has announced its Memorial Scholarships winners.  Among the recipients are: Catherine Hong, KC1MFU, who attends the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

“Catherine Hong, KC1MFU […] is a sophomore at MIT, double majoring in Mechanical Engineering (design concentration) and a Joint degree in Comparative Media Studies & Brain and Cognitive Science. She wants to be a conscious creator, imbuing objects and experiences with functional and/or narrative value. To do so, she must understand how people find meaning and interpret the world around them, how society shapes and is shaped by media & technologies, and how to technically plan, design, and create the ideas she imagines. In her free time, Catherine draws profusely, engages in kitchen experiments, and picks up new skills from the extracurricular activities she is in, such as the computing club, the caving club, the VR/AR club, and the Radio Clubs.” –QCWA February 2021 eJournal

Scouting’s Jamboree on the Air Set for October 16-18, 2020

Jamboree On The Air 2020 logoJamboree on the Air (JOTA) and Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI) will be held this year on October 16, 17, and 18. Register online as an individual or as a group.

Jamboree on the Air is the largest Scouting event in the world. In a typical year, more than 1 million Scouts participate in JOTA, with over 11,000 stations operated by 20,000+ young radio amateurs from 150+ countries around the world.

JOTA details are available on the K2BSA website. The website menu will direct users to additional supporting information. K2BSA’s Jim Wilson, K5ND, says many locations are already offering virtual radio merit badge classes “and no doubt will be using similar approaches for Jamboree on the Air.”