Public Relations
June 24, 2023 Proclaimed as “Amateur Radio Day” in Massachusetts
Amateur Radio Month in New Hampshire Proclaimed by Governor Sununu
Paul Stohrer, W1FEA, writes on the NH ARRL members list:
WHEREAS, Amateur Radio represents an organized, volunteer communications public service asset, duly authorized by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission; and
WHEREAS, Through research and experimentation, Amateur Radio has contributed to the advancement of radio technology; and
WHEREAS, The New Hampshire Section of the American Radio Relay League (NH-ARRL) has a Memorandum of Understanding with New Hampshire’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management to provide backup communications capabilities in times of disaster; and
WHEREAS, Licensed Amateur Radio operators in New Hampshire, using skills developed through practice and radio equipment built or purchased themselves, form a vital communications network under the auspices of the American Radio Relay League — New Hampshire Amateur Radio Emergency Service (NH-ARES) program; and
WHEREAS, The Amateur Radio Emergency Service continues to work toward providing critical communications assets for the public good, in times of local and national emergencies and at numerous non-profit public service events held throughout the year; and
WHEREAS, Beyond providing public emergency assistance, New Hampshire’s\ Radio Amateurs contribute to international friendship and goodwill by way of their daily communications throughout the world in pursuit of their education and skill; and
WHEREAS, During the weekend of June 24-25, New Hampshire Amateur Radio operators will join thousands of other amateurs throughout the United States and the world in sharpening their operating skills under emergency conditions in an annual preparedness exercise known as “Field Day;”
NOW, THEREFORE, I Chris Sununu, GOVERNOR of the State of New Hampshire, do hereby proclaim the month of JUNE 2023 as AMATEUR RADIO MONTH in New Hampshire and call this to the attention of all citizens.
Raul “Skip” Camejo – AC1LC
Public Information Coordinator
ARRL New Hampshire Section
PO Box 206
Ashland, NH 03217
ARRL New Hampshire Section
Section Manager: Peter J Stohrer, W1FEA
Ham Volunteers Needed to Staff The BIG E Booth, September 15-October 1, 2023

Please follow this link to sign up or if you are a club and want a certain day/session that is still available, please email Larry, W1AST direct at or if you have any questions about the booth.
Larry, W1AST
- ARRL WMA Affiliated Club Coordinator
- HCRA President
- Visit my Ham Radio club website at:
- Team K2H – 13 Colonies Massachusetts State Manager
- Project Big E 2022 & 2023 Organizer
- Proud Member of ARRL, FCARC & YCCC
- 413-348-3289
New Hampshire Amateur Radio Operators Prepare For Annual Field Day Event (Press Release)
May 30, 2023
For more information contact :
Skip Camejo, Public Information Coordinator, New Hampshire Section ARRL
Or individual club contacts listed below.
New Hampshire amateur radio operators prepare for annual Field Day event.
Every June, more than 40,000 amateur radio operators, known as “hams” throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio’s science, skill and service to their communities. Field Day combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933, and remains the most popular event in ham radio. Field Day 2023 will be held on June 24th and June 25th.
The slogan for the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) “When all else fails, amateur radio” is just as important now as it has been since amateur radio first began in the early parts of the 20th century. The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) regulation governing amateur radio states as the basis and purpose “(a) Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary noncommercial communication service, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications.”
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has recently entered into an updated Memorandum of Agreement with the ARRL . The agreement will enhance cooperation between ARRL’s emergency communications program, the Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®), and FEMA in providing disaster communications. The agreement emphasizes the importance of skilled Amateur Radio Operators in times of crisis and the role of ARES leadership within the emergency communications space. In March 2023 FEMA released the final version of the NIMS Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Functional Guidance, which includes amateur radio in the response program and national emergency preparedness.
Field Day provides valuable experience and training to enhance the efforts of these federally licensed amateur radio operators in practicing for their emergency communication response capabilities. It should be noted that in the event of an emergency, amateur radio operators provide this service utilizing their own or club owned radio equipment at no cost to the public or other responding emergency service agencies.
A number of New Hampshire amateur radio clubs and organizations are planning events to help educate the public as to the value of amateur radio to the community for emergency communication response as well as the fun aspects of the hobby. Members of the public are invited and encouraged to visit one of the Field Day events.
As of this date the following events are planned.
The Granite State Amateur Radio Association will be holding Field Day at 972 Back Mountain Rd Goffstown, NH. They typically have a “Get on the air” or GOTA station and a fox transmitter hidden on the grounds for fox hunting demonstrations. Last year they lead members of the public on a short fox hunt using radios to find the hidden transmitter.
Contact: William Arcand ph: 603-600-6469 email: Club website:
The Lakes Region Repeater Association will be holding their Field Day event at 151 Old Route 109, Moultonborough, NH They will have a GOTA station and the public will be able to observe operators involved in contest events. They are planning on running a contest period for 24 hours, with no breaks. The contest officially ends at 2pm on Sunday.
Contact: Rich Kumpf ph: 508-259-7600 email: WF1V@ARRL.NET Club website: www.W1BST.ORG
The Great Bay Radio Association will be holding their Field Day event at the Milton Town Beach in Milton, NH.
Contact: Jeffrey Zajicek ph: 603-833-1087 email: Club website:
The Cheshire County DX Amateur Radio Club will be holding their Field Day event at the Mt Caesar School 585 Old Homestead Hwy
Swanzey, NH. The Cheshire County Club will be offering a GOTA station.
Contact: Jeff Mungovan ph: 603-680-1978 email: Club website:
The Nashua Area Radio Society will hold their Field Day event at 1 Memorial Drive Hudson, NH. They will be including a GOTA station in addition to radio demonstrations.
Contact: Jonathan Turner ph:617-470-1739 email: Club website:
Additional information is attached to this release from the ARRL regarding Field Day.
Raul “Skip” Camejo – AC1LC
Public Information Coordinator
ARRL New Hampshire Section
PO Box 206
Ashland, NH 03217
Providence Radio Association Will Operate N1F / NAF During Armed Forces Day Crossband Test, May 13, 2023
Dave “Tess” Tessitore, K1DT, writes:
Armed Forces Day Crossband Test: May 13, 2023 1400Z – 2300Z (10 am-7 pm)
[The Providence Radio Association] will operate this annual Amateur Radio/Department of Defense joint exercise from the PRA clubhouse (and possibly Ft. Burnside) using the military callsign NAF – NEWPORT NAVAL RADIO STATION MUSEUM NEWPORT, RI.Thanks to W3LPL for securing permission from the DoD for us to use the original callsign NAF – NAVRADSTA(T) Newport for this cooperative military event and tribute to our US Armed Forces.
We have also secured the Amateur Special Event 1×1 callsign N1F so as to foster further activity in the ham bands! https://www.dodmars.